The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 54 Escape from the Lord and Servant

Although he has been resting here for a month, he still has a lingering heart when he remembers the days when he escaped from death.

That day, Ji Liunian jumped off the cliff with Weibai on his back. When they woke up, it was already morning. They hung on the tree halfway up the mountainside, and there were piles of rocks below. If they fell down, they would have lost their lives long ago.

"Not white, wake up." Ji Liunian shook her gently. She was afraid that she would have a lot of strength and the two would fall down together.

Weibai finally woke up. Her face was normal and her legs were normal. She was very happy.

"Miss, I thought I was going to die. Thanks to you, otherwise I was either poisoned by a poisonous snake or killed by a thief last night. As soon as Bai exerted his strength, the branches made a creaking sound.

"We are not out of danger yet. Don't be proud. This tree is so high that it is difficult for us to go down. My leg was scraped all the way last night and now it hurts faintly. I guess I won't need light work."

"I thought we were safe, miss. What should I do? Gao Mafu and Weiyang don't know where they are. I guess they can't find us.

"I'm worried too. We can't care so much now. Let's find a way first.

At this time, a brown bear came, perhaps because the tree was thicker and more suitable for him to tickle. He kept rubbing the trunk with his back. Weibai and Ji Liunian tried their best to catch the branches. It's really raining all night. When did the brown bear choose to come at this time.

"If I fall down, I will definitely be eaten by her. Miss, why are our lives so bitter..." Wei Bai cried. The brown bears seemed to have found something and looked up at them.

"Shh, don't make a sound. My father told me that brown bears don't eat dead things. Even if they really fall down, we just need to pretend to be dead.

The brown bear stopped for a while, and now it began to shake the tree trunk again, not with its back, but with its hands. It seems that it has found its prey.

Wei Bai let go of her hand and fell down. She closed her eyes and lay motionless on the ground. Ji Liunian didn't know whether she pretended to die or really fell to death. She was very anxious and fell down.

Ji Liunian fell to the right side of Weibai. She touched Weibai's hand and responded to her. She knew that Bai had not died, and her heart was much calmer. The two began to pretend to be dead, and the brown bear circled around them and walked away.

It took half an hour before they dared to turn over.

"My God, my thigh seems to be broken." Ji Liunian now found that there was a sharp stone under her thigh. She shook her leg with her hand. Sure enough, her thigh was broken.

Weibai was nothing big. She stood up, looked for branches around, and found two branches. She supported Ji Liunian with branches, and limped down.

At the end of the road is the pile of rocks they saw on the tree.

Miss, let's take a break first. I'm tired, hungry and thirsty, and I can't walk..."

Ji Liunian nodded and looked at the troubled times, with a burst of chill in his heart.

"It seems that we will spend the night here, or we will spend the night in the rocks. There are brown bears here, and maybe there will be wild wolves, dogs and snakes at night. I feel terrible. I have never been afraid of anything in my life. Now I would rather fall down and really die.

It was not in vain that Ji Liunian had no morale. She was already desperate, but at this time she had to cheer for Ji Liunian: "Miss, it's not so easy for us to die. Those damn thieves to die first. It's just a pile of stones. We can still pass through it if we walk slowly. "

"But we don't have anything to eat now, and the sun is going down again."

"You are here, and I'll look around." Wei Bai looked for wild fruits along the pile of stones, but he didn't find them. He didn't dare to go too far, so he had to go back. Unexpectedly, a man behind him roared loudly. Wei Bai also shouted as if he had found a life-saving straw.

"Fighty man, save us, save us, there is another man over there."

Men get closer and closer. His leather jacket is the skin of a tiger, and his hat is also the skin of a tiger, carrying a big knife.

"What are you a woman doing here? I warn you that there are often tigers and brown bears in this area, and they will die if they are not careful.

Wei Bai saw a gourd hanging on his waist, which was obviously a wine jug. She grabbed it and drank it like drinking water.

"I'm so thirsty. I'm sorry, there is another person over there. We were chased off the cliff and hung on the tree. Later, we met a brown bear... You went to my young lady and walked along here. We won't treat you badly in the future... At first glance, you are a good man..."

The man sat down as Wei Bai said and found a woman, so he carried Ji Liunian back. When Ji Liunian saw someone coming, he finally saw hope in his heart.

They recuperated at the man's house at the foot of the mountain for a month. The man's father took Ji Liunian's legs. Ji Liunian thanked her very much and took down the hairpin on his head.

"If I can go back alive, I will repay your great kindness ten times. Now there is nothing valuable in me. You must accept this hairpin."

"Miss, you're so polite. I don't think you have any money. You'd better keep your guard. We stay here, have everything to eat and live, and there is no need to spend money. The old man smiled very kindly.

Ji Liunian looked at him and burst into tears. The tears were not because of gratitude, but because the smile was too kind and full of love as Ji Wuya. At this moment, Ji Liunian missed her father who died because of her fault very much. Because of the hurry, she failed to stay in front of his spirit. In order to revenge, she had no time to attend his funeral. My father has done so much for me in his life. He wanted to take a concubine, but I couldn't let him get what he wanted. He really shouldn't be.

"Yes, you keep it. Don't mind, we mountain people are like this. If you let me die, we will be sorry. The man smiled.

I ate steamed buns for nothing, and my body has completely recovered. This month, she ate well and slept well, and often went out to catch fish and birds to nourish Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian recovered quickly, on the one hand, because he ate nutritious food, and on the other hand, because he ate a lot of traditional Chinese medicine stewed by the elderly.

"If it's not because we still have a heavy burden on us, we really want to stay. The food made by the aunt is better than that in the palace." Wei Bai accidentally spilled the beans.

"Are you the concubine of the Great Flag State?" The old man asked in surprise, and the man also looked at her.

"Great Flag Country? Is this the Great Flag Country? I thought I was going to climb over this mountain. We are from Dacheng Country. As for our identity, it is not convenient to disclose it. Please forgive me.

"I understand you. This is the flag country, and five kilometers away from here is the market."

Ji Liunian and Wei Bai are very happy.

"Thank you."

After living for another week, Wei Bai and Ji Liunian reluctantly said goodbye to them.

"Miss, people say that if you die in a disaster, you will be blessed, and we will be more and more lucky in the future. Don't be sad." Wei Bai couldn't help comforting Ji Liunian's sad face on the road.

"We have been out for so long that we haven't even seen my brother's face. I'm really frustrated. Now, I don't know if the people in the drunken dream building have caught up. Without them, we would sleep on the street. In addition, I made an appointment with the emperor to go back in a month, but now there is no news. He must blame me in his heart. There may be another new scene in the palace. Oh, I really can't help it."

"Miss, don't worry, the emperor is not that kind of person. Even if he has a thousand concubines, his favorite is still you. Just like Fu Guifei, he liked it for a while and didn't like it. As for money, I may not be so stupid. I don't have any self-defense. Let me tell you, there is silver in my coat. He said with a smile.

"You're still smart. I'll take this hairpin for a few days, and then you can take out the silver when you run out." After saying that, Ji Liunian touched the white armpit, and the two laughed.

"Miss, I think you like the emperor more and more. In the past, you may not think of him after a month, but the other night I found that you were still calling his name in your dream."

"Dead girl, dare you laugh at me..." Ji Liunian again**.