di xin

Chapter 72 Fission Battlefield

When Jia Chen stepped on the black transmission array, he felt a coldness straight through his heart, which made people have a cold war.

After a moment of whirlwind, when the feeling of landing on the ground entered the brain, Jia Chen opened his eyes.

"Wow! It's so explosive!" Xihan, who opened his eyes, couldn't help exclaiming and looked up at the legendary heavenly secret place - fission battlefield.

This fission battlefield is very different from what Jia Chen thought. The fission battlefield should be a very evil and ugly place in everyone's mind, but when Jia Chen opened his eyes, he couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him.

A dark and ink-like night over the battlefield covered the earth, and on that night, there were no stars. There were only a round of blood moons the size of a grinding wheel in the sky. The blood-red bright moon looked extremely strange. It was this round of blood moon that made everyone marvel and talked about it.

The atmosphere of the fission battlefield is very dull, giving people a feeling of being breathless. Looking around, the eyes are full of endless black and dry land, and the land without grass is flat. At a glance, there are a panoramic view of the scenery. Occasionally, there are a few old and thin dead trees, but they set off the strangeness. The atmosphere, bottomless cracks are all over the land, and thousands of ravines are shocking. Some cracks are more than one person wide, north and west. If you don't pay attention, you may fall from the cracks and fall into the endless abys.

And on the scorched and dry land, there are corpses all over the field, which is not only a fission battlefield. The white bones form a sharp contrast to the empty blood moon. In the faint people seem to hear a howl all over the field, and the faint crying spread in the dull air. Some students with poor psychological quality and poor endurance, this Ke is already frightened and pale, and he just wants to escape from this place quickly.

Looking at this seemingly sad scene, there was an incomprehenable impulse in Jia Chen's heart, rolling in Jia Chen's body, as if to break through Jia Chen's brain and control Jia Chen.

"Jachen, try your best to suppress the demons in your body!" Xi'er suddenly shouted anxiously in Jia Chen's heart.

"Well, I can still control it." Jiachen calmly replied that this place was really too cold and gloomy, and there was some connection with Jiachen's heavenly demon bloodline. Therefore, the heart demon in Jiachen's body would be more excited, and the difficulty of Jiachen to suppress the heart demon was gradually increasing, which consumed a lot of Jiachen's spirit.

"It's time to break through the mortal world and enter the real world." This idea has always been lingering in Jiachen's mind, and at this moment it occupies all the attention of Jiachen.

After a short period of chaos, the people who came in, after the encouragement and adjustment of the captain, gradually became order and no longer chaotic. They stared at the fission battlefield with a solemn face, waiting for the captain's order.

The first to start was the team of the four gangs, because they first found some marks and points left by the elite disciples of the Wuji sect, indicating that they are now on the outermost part of the fission battlefield and need to keep moving forward. However, magically, the terrain of this secret place is a circular terrain, no No matter which direction you go, you will eventually reach the center point.

The four major gangs that have been complaining about each other for many years are definitely impossible to go together, so the four gangs have chosen to start from four directions, each of which does not disturb and does not care about each other.

The rest of the small groups composed of scattered people followed the four major gangs, hoping to be blessed and taken care of by some large gangs. Suddenly, thousands of people were divided into four long teams and slowly and orderly set out to the battlefield.

"Follow the team!" Just as the three of Jiachen were about to set off and follow the crowd, the cold voice of Yuqiao came to Jiachen's ears, and then Jiachen felt that the faint spiritual restraint on his body suddenly tightened. For a moment, the Jiachen and others couldn't breathe.

In desperation, Jiachen and the three followed the end of the Jiangshanmen team. Although this feeling of being controlled is extremely bad, now it is undoubtedly the best choice for them to follow the large army.

The group moved forward in silence. In such a depressing and strange place, no one talked and laughed, let alone laughed. Everyone's hearts were hanging, staring at the same scenery around them, and did not dare to relax at all. Thousands of people were on this fission battlefield. It's like a team of ants that are small and insignificant.

The more silent it is, the more powerful and stuffy the breath is, which is also disturbing. Even Jia Chen feels that this dull and depressed breath only gradually occupies the human brain and gradually devours human consciousness. This feeling makes Jia Chen suddenly remember the time when he walked through the tunnel in the small secret world. The scene of the time.

Thinking of it, Jia Chen couldn't help concentrating and throwing all the distracting thoughts out of his mind. Looking at the empty blood moon seemed to be slowly following him, the atmosphere had been suppressed to the extreme. Gradually, the team of thousands of people only had the heavy footsteps. Thinking about it, Jia Chen felt that the forward speed of the whole team was gradually decreasing, and the heavy breathing of the crowd was very regular in this quiet space. Suddenly, Jia Chen felt that his eyelids were a little heavy.

