Teaching the alien world

13-Gedin Bunker

Chapter 13 - The Gambion Bunker

From Pandora's specially prepared equipment for himself, Mo Fan only chose a few fitting clothes and a few gold coins needed by the mercenaries, so he took Andre away from the money club and prepared to go to the * point of the mercenary union of the Anting Kingdom.

It was not until he left the Golden Club that Mo Fan learned the specific name of the circular street from Andre. The circular commercial street known as the 'Anting Pearl' is not only the lifeblood of the Anting Kingdom, but also the material distribution center of several other neighboring small kingdoms nearby.

The weather is very good today. Mo Fan, who was walking on the street, looked curiously. There were all kinds of strange things stalls on both sides of the street, and the bustling crowd of people buying and selling. He couldn't help saying strangely, "What have the city management here done? It's so messy here that they don't come out to take care of it?"

"Brother, what does the urban management do?" Andrea, who was very puzzled, asked casually.

"City management!" Thinking of some very distant things that he had seen in his previous life and was afraid that Andre would not understand it, Mo Fan thought about it seriously before he said, "The urban management is actually a very powerful special force. They are responsible for maintaining local police and order to eliminate all evil justice."

"Oh, so that's it!" Andre, who seemed to understand, thought for a moment and said seriously, "Brother, what kind of urban management do you think should be the knight of the Church of Light!"

"Is the church knight a city manager? So why don't they care about these stall merchants? Hearing Andre talking about church knights, Mo Fan was not interested. He raised his eyebrows and said, "The knights of the Church of Light should not be regarded as urban management! Because they don't have the ability to manage these businessmen who set up stalls, they are not a qualified urban management.

"Who said that the knights of the church don't care about these businessmen." Andrea, who was very unconvinced, pointed to a corner not far ahead and argued, "Look over there, that bastard Paladin has come out to collect taxes again."

"Who is Paladin?"

"It's the Silver Knight of the Pontifical Branch of Anting, that is, the city manager you mentioned." Andre pointed to the knight in front of him who was busy collecting money and motioned Mo Fan to look.

Looking along Andre's hand, Mo Fan found a church knight wearing silver armor and a sword with a broad hip, who was arrogantly collecting money one by one. When he saw the tall Andre pointing to himself, he immediately turned his head and slipped away.

Mo Fan found that the church knight turned around and left when he saw him. He mistakenly thought that he had recognized himself as the murderer who did evil at the altar that day. Now he is busy going back to report the news. He 'clucked' in his heart and hurriedly urged Andre: "Big stupid bear, let's get out of here!"

"What's urgent?" Seeing Mo Fan pushing a few times, Andre, who was confused, said puzzledly, "Miss Pandora has repeatedly told me to go to the front to buy a good weapon."

"Buy weapons later. Let's go to the Mercenary Union* first!" Mo Fan withdrew and pulled Andrea in the opposite direction. Of course, someone is not timid, but doesn't want to get into trouble at this time.

"Even if you go to the mercenary union, you have to go this way! Brother, why do you retreat? Dragged back by Mo Fan, andan de lie with an innocent face pointed to the road behind him and said, "Just on the way, let's buy weapons first."

"Is there no other way?" Mo Fan, who still dragged Andre back, said hesitantly.

"No." Andre nodded vigorously and said affirmatively.

"Wh! Just die! I would like to see how powerful the knights of the church can be. Seeing that the trouble could not be avoided, Mo Fan, who mistakenly thought that he was found, was cruel and secretly prepared to fight, so he pulled Andre back: "All right! Let's buy weapons first!"

Under the leadership of Andre's familiar road, Mo Fan quickly walked out of the circular commercial street, came to a relatively remote corner, and then followed him into a weapons store with a broken signboard.

However, neither of them noticed that a guy in a black cloak was sneaking with them to come here. When he saw Mo Fan and Andre entering the store, the man in black tried to follow him in, but at this time, a team of golden armored knights suddenly appeared and rudely tied them up. Let's go.


Pushing the door, Mo Fan followed Andre and slowly walked in. The first thing he saw was a rusty, dusty broken counter, and a sleeping chair in the counter, covered with a black blanket, and he could not see the appearance clearly.

If Mo Fan hadn't had pointed eyes and found some rusty, sword-like broken copper and iron on the walls around the store, he would have really thought that this was a dry shop for travelers to take a nap, not a weapon shop in Andre's mouth.

Mo Fan, who was preconceived and felt the difference, couldn't help shaking his head and looked unbelievable. Damn it! Is Pandora, the queen of gold worship, so blind? Even if this rags store is really a weapons store, it is also a professional black shop specializing in killing customers, which is very unskilled!

"Are you sure there is a weapon you want?" Mo Fan grinned and looked at Andre very depressedly.

"Miss Pandora said, there must be here." Irregarding Mo Fan's doubts, Andre went straight to the dusty counter and patted him gently, "Bung, you always lazy guy, get up quickly."

"Who is it? I didn't go to bed early in the morning and came to disturb my old man's dream. The man lying on the couch said angrily, lifted the black blanket on his body and got up from the couch.

