The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 39 Drunken Girl's Greedy Robbery

Knowing that the crown prince Chengsha had been abolished and the new prince ascended the throne, the prince of Da Liguo was very surprised. Unexpectedly, the situation turned around crazily in half a year.

Last time he conspired with Chengsha, his main intention was not to really help the prince Chengsha get rid of Chengzun, but to take advantage of Chengsha's trust and take advantage of the chaos to lead troops into the city and take Dachengguo as his own. Unexpectedly, the matter was not completed, and dozens of palace guards were compensated in vain. For this reason, the king of Da Li reprimanded him severely.

The prince of Da Li Kingdom is named Li Yu. He is amazing in strength and intelligence. He likes to wear a red cloak, so he is known as the prince in red.

The prince in red found a name and went to Dacheng to explore the country in person. He only brought eight attendants, a carriage, which was loaded with tributes from the Great Kingdom, ready to be given to King Dacheng.

Seeing the orderly appearance of Dachengguo along the way, the prince in red still secretly marveled at the good management of Dachengguo. However, in recent years, natural disasters have been relatively serious, and many disaster victims have appeared in some places. Where there are disaster victims, there will be people's anger, which is natural. It seems that the foundation of Dacheng is still not stable.

When the emperor of Dacheng learned that the prince in red came, he gave a grand reception. Although it was grand, the national situation was not as good as before, so the banquet was only held for one day.

At the banquet, the prince in red was polite. Everyone praised him as a talent. The prince in red couldn't help but be happy.

"How dare I compare with the prince of your country? He is mediocre in wisdom and shallow in force. He is just an empty air."

So someone proposed to ask the princes of the two countries to have a comparison until the point, and peace is the most important. Cheng Zun saw the elegant appearance of the young man in red, but there was no trace of righteousness between his eyebrows. He didn't pay attention to him at all and quickly declined.

The prince in red looked disdainful and wanted to refuse, but now he had a sense of challenge. Cheng Zun had no choice but to fight.

The prince in red took a long knife, Cheng Zun only took a sharp sword, and the two soon began to fight. At first, Cheng Zun avoided giving up, but the prince in red forced people everywhere. He made an extremely vicious move, and Cheng Zun had to fight seriously.

The prince in red had long heard of the previous three prince's martial arts skills and thought it was touted by the people below, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Seeing that the long knife was about to be touched in the chest, he turned over and became weak. The two fought for more than ten minutes, but there was still no victory or defeat, but the prince in red gradually lost his strength. If he failed, he would lose the face of Da Liguo, so he gave up and continue to compete.

Everyone praised it when they saw that they had achieved martial arts skills. The emperor's face was full of light, as if he had recovered from the disease. Cheng Zun was happy to see his father and his heart was happy. This game was really worth it.

The prince in red said a few words of praise and then fell silent. Cheng Zun saw the anger and dissatisfaction in the eyes of the prince in red, but he didn't take it seriously.

The next day, the prince in red left. After wandering in the capital for a day, my eyes lit up when I passed through the drunken dream building.

"Let's go in and play." The proposal of the prince in red was immediately approved by eight bodyguards. When they saw beautiful women passing by on the street, they were already ready to move. Now they can't control such a good place.

Seeing that the nine people were strange and extraordinary, the drunken mother quickly greeted them.

"Sung, you want a box." The drunken girl has a smiling face.

"The biggest box, the most beautiful girl, the money naturally has yours." The prince in red is rich.

When the drunken mother heard it, she knew that they were not locals, and she saw that their faces were red. They seemed to be from Dali Country, but she was not sure. So after settling them down, he quickly called Meng Niang to come.

"No matter where they are, just take out all the money in their bags." Meng Niang said with a smile.

"Then shall we do it? I saw a lot of silver on them, and I smelled it. If the other party is a flat-headed people, I am not afraid. What I'm most afraid of is that there are people from here. If we offend, we will get into trouble. I think it's better to ask Miss Ji to come.

