di xin

Chapter 73 First Encounter with Treasure

The feather bridge in mid-air shouted angrily, and the hands with rapidly changing fingerprints kept shining, and the vast and majestic momentum rose from behind the feather bridge. At this moment, the feather bridge seemed to become the sun between heaven and earth, shining brightly.

When the momentum around the bridge reached its peak, it seemed that there was a thunder across the distant sky and looked at it. The sun-like light ball slowly rose from the feather bridge. The next moment, the light ball dragged its long tail and crossed the black night with a roaring hurricane, which would be around for a while. It was the whiteness reflected in the dark scene and directly hit the empty blood moon.

With a loud noise, I only felt a continuous roar in my ears, as if there were mountains shaking mountains and rocks. The thousands of miles of territory burst out waves, and the violent shaking of the earth actually made Jiachen feel a little unstable.

The black gas rose from the cracks on the surface of the earth. Suddenly, a group of demons and ghosts cried and wolves howled all over the air, but they gradually became unrestrained in the light sprinkled by the explosion of the light ball, and thousands of black gases struggled crazily in this brilliance, which was never separated.

For a long time, when the flushed feather bridge slowly landed, when the afterglow of the collision and explosion gradually subsided, the bright light faded away, and the whole secret place also returned to calm. The dull and depressed atmosphere was instantly broken. The eyes of those students who were fascinated gradually became clear and emitted light again. , began to regain his senses.

"This strength..." Xi Han stared at the feather bridge landing on the ground and was stunned for a moment. The shocking blow of the feather bridge just now, the momentum of staring at the world was really amazing and powerful.

When the students who had run to the crack but pulled back from the cliff looked at the secluded crack under their feet, they were suddenly scared and their legs trembled. When other students found that their faces were full of blood and embarrassed, they began to try to recall what had happened before, and their eyes couldn't help but be full. Panic, cold sweat appeared on his back.

Everything seemed to have calmed down by Yuqiao's struggle, and everything returned to its initial tranquility. After that, the panicked students were in a mess at this moment, panicked, and fear began to spread in the crowd. Many people found that the brothers who accompanied them had completely disappeared and did not go. Traces.

Panic and shouts, crying and helpless pleading mixed together, and the huge noise began to gradually form over the secret place, and the whole team suddenly stagnated and could no longer move normally.

Jia Chen looked up and looked at the eternal silent night in the dark sight. Looking at the place where the blood moon once appeared, after the blow of the feather bridge, the blood moon disappeared out of thin air and completely hidden, leaving only a deep and horrible, an endless black hole that people could not see at a glance, emitting a faint cold atmosphere. The disappearance of the blood moon represents the temporary victory of the moon bridge, but the secluded black hole made Jia Chen's heart have a stronger sense of crisis.

"Quiet, everyone, don't panic!" Just now, the hard blow consumed a little too big Yuqiao to adjust the breath in place. At this moment, he is talking about another leader of Jiangshanmen, Huang's 12th ranking.

This person is tall, thin and dark. The whole person will make people feel that he is not talkative and silent. If he doesn't understand the curtain, he will think he is just an ordinary martial artist, but the curtain is already the top 12th place in the Yellow Department. The master has long been well-known. The only feature of the curtain is that it is always indifferent eyes, which makes people feel that this person has no emotion, like a dead object.

The clear voice of the curtain seems to have silky magic. The voice is small but deep enough to affect people's hearts, as if it can affect people's spirit. As the sound of the curtain comes into everyone's hearts, the people who were still afraid and panicked just now began to calm down, and the whole team began to be in a chaotic and noisy state. Gradually getting better, everyone seemed to look at the Yanmu in the front with hope for help. At this moment, only the leader of Jiangshanmen can convince everyone that Yanmu and Yuqiao are the biggest sustenance of these people.

"Panic and fear are useless. Don't be afraid. And I'm here, Yuqiao is here, and all the brothers in Jiangshanmen are here. Since we come here, we have to do not hesitate. Only cowardly will panic, do you understand?" The words of the curtain were deeply rooted in people's hearts. Although Jia Chen felt that this statement was not very good, everyone was godless. In such a strange and dangerous situation, in a state of panic, the curtain undoubtedly became their biggest support, and this bad speech became the most powerful at this moment. Speech.

"Everyone stand in the team as it was just now. Let's reorganize and count the number of people lost this time." At this moment, Yuqiao also took a rest and began to rectify the team. For a moment, the whole space was left with the sound of people's actions, noisy and quiet.