"Sure enough! The fantasy of this human-level secret world is really too powerful. As time went by again, Jiachen's brain actually had a sense of trance. In the trance, Jiachen's eyes had begun to lose its brilliance, and his brain was being deprived uncontrollably. Although Jiachen realized that things were wrong, Jia Chen could only watch the situation happen, but there was nothing he could do and his whole body sore. .

"clench the tip of your teeth, hurry up, grit the tip of your teeth!" Xi'er shouted anxiously in Jia Chen's heart. When Jia Chen gathered the last trace of strength all over his body and bit the tip of his teeth, as the fishy blood flowed into his throat, Jia Chen finally woke up.

Regardless of others, Jia Chen hurriedly looked at Xi Han and Ma Dai beside him. Sure enough, at this moment, the two had completely lost consciousness and walked forward aimlessly like walking dead.

"Wake up!" Jia Chen was a powerful slap on the faces of Xi Han and Ma Dai.

"poof" two times in a row, and Jia Chen, who had used enough strength, directly smashed Xi Han and Ma Dai's mouth. He only heard Xi Han and Ma Dai spit out a mouthful of blood, which restored his senses, and his confused and lightless eyes now rejuvenated.

"What's going on?" Xi Han asked nervously, recalling the unconscious feeling just now, Xi Han couldn't help sweating coldly.

"This is a very clever illusion, which can kill people unconsciously and give me twelve points of energy." Jia Chen whispered to Xi Han and Ma Dai.

"Ah!" Suddenly, an extremely sad scream pierced the silent sky like a sharp arrow.

The three of Jiachen couldn't help but be shocked. A man in the team in front of them suddenly ran to the other side crazily. The man kept running and making that sad scream, and the screamer only trembled!

"This man!" Xi Han pointed to the man who left the team in a daze. The scene on the man's face at this moment was extremely horrible. The red blood flowed out of the man's seven orifices, and his face was white and bloodless, especially the blood-red eyes that were to be prominent, like fierce ghosts.

"Ah!" Another scream, and another man in the same situation left the team. Although he seemed to be running aimlessly, when they looked carefully, they were running away into the crack that was more than one person's width.

"Hey..." Before Xi Han's voice came out of his throat, the two had jumped into the crack and disappeared. Only the chilly screams echoed on this empty battlefield.

Jia Chen raised his head and looked at the strange blood moon. The demon in his body surged uncontrollably, and Jia Chen seemed to see a strange smile on the blood moon, and Jia Chen shuddered for a moment.

With the two crazy students, more and more people began to go crazy. A sad scream echoed over this gloomy battlefield, mixed together, and there was a breathtaking power. Xi Han couldn't help covering his ears. The scream was too sad and harsh.

"One, two, three..." Looking at the following dumplings, the students who were bleeding more frightening than ghosts plunged into the bottomless crack abys one after another, and even Jia Chen felt horrible at this moment.

The scream began to detonate in the crowd like *, and the situation began to gradually become uncontrollable. More and more people became chaotic. Just now, the silent thousand-person brigade suddenly became chaotic and noisy. Huge ** scattered in the crowd like turbulence, and those that had The collapsed students are running desperately to the abyss, while the students who did not collapse are still dull, with dim eyes, and know nothing about what happened.

Looking up, what he saw was the bleeding ghost face of the seven orifices, running in all parts, scattering the whole team, and the sad screams crossed the sky again and again. The whole situation was out of control at this moment. Jia Chen found that all these mentally broken students were very weak, and some To the students who did not reach the end of Sunday.

"What should I do?" Xi Han asked anxiously. Even if he had never met him, Xihan was a little panicked when he saw such a person's death.

"Don't panic, those real people will definitely have a way." In the chaos and screaming, Jia Chen shouted at Xi Han and Ma Dai that if those strong people in the real world were controlled by this environment, there would be no need for the team to continue to move forward.

Just when the scene was disrupted and Jia Chen didn't pay attention for a moment, "Boom!" Suddenly, a loud noise shocked the world, and the whole ground shook for a while. When I looked forward, I saw a strong light suddenly burst out in the front of the team, covering the sky and the sun. Suddenly, the wind and sand rose everywhere, and the blazing light made Jia Chen and others unable to open their eyes for a moment.

After the fierce light was slightly dim, Jia Chen opened his eyes and saw that the feather bridge in a white robe stood proudly in mid-air. The white robe fluttered in the wind and hunted. The strong light was emitted from the body of the feather bridge, which formed a sharp contrast with the blood moon of blood in this dark space.