The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 53 The Empress Dowager chooses a concubine for the emperor

After not seeing Ji Liunian for many days, the Empress Dowager felt very puzzled: Why did the queen suddenly disappear from the palace? So she went to Luanfeng Palace to find her in person. The maid who cleaned the house there told her that the queen had been gone for a long time, and they didn't know where she had gone, so the empress dowager went to the emperor.

"Zun'er, where did the queen go?"

"She...she went to the palace to rest. You know about her. It's good to let her have a rest." Cheng Zun didn't dare to tell her that Ji Liunian went to find his brother and avenge his father.

"The harem can't be left for a day. As long as she left, Fu Guifei has a big belly. Who will take care of the harem?" The Empress Dowager thought it was time to recruit a group of concubines in the draft, and it was a big deal to breed children.

"There are not many things in the harem, and there is a mother in charge. What can it be?" Cheng Zun didn't know what the Empress Dowager was thinking.

"Who said it's okay? The annual draft is about to be held."

Cheng Zun was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know that the time for the draft was coming. It was spring now. Because he was busy, and because something like that happened again in Ji Liunian, he was not in the mood at all.

"Mother, I think it's better to choose next year."

"No, you can't break the rules. You have newly ascended the throne. There are only two women below. One is pregnant and the other wants to rest, but you can't rest. Breeding children is a national event. Since you are not free, I will take care of it. As long as the woman has a good family, knowledgeable and virtuous and dignified. These were originally done by the queen, but now that she is not here, my old bone can still move, so I will distract you. The Empress Dowager is very dissatisfied with the waywardness of Ji Liunian.

Cheng Zun felt embarrassed, but seeing that the Empress Dowager had made up her mind, she nodded and agreed.

The annual draft began. Because the emperor has just ascended the throne, this draft is a general draft, with the daughters of senior officials, daughters of rich businessmen, royal relatives... After many screening, more than 500 people from the beginning have selected the 12 best. After the Empress Dowager was selected, she handed over the twelve paintings to Cheng Zun and asked Cheng Zun to select ten.

Cheng Zun saw that these women were similar in appearance and did not want to choose carefully. He only removed the last two, so ten people were selected in this draft, and then handed them over to Mchu for discipline, and finally sent them to various places in the harem.

Ten young women are as beautiful as flowers. They are all looking forward to seeing the emperor's face, hoping to get the emperor's favor, and all of them are looking forward to ascending the throne of concubines and glory.

At the same time, they are afraid that they can't wait for the emperor's favor, that they can't have children, that they are afraid that they will be jealous and framed by other concubines, and that they will be put into the cold palace one day... Before they were selected, they had already heard all kinds of legends in the harem, and the contents of those legends are so scary. Therefore, while they are arrogant, they also know how to protect themselves. They don't want to drag the whole family down because of themselves.

They waited for a whole month, and the emperor had no intention of benefiting them at all, and they were a little anxious. So Mister conveyed their meaning to the empress dowager. The empress dowager told them to wait. They couldn't wait for such a short time. How would they be concubines in the future? Some concubines would not see the emperor for a year or two. They can only obey and wait silently.

In the evening, they will visit each other and secretly exchange their thoughts. One of the women named Lan Chun and a woman named Huimei are very good. Lan Chun is the daughter of a big merchant, and Huimei is the daughter of a small official. Lan Chun is beautiful and dignified, and Huimei looks charming.

"I heard that the emperor is very beautiful and more beautiful than our woman. The Ji family has frequent exchanges with my father, which was told by my father. In addition, the emperor is capable of literature and martial arts. He is a wise king and will definitely be able to live forever. Lan Chun is obviously a cheerful and lively girl.

"That Miss Ji... No, isn't the queen also very beautiful?" Huimei began to be jealous of Ji Liunian before she saw her, because she could be with the emperor. Now the emperor may be sleeping with her.

