The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 40 Meet a handsome scholar

"Then you think we took your silver, so you searched everywhere and found that it was all yours."

The prince in red snorted, "You have stolen things and placed them for a long time ago, and you are still waiting for us to search. What a joke."

"Then you just don't believe us, then there's nothing we can do. We can't afford that much money. That's all the hard-earned money exchanged by the girls..."

The eight bodyguards were ready, waiting for the prince in red to give an order. Ji Liunian couldn't see the abnormal fight. They would not stop, so they clapped their hands, and the hidden killers everywhere stood up, with about 50 people.

The prince in red saw that they were all tall, ferocious, and sweated in their palms.

"You are more and bullied less. If you have the ability, we will compare."

"Comparied, whoever is afraid of, if you lose, get out of here immediately with eight useless guys. If I lose, I will collect 10,000 taels for you in the evening. Even if I give you 10,000 taels. How about it?"

The prince in red wanted to compare with Ji Liunian's thin appearance. A bodyguard stopped him and whispered in his ear, "This woman has great internal strength, and there are many people here. We'd better go back to China and talk about it in the long run. Even if you beat her, she will definitely repudiate.

The prince in red doesn't know how to choose. Ji Liunian slapped the floor and saw a foot deep.

The eight bodyguards ran out. Seeing that he was weak, the prince in red quickly ran away and said, "I will come back to revenge. Wait, all of you are waiting."

The drunken Mengniang laughed, and everyone knelt down to Ji Liunian.

"Get up, these people can only thunder and not rain. They don't even have the courage to pass. How can they come out? But we'd better be cautious in the future. It's better not to stop this kind of people's money.

Everyone knew the truth and quickly said yes.

In the small room, the drunken woman apologized to Ji Liunian.

"If I have caused trouble for the lady, I will be cautious in the future. Is Miss's hand all right?

Ji Liunian turned his palm to himself, and his hands began to swell.

"It's okay. Just put on the medicinal wine. This group of people are not idle people. You should be more careful in the future.

Ji Liunian returned to the prince's mansion and walked into Cheng Zun's study.

"Is there an envoy from the Great Calendar today?"

Cheng Zun raised his head and looked surprised: "Why are you asking these questions? Indeed, I also competed with him. The prince of Da Liguo has strength, but he lacks courage.

"Prince? Do you think the young man in red is the prince? There is a faint uneasiness in Ji Liunian's heart.

"What, have you seen him?"

"No, no, it's just that I saw it in the market. Seeing that he was different from us, I inquired about it. I knew it was a messenger, but I didn't expect it to be the prince.

Cheng Zun saw that Ji Liunian's palm was red and swollen, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with your hand? Did you fight with others? Now you are my concubine, don't be embarrassed everywhere. I know you are nosy, but it's better to be less nosy, otherwise you will get into trouble.

"No, no, I just accidentally fell down." Ji Liunian's face turned red.

Ji Liunian walked out of the study and wanted to find Wei Bai, but there was not even a ghost. Weiyang smiled and said, "She went out with the seventh princess early in the morning. Later, when I saw you hurry out, I thought she had caused some mess again."

"I haven't seen her these days, this dead girl."

Ji Liunian didn't know that when he was cleaning up the mess, Weibai and the princess Chengmei caused trouble again.

Cong Mei was in a good mood when she saw that Li Xiangrong was killed, and her favorite third brother ascended to the throne again. As soon as I am in a good mood, my appetite will be great, and I have been busy looking for food these days. Related to food, she naturally can't forget another foodie. Both of them have been wandering around the street these days.

"I've never seen a free princess like you. Doesn't the emperor care about you?" Wei Bai said with a smile while eating.

"I sneaked out, no one knows. If someone reports it, I will say that I am at the third brother's house, and the third brother will definitely cover for me. Look, am I smart? I have never seen a free maid like you. Doesn't Ji Fei care about you?

"I have been friends with her for many years. There are many maids in the prince's mansion, and she can use whoever she likes. I slipped out and there was nothing wrong. If the lady told me, I would say that I would visit Master Ji for her, haha.

It seems that we are equally cunning. Don't call Miss Jifei. How bad it is for the third brother to hear it. When Ji Fei gave birth to a child, would you still call her that?

"I'm used to it. Why do you care so much? Look, the sugar-coated haws over there are so big. Let's buy two strings.

Cung Mei also saw it, and the saliva immediately flowed out.

The two took a string each and gave the money. A scholar-like man laughed and showed his white teeth when he saw that they were greedy.

"Look, that scholar is looking at you. His white teeth are so beautiful that my teeth have fallen out because of greed. Wei Bai said so, but he still stuffed the sugar-coated haws into his mouth.

Chengmei looked in the direction of Baizhi. Sure enough, there was a elegant scholar standing and staring at them.

"Do you think he is a fool? Why are you laughing at us? I think it's better to go and don't cause trouble. Cheng Mei pulled Weibai forward. The scholar quietly followed, but the two of them didn't find out.

When he walked to a bridge, a young man who looked like a young man came to face. Seeing that Chengmei and Weibai were a little beautiful, he was eating red sugar-coated gourd, with a red mouth and suddenly became provocative.

"Two beauties, where have you been? Small feet are so delicate that it's not good to walk. What do you think of the sedan chair to carry you home?

Wei Bai knew what was going on at first sight and quickly pulled Cheng Mei away. The prince did not die when he saw that they ignored him. With a winke, the four family quickly surrounded them.

"I can tell you that we are famous people. If you offend us, you can't afford to go!" It's not white and bulging.

The scholar just saw that they were being molested and ran over.

"What do you want to do?"

At first, the prince just wanted to tease him with words, but now he sees a scholar, and his interest is even stronger.

"Grandpa, I'm fine. If you want to get punched, I'll play with you. If you are afraid, go home quickly and don't be ashamed here.

"You are ashamed." Cheng Mei said angrily.

"Oh, the little lady is angry. It's so beautiful to be angry. What are you doing with this scholar? He is poor and sour.

"Then I'll tell you. I am a student of the Huang family. This is the young lady and maid of the Ji family. If you offend them, the master of the Huang family will skin you. The scholar looks serious.

When the prince heard what he said, he was really scared.

"Which Li family are you talking about?"

"The Huang Shiwen Huang family, the great general guarding the frontier, watched the young lady go out and asked me to secretly protect them. Look, this is my jade pendant. If you know the goods, just run quickly.

The family took a look and muttered a few words in the prince's ear.

"You are lucky today. Let's go. The prince waved his hand, and the four family followed him away.

Chengmei watched the scholar secretly, and her heart began to move.

"Thank you. Although I can solve the five of them alone, I still don't want anything to happen. He said with a smile.

"Go back quickly, otherwise your family will be worried. Look, there is no girl walking on the street. You are too conspicuous."

"Are you really a student of General Huang?" Chengmei is not in a hurry to leave.

The scholar's face is hot.

"I couldn't get into the exam in Beijing, but I had some military strategy. When the general saw that I was easy to learn, he accepted me. Now he is living in Huangfu, which makes the young lady laugh."

Cheng Mei felt fresh when she saw that he saluted and spoke elegantly. I can't help but be moved to see the young man's handsome and lovely appearance.

"Let's go back." Wei Bai pulled Chengmei to leave. Cheng Mei turned around and gave the scholar a sweet smile. The scholar couldn't help staring at it.

"Hey, you won't. They will take your soul away in a few words." Wei Bai laughed and mocked her.

"Don't you think it's fun? Let's visit General Huang another day and meet him for a while.