It was not until this time that Mo Fan was surprised to find that the owner of this weapons store was not a human, but a strange man with long ears, big eyes and green skin. It seems to have a fight with those goblins that only appear in the game in the previous life.

Bunk, the gobster who got up from the couch, rubbed his eyes and found that it was his old acquaintance Andre. Then he suppressed his unhappy temper and went straight to the topic and said, "What weapon do you want, stupid bear?"

"I don't know." Andrea shook his head and said, "It's just that Miss Pandora said that the price is not a problem for you to find me a good weapon."

"All right! Choose carefully by yourself. As soon as he heard that the price was negotiable, the gobster Bunker suddenly became energetic, happily opened the dark space ring on the middle finger of his right hand, and scatteredly took out all kinds of high-quality weapons.

Looking at the dazzling array of weapons with strong heavy metal texture, Andre didn't know which one to choose for a moment, so he looked at Mo Fan and said in embarrassment, "Brother, please help me see that these weapons are more suitable for me."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me big brother?" For Andre, a big man of nearly 50 or 60 years old, Mo Fan's face was also quite speechless. He would never tell Andrea that he was actually under 30 years old. If he is in the world of Rhinester, his age can only be regarded as *.

"No, I didn't say it!" Looking at Andre's stubborn face with a giggle, Mo Fan also knew that he had said it in vain, so he simply began to look through the weapons on the table.

But over and over, Mo Fan found that although the weapons taken out by the gobler Bunker are of good quality, they are nothing more than shields, one-handed samurai swords, and two-handed knight broad swords. As for the Tang Dao, the hegemony knife, the majestic eight-way hammer, and other weapons that symbolize absolute violence.

"Dang" threw down a one-handed sword in his hand with great dissatisfaction. Thinking of the despicable character of the gobbot in the previous game, Mo Fan raised his head and stared at the gobion Bunker and said, "Don't fool us with these defective products. Show me all the good things in your hand.

"I have eyesight." Seeing that Mo Fan was still familiar with goods and was not blinded by these gorgeous weapons, the gobrink was not pretentious. He opened the space ring on his right hand again, took out some weapons that he usually did not want to take out and said, "Look at it yourself!" These weapons are made of black titanium, and their lethality is quite good.

"It looks good." Looking at the strange-looking swords that Bunker took out, with a dark and shiny appearance and cold light, Mo Fan nodded with satisfaction and motioned Andrea to get it and have a try.

"It's still a little light." Andre obediently took all the weapons one by one, and finally shook his head dissatisfiedly.

"You big stupid bear, do you have such a weapon? These are all great masterpieces of my govish king Bunk, which are not easily seen by others. Feeling insulted, the goin Bunker waved his thin arms, glared at Andre, and screamed almost franically, "Are these great masterpieces from the king's hands just those rags that can be weighed in your eyes?"

Seeing that Bunker's anger did not look fake, Mo Fan couldn't help laughing secretly. Who said that gobres are timid and despicable, greedy and afraid of death, and profit-oriented? At least the guy who calls himself the king of gobler in front of him now has no sense of a businessman and dares to scold his customers so angrily.

"Don't be angry with the great gobster king." Seeing that Bunker turned his head angrily, he was too lazy to pay attention to Andre's innocent face. Mo Fan, who was relatively knowledgeable, had to persuade him, "Since my brother has said it, you can find him a slightly heavier weapon!" Then you can make more money, can't you?

"You can talk." After listening to Mo Fan's words, Bunker, who felt a little comfortable, turned his head, touched his chin, thought about it seriously for a while and then said, "I have a heavy and best weapon in my hand. Andre, a big stupid bear, must not be able to pick it up. And the price..."

"Take it out and have a look!" As soon as he heard Bunker talk about the best, Mofan suddenly became interested, touched his chin and casually interrupted him. The weapon that can be valued by the govite must have an extraordinary and refined history, but he wants to see it.

"Okay! Come to the back with me!" Seeing that Mo Fan was so interested and Bunker, who was interrupted, didn't care, he took the two straight into the backyard of the store. Prepare to let two people see what is the real best weapon.

It was not until Mo Fan, who followed the gobron Bunk into the backyard and saw dozens of tall and majestic mechanical puppets and various scattered mechanical parts standing in the courtyard, that he felt that the weapon shop really had extraordinary strength. While unconsciously looking forward to the best heavy weapon, I also came up with a bold idea, which is to subdue the king of the earthly.

Bunker took the two through the backyard, entered a dilapidated hut full of scrap metal, and lay in the corner waste with his fingers. A small hammer 30 centimeters long, very inconspicuous, said to Mo Fan very contemptuously, "Where is that best weapon lying there!" I dare to guarantee the ticket. Andre's big stupid bear will never pick it up.

A weapon that can make Bunker so confident is naturally extraordinary. Mo Fan was not blinded by the illusion in front of him, but after listening to Bunker's contemptuous words, the eyes of the calculating guy turned slightly, and he suddenly had a good idea in his mind. If possible, maybe you can get Andre a best weapon for free.

Mo Fan deliberately said sarcasticly, "Is this the best weapon you said? But why do I think it's more like a toy hammer?