"The queen is also very beautiful. To be honest, don't be angry. I think you are the most beautiful among the ten of us, but I'm afraid you are less than half of her compared with the queen. I once saw her in the courtyard with my own eyes. I heard that she can also do martial arts and can fly.

"What? Isn't she miserable now? Her father was burned to death, and her brother was not found. I think she is an unlucky..."

Lan Chun quickly covered Huimei's mouth.

"Stop talking. If you hear it to others, you will be killed."

"Okay, I won't talk about it. Look at your nervousness, haha."

The two continued to talk about something else, and Lan Chun went back.

Passing by the courtyard, he found a shadow under the moon. Lan Chun stopped and took a closer look. It turned out to be Lin Lin.

"What are you doing here so late? I'm not afraid of ghosts eating you." Lan Chun took Lin Lin's hand, and her hand was cold.

"You'd better go back. Be careful not to catch a cold. Although it's spring, it's still cold at night. Lan Chun said eagerly.

"Look at you, as if I'm really sick. I couldn't sleep. When I saw the charming moon, I came out for a walk. Why don't you think the emperor has summoned us? Lin Lin is not outstanding, but she has a dignified temperament. Her father is a senior official in the court, and she is a real lady.

"Maybe there are too many things just after ascending the throne, maybe the Queen's things put him in a bad mood, or something else. Let's not think so much. Isn't the day good now?"

"But I always feel that there is a dark cloud on my head and I can't be happy. I'm afraid that the emperor will always snold us.

"Don't think so much. Don't care about the legends in the harem. Since the Empress Dowager chose it herself, she will definitely not let us be abandoned all the time, not to mention that it has only been a month, and the days ahead will be long. Sister, although you are not outstanding, you can know at a glance that you are a lady of a large family, dignified and noble. I think you will definitely be able to sit in the position of a noble concubine in the future. Lan Chun's words made Lin Lin laugh.

"I think your mouth is so sweet. In the future, it must be better than me. Don't forget that you still have my sister." After saying that, he gently pinched her mouth.

"My sister, I don't know anything. I can only be naughty. The emperor will definitely look down on me. I only deserve to bring you tea and water." Lan Chun and Lin Lin started to play.

When the Empress Dowager saw that the emperor corrected the memorial day and night and took care of state affairs, she was getting thinner and thinner, so she hurried to go.

"The queen has stayed in the palace long enough. The emperor'd better let her come back first. If she thinks nonsense, she will go crazy. It's better to chat with her sisters. You accompany her. The palace is so lonely and scary. Besides, these concubines have been recruited and need her to discipline them.

Cung Zun had to say perfunctorily, "Yesterday's letter from the bodyguard said that the queen's health is better. Let's wait."

"This is a month. Your Majesty, you have no one to take care of it. I have chosen so many concubines waiting for you, and you don't like any of them? Why don't we turn over the brand tonight? I think they are all very excellent. You won't know until you take a look at them in person.

Cung Zun sighed. He has no feelings for his biological mother. Because of his blood relationship, he made her the empress dowager and respected her for her, but she was not interested and always caused him trouble. He was very dissatisfied with her and could not vent it.

"Since my mother said so, I'll flip the sign tonight." What Cheng Zun is really afraid of is that the Empress Dowager continues to insist on letting Ji Liunian come back. At that time, he will not know how to explain. It can't be said that she is no longer in Dacheng.

This season is really true. It has been a month now. Why is there no news at all? There is no news about the hidden killing sent by me. I don't know whether it's dead or alive. Cheng Zun felt that his hair was going to be white. As soon as he fell asleep, he would think of Ji Liunian's various things. There was often a scene in his dream: Ji Liunian rushed down the cliff with Wei Bai on his back, and behind him was a group of killers. He woke up scared and found himself sweating coldly.

In the evening, the Empress Dowager sent her father-in-law to bring the sign over, and Cheng Zun casually turned over one, which said Lan Chun.