The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 211 In-depth White Lotus Education

Ji Liunian Chengzun inquired about the people's views on the White Lotus Religion, collected a lot of their opinions, and had a preliminary understanding of the White Lotus Religion.

"This kind of fanatical organization is most likely to appear in this frontier area, and it can't be stopped. I'm afraid we have limited ability to destroy them at all." Ji Liunian said to Cheng Zun melancholy.

"Do you mean let me transfer the army first?" Cheng Zun felt that it was not difficult to solve this thousand people by himself.

"Don't underestimate them. Although their martial arts may not be powerful, they are all firm in belief, just like a rope that is easy to break, but if they are twisted into a ball, they will be invincible."

"Well, I'm not in a hurry yet. Let's let them come here when the situation is urgent." Cheng Zun said with a smile.

Although Ji Liunian should accept it, he secretly has his own plan.

The next day, when they went out, they happened to meet the activity of Bailian Sect, which was to attract people who wanted to enter Bailian Sect. Ji Liunian rushed there as soon as he heard the news and happened to see someone in the martial arts competition.

"What are they going to do?" Ji Liunian saw that the two were fighting fiercely, which was a little strange.

"This is a hurdle. After this hurdle, you can join the White Lotus Religion. Not everyone can enter the White Lotus Religion, but after entering, life will be much better than our ordinary people." The old man touched his beard and said with a smile.

"The White Lotus Religion often bullies the people. Why do you still have people to join?" The season is unspeakable.

"That's like being an official. Officials often bully the people, but many people still want to do it. Why? It is because officials can enjoy a better life. This white lotus religion has not existed since ancient times, but also came from other places. Like an official, once you join, you can enjoy the benefits of Bailian religion for life.

Cung Zun listened carefully and pulled Ji Liunian to a corner.

"Why don't the two of us join the White Lotus Religion and see what's going on with them? Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible.

J Liunian is a little hesitant.

"What if we are involved? We are not familiar with this. I'm a little worried.

"But we have no other way, except to transfer the army to suppress it. At that time, there will be countless casualties, which you and I don't want to see."

"Then go in first, what about the white?" Ji Liunian looked at the whiteness in the crowd and was a little worried.

"You give her some money and let her be our inner responder. If we live here, if we are in danger, there is another person who can inform the palace." Cheng Zun went up to sign up as soon as he finished speaking.

Ji Liunian told Weibai the meaning of Cheng Zun, and Wei Bai also wanted to go in.

"Don't come in. It's unfathomable. In case something goes wrong with you, we may not be able to protect you."

I have no choice but to listen to Ji Liunian's words.

Soon, Cheng Zun fought with the people in the ring.

"Who is this person?" Ji Liunian asked the old man next to him.

"He is the Huang Zuo envoy of Bailian Sect, and his martial arts skills are moderate. This hero seems to be good. I don't know if he can beat him."

Ji Liunian secretly thought: People here are already familiar with Bailianism.

Cheng Zun lay Huang Zuo on the ground and won bursts of applause. Huang Zuo ran off the stage in dismay. Ji Liunian saw that Cheng Zun accepted the white robe of the White Lotus Sect and became a member of the White Lotus Sect.

Ji Liunian also signed up.

"What's your name? Why did you join the White Lotus Religion? The man at the entrance asked her coldly, probably because Ji Liunian was relatively petite and disdainful.

"My name is Bai Bing. If you join the white lotus religion, you can eat and drink without worry. That's the little one."

Soon it was Ji Liunian's turn to compete with the right envoy of Bailian Sect. After a few moves, he lay on the ground and asked someone to lift him down. Ji Liunian won bursts of applause.

Ji Liunian is proud: the people of the Bailian Sect are just like this. Maybe he and Cheng Zun can get rid of them.

Ji Liunian was awarded a white robe, and after putting it on, someone took her to a big house.

"Go in. Someone will receive you and do whatever you want."

Ji Liunian looked at this house, but it was surprisingly wide and decorated enough. It seems that Bailian has a good ability to accumulate wealth.

I soon saw a man coming over.

"Let me familiarize you with the environment."

"Thank you, brother, are all the people here men?" So far, Ji Liunian has not found a woman.

"Yes, although we are called Bai Lianjiao, they are all men. Without women, women can't do things. We can't let them hold us back."

J Liunian nodded.

The man took Ji Liunian around the house and finally arranged Ji Liunian in a large room. There were already seven or eight people in it, one of whom was Cheng Zun. Cheng Zun greeted with his eyes and a bright smile.

It was extremely boring, and everyone talked about the reason for joining the Bailian religion. Cheng Zun and Ji Liunian said that they were making a living, while others also said so, but some seemed ambitious.

"I want to be a bishop. In that way, I can not only enjoy all the glory and wealth, but also return to my hometown. No one will look down on me in the future, so what about killing pigs. As long as I become a bishop, I can repair whoever I want." A man with a beard said with a smile.

"I'm not very good at martial arts. There is no hope of becoming a bishop, but there is no problem in becoming a left and right. If I become one, the whole family will not have to worry about eating and drinking." The speaker was a thin man. He said that he used to sell dried fish.

Ji Liunian and Cheng Zun laughed secretly, and these people came here for their own interests.

A total of 30 people were recruited this time. In the evening, the bishop began to gather them and tell them the rules of the white lotus religion.

"You will be the people of the White Lotus Sect in the future. We have many branches of this religion, and we are one of them. As long as you do well, you will not worry about the opportunity to improve. When you enter this religion, you have to obey our orders. Even if you want to die, you have to die immediately. If you want to sacrifice your family for the benefit of the White Lotus Religion, you have to do it without saying anything, do you hear me?

The bishop looked fierce. Ji Liunian only had nausea and Cheng Zun secretly scolded in his heart: Go to his mother's rules.

Other people were very obedient and said everything in unison according to the instructions of the patriarch.

"If you regret now, there is still time to repent. We will become an alliance later. If someone withdraws halfway, there will be only one result, which is death. Have you all thought about it?"

Ji Liunian looked at Cheng Zun and felt a little shaken. Cheng Zun whispered, "It's okay."

The master said something about Bailianism, and finally held the initiation ceremony. A man held a bowl. Everyone bit his finger, dripped his blood, and then put the bowl into a large basin with water. Finally, everyone drank a bowl of blood. The ceremony was completed.

Ji Liunian is ironic, and I feel that this white lotus religion is no different from ordinary bandits.

After the master left, they were placed in a large house, each with a sleeper. Ji Liunian looked at the sheets, which were dirty, and suddenly there were a thousand grass and mud horses churning in his heart. From birth to now, Ji Liunian has never slept in such a dirty bed, and I don't know who slept, and I don't know what the stains on it are.

Cung Zun also feels dirty and messy here and can't stay any longer. Others lay down and slept peacefully, which made Ji Liunian's eyes wide open.

"You go to sleep, don't linger. It is said that the training will start tomorrow. If you don't sleep, you will definitely be exhausted tomorrow. This place is not as good as we just did, but we can lie down, which is the bishop testing us. If you suffer now, you can enjoy it in the future. Cheng Zun said loudly to Ji Liunian, and he couldn't help laughing after saying that.

Ji Liunian gave Cheng Zun a white eye and couldn't wait to strangle him.

I went back alone and couldn't sleep lying in **. I was worried about Ji Liunian and Cheng Zun, and I was very worried. So he quickly sent a letter to Gao Xiaofeng and asked him to send some people to the Mongolian people. He also sent a letter to Meng Niang, asking her to help find out the origin of Bai Lianjiao, and asked her to arrange a few idle people to come here.