The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 210 Cheng Zun's surprise

The whole village knew about the township appointment, and he died by suicide that night. Liu Qing couldn't wait for him to die at the beginning, but when he died, he cried.

"I forced him. If my attitude is better, maybe he won't die..." Liu Qing deeply blamed himself.

"People can't come back to life after death. Even if he lives, he has no meaning. Now he is relieved. Just be sorry for your change." Ji Liunian couldn't help but feel sad when he saw this situation.

After staying for a day, Ji Liunian and Wei Bai planned to set out again. Liu Qing sent them to the ferry.

"Going down from here is the territory of the Mongolian people. Are you still going to go?" Liu Qing now knows the origin of Ji Liunian.

"Is there anything strange about the Mongolians?"

"Maybe the voice is heavier, and I don't know anything else. Although it is separated by five mountains, people on our side have never been there, and the climate there is much colder than here, and the terrain is higher, which is completely two worlds."

"I've heard about it, so let's go and say goodbye." Ji Liunian and Wei Bai both feel a sore nose. Today's farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again. Maybe we will never see each other again.

"It's really sad. It seems that you have made friends here, haha." A man in a hat spoke to them with his back. Ji Liunian couldn't react for a moment, but felt that the sound was very familiar.

"Who are you? Do you also go to the Mongolian side? Ji Liunian looked at his back.

"I've been waiting for you here for two days. If you don't come today, I'll go ashore, haha." The man turned around, and Ji Liunian looked at it and shouted.

"Why are you here? That's great..." Ji Liunian shook hard, and the whole boat shook.

"Be careful, sit down quickly, and the boatman can go on the road!" Cheng Zun said loudly with a smile.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Wei Bai was also a little excited to see Cheng Zun.

"I saw your letter and knew that you had been wonderful all the way, so I couldn't help coming, haha."

"What about the matter?" Ji Liunian asked worriedly.

"The tenth brother is watching for us. Don't worry. Weiyang Gao Xiaofeng is also here, so don't worry about it. After you left, I felt even more lonely. I went to Ji's house to see Min'er and Xixi several times. Both of them were very good.

"Although you say so, you still can't come out for too long. I think so. You can go back after staying with the Mongolian people for a few days." Ji Liunian doesn't like Cheng Zun to stay here for some reason.

"Miss, you are too selfish. You said something like this as soon as the emperor came." It's not for nothing.

"Your lady wants to live a free single life. If I'm here, she won't be so free, haha. The one just now is still a talented person. Did you also flirt with him?

" flirt with a ghost, don't you see us dressed in men's clothes?" Ji Liunian turned white and looked at Cheng Zun.

"It seems that you are moved, but you didn't say it, haha. I also came for a walk. Maybe there was also an affair to abduct a Mongolian woman back.

They laughed all the way to the territory of the Mongolian people and gave money to the boatman. Perhaps because they gave some more money, the boatman kindly reminded him.

"I think this is the first time you have come here. Be careful here and don't offend others. If you are killed, the local officials here will be indifferent."

Ji Liunian said thank you.

When I came here, Ji Liunian felt a little like a small country. The weather became cold and his breathing was not smooth, because it was a cold zone.

Weibai came to such a place for the first time and complained repeatedly.

"What the hell, I can't breathe smoothly, and I'm going to faint. Let's find a place to live quickly. Wei Bai saw a relatively large hotel in front of him and hurriedly asked Ji Liu to go there.

"Then shall we rest there?" Ji Liunian asked Cheng Zun.

"I'm whatever you want. I'm your bodyguard and money bag. Is that okay?"

"It's almost the same. Let's go."

Thinking that Cheng Zun would pay, he deliberately ordered a lot of dishes when eating.

"Just order it. If you can't finish it, I'll stuff it in your nose." Ji Liunian pinched the white meaty nose.

"Please don't talk about dinner. That's disrespect for food. Thank you." The guests at the next table came over and said such words to them.

The three of Ji Liunian were stunned. There is no reason to eat without talking. It's really strange.

Wei Bai just wanted to stand up and argue with them, but Ji Liunian stopped her.

"Forget it, do as the Romans do, and don't conflict with them." Ji Liunian is most afraid of having disputes with others in such an unfamiliar place. At that time, he should not be called heaven and earth.

They quickly ate the meal and went upstairs. Ji Liunian and Cheng Zun were in the same room, and they were in the next room.

After the rain, Ji Liunian felt tired all over.

"These days, it seems that I have forgotten everything in the palace. It feels good as if I have changed to another person." Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"You are about to forget me, but I'm lonely in the palace. You are so cruel that you sent Princess Xixi out. I don't know who to talk to. Cheng Jun was a little afraid that Ji Liunian would continue to swing like this for three or five years.

"If I don't send her out, I'm not in the mood to play here. I must be worried about her safety all day. You are lonely, saying it to make the people laugh, and the three thousand beauties in the harem, but you are lonely and crazy, haha.

"What about three thousand? Only you know me best. I don't care about that."


The two fell asleep while talking.

The next day, they wandered on the street after dinner. They saw everything fresh and wanted to buy everything they saw.

"Miss, I want this leather jacket, son, how about you pay for me?" Wei Bai looked at Cheng Zun with a smile.

"This is not suitable for you. You should want this one." Cheng Jun walked away with a smile.

"It's really bad, miss. You'd better buy it for me."

"Have you bought it now and carry it all the way? Is your brain out of your mind? Ji Liunian also walked away and felt bored, so he had to fill his stomach first.

"Get out of the way, the people of the White Lotus Church are coming. Let's go quickly." The small vendors were in a hurry to move things home.

There was sand and dust in front of us, and a group of people galloped by on fast horses.

Ji Liunian and the other three found a small restaurant and hid in.

"Grandma, my mouth is full of sand." He said angrily in vain.

"Shopkeeper, who are these people? Why are they so arrogant?" Ji Liunian asked with a smile.

"You are not locals, are you? We are all used to it. Those are the people taught by Bailian. They should be in a hurry to do something. I heard that a child in front of them was trampled to death by horses."

"Grandma, it's simply inhumane. Are you in a hurry to be reincarnated?" Wei Bai's mouth scolded.

"Haha, this gentleman said what we said, and we also hate them, but there were many people, and the court didn't care, so we had to hide. My small restaurant will be deprived of half of the money by them for a year. Everyone is like this. They are very dissatisfied, but no one dares to shout. If you offend them, the whole family should not want to live.

Cung Zun has never heard of this and is very confused.

"We are from the capital and have friends who are officials. Why have you never heard of this?"

"Well, it's not surprising that the emperor is far away. The local officials don't care about this matter and are afraid of offending them. What's more, they bribe the local officials, so the court doesn't know at all."

"How can it be? How can such a thing happen in the light of the day?"

"There's something you don't know. They burn, kill and plunder everything. Now it is said that there are more than 1,000 people, and everyone is highly skilled in martial arts. Even if people come from the court, they may not be able to suppress them.

Ji Liunian and the other three saw that the dust had gone down before they went out.

Looking at the street, it was like a rainstorm.

"Miss, we can't sit idly by. If this matter is not solved, we won't leave, otherwise the people here will be too pitiful."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who is afraid of things? If this matter is not solved, I will not leave for a day. Cheng Zun said seriously.