Meng Niang nodded.

Ji Liunian came immediately when he heard the news. Looking through the window, the nine people are indeed different from their own people. From time to time, the words of Da Liguo also came out of their mouths.

"Miss, look at their luggage. It's very heavy." The drunken woman said with a smile.

"When you see silver, you are like a cat sees a mouse."

"Of course, shall we do it? By the way, did the prince mention the visit of foreign envoys today?

Ji Liunian has never cared about these things, and Cheng Zun rarely mentioned them to her. She didn't know it at all.

"Let's do it. Even if it's the king, I'm not afraid. There are only nine of them. If they resist, they will directly shut up." Ji Liunian saw that they all had ** smiles on their faces and had wanted to solve them for a long time.

The drunken Mengniang began to take action.

It is the easiest way to put sweat medicine in the wine and then throw them into the wilderness.

A quarter of an hour later, nine people fell down. The drunken woman asked someone to take away the silver and put them in sacks.

"Look, I have a good vision. It's all white money..." The drunken woman smiled with joy on her face.

"You just have fun. I'm back. If you have something to do, ask someone to tell me." Ji Liunian went back.

The next day, the prince in red woke up with eight bodyguards in the wilderness with an angry face.

"We went to the restaurant for fun last night. Why are we in the wilderness now... Silver, our silver..."

Everyone just found that the Drunken Dream Building was a robber building. Fortunately, they were merciful, otherwise they didn't even know how they died.

"I don't believe that we can't deal with a brothel. Dacheng is a fucking swindler country!"

At noon, they arrived in the capital and broke into the drunken dream building. The drunken mother saw that the situation was not good and quickly hid in.

"Quickly inform Miss Ji that the nine people came again last night. And ask a person to greet 20 brothers. I'm afraid something big will happen.

Meng Niang saw a look of panic on the drunken mother's face and said with a smile, "Why are you even afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of nine of them, I'm afraid that we're messing with people we shouldn't mess with..."

The prince in red roared loudly: "Call the oldam out. We came to drink and have fun last night. Why did you steal our money and put us in the wilderness... It's really bullying."

The drunken woman knew that she couldn't shirk, so she had to work hard to deal with it.

"Did you get drunk last night? Obviously, you gave the money to our girl, and then said that you were in a hurry and left. Although this is a brothel, the brothel is also protected in Dacheng. If you deliberately blackmail us, we can report it to the government. There was a murderous atmosphere in the drunken woman's eyes.

"Let me tell you the truth. He is the prince of Da Liguo. He came to pay tribute and wanted to have fun here before going back, but he didn't expect to meet you. Dacheng turned out to be a robber country. If we say it, it is not us who will behead the head of the imperial court, but you. A bodyguard said righteously.

The drunken mother's heart thumped. Sure enough, she offended ordinary people. It doesn't matter if she was killed. If Ji Liunian was involved, it would not be easy to do.

When Ji Liunian heard the news, he couldn't even breathe and flew over.

"What about the prince? We didn't do anything against the law." Ji Liunian slowly came in.

"You said we stole your money. Who saw it?" Ji Liunian pinched the drunken woman's hand, hinting that she should not panic.

"Who are you?" The prince in red saw a beautiful woman coming in. He was extraordinary, amazing and puzzled.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing now is how to solve the problem." Ji Liunian picked up a sharp sword and cut it at the table. With a gentle click, the table broke.

The prince in red was secretly surprised by this young woman, but her internal strength was so deep that he couldn't help but be afraid.

"We did lose 10,000 taels of silver here last night. Even if we are dizzy, we won't give prostitutes so much money."

"Do you dare to ask why the prince is wearing so much silver?"

"This... we are here to pay tribute, which is given to us by the emperor of today's Dacheng Kingdom."

Ji Liunian gritted his teeth. This emperor really wanted to lose face. If he lost hundreds of taels of silver to him, he would give him face. How could he give so much money? Half of this money was paid by my father. Damn it.