When the final number of people was counted, everyone was stunned. It was just a fascinating illusion. In just a moment, it was enough to cost this team of more than 1,000 people nearly 200 people!

Although Yuqiao and Yanmu did not make the specific numbers public, they looked over and looked at the team that had shrunk, everyone could probably estimate how many people had been lost. Suddenly, panic and fear began to spread in the crowd again, imagining that there were brothers who were still accompanying them at the last moment. At this moment But it has disappeared and is likely to have lost their lives. Many younger students have shed tears. These tears contain sadness, but more fear.

The blood on the faces of the students was mixed with tears, and the soil stuck to their faces. For a moment, the morale of the whole team was low, and the silence began to spread again, and people were panicked.

"Let's go!" In the face of this situation, the only way is to continue to move forward. In this strange secret place, they have no way out, and even their sense of direction is gradually losing.

"Everyone must unite. At this time, we can only tide over the difficulties by helping each other. Brothers with strength in real life must take good care of the brothers around us and set out!" With the fall of Yuqiao's words, the whole team moved forward again in this low morale, moving slowly in the endless wilderness like ants.

Before leaving, Yuqiao looked at Jiachen meaningfully and seemed to say, "You'd better not die."

As the team moved forward, Jia Chen found that their direction was not forward, but downward. "Is this a depression?" Jia Chen, who found something wrong, looked at the crack under his feet and said to himself on the dark land.

The downward range of the whole road was not hit, and no one found it in a short period of time. They thought that they were walking on the flat ground. When the magic storm had passed for a long time, everyone who was still worried about fear found that the weather was calm and peaceful during this period, although the dull and strange atmosphere was still It was shrouded by everyone, but at this moment, as the fear gradually dissipated from the heart, everyone's tense nerves began to relax.

"Jachen, have you found anything?" Ma Dai, with a serious face, seemed to find something wrong and quickly stepped forward to walk side by side with Jia Chen, with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Are we going down?" Jia Chen looked at Ma Dai and said uncertainly that so far he had only found these.

"Not all of them." Ma Dai's deep eyes flashed at this moment and shook his head heavily, "Don't you notice how much those unknown cracks are gradually increasing?" With that, Ma Dai pointed to the ground in front of him in the distance.

Jiachen and Xihan narrowed their eyes and looked forward at the same time. Sure enough, with the gradual deepening of the large army, the cracks all over the surface slowly increased unconsciously until the end of Jia Chen's eyes, where there were already dense cracks, thousands of gullies, like complex lines on the palm of the hand. , staggered with each other.

Although those cracks are not wide, and the general cracks are only half a palm wide, which does not affect people's walking, but if it goes on like this, Jiachen can't imagine what the scene will be like after going deeper.

The scenery along the way is still a dead silence. With the disappearance of the blood moon, people's vision becomes darker and blurred. Occasionally, they see a few old branches in the distance that have already withered and withered. There seems to be a lonely crow on it, staying on the branches for a long time and unwilling to leave. The sad cry spreads from afar to people's hearts. , which made people sweat coldly and shudder all over.

A miserable white corpse left here from the fission era comes into view from time to time. There is no doubt that the owners of these corpses are powerful, otherwise they will not have survived to this day.

Gradually, Jia Chen found that these corpses were also increasing, and some of the corpses were still very complete. Jia Chen knew that the more complete the corpses were, the stronger the corpse owner's strength before his life was getting higher and higher.

"Look, there is a short sword on this skeleton!" Suddenly, an excited scream broke the silence, and the orderly team suddenly began to panic. Many people came forward one after another and seemed to forget the panic in their hearts for a while.

"It turned out to be a magic weapon at the spiritual level, otherwise it would not have been preserved so well!" When some people saw the dagger inserted into the bone, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"Spiritual level!" The news exploded like thunder in the crowd, and more and more people began to gather there, and their already depressed eyes glowed hot again.

"Look, there are also here!" On the other side, a man pointed to a corpse half leaning against the dead tree and exclaimed excitedly. In the hand of the corpse, he held a strangely shaped sword tightly. The sword was obviously of high quality, and there was still a slight light lingering around him tens of thousands of years.

"Here, here, there are many words engraved here, like profound magic secrets!" Another exclamation led the crowd over there.

"Wow, it's actually Brahma, the top-grade Brahma, I sent it, haha." A man pulled out a dark and extremely thin weed from a very small crack and looked up to the sky and laughed.

"The thousand-year-old underworld iron turned out to be a thousand-year-old underworld iron. The unique material for creating the name of the weapon @qi was actually discovered by me. There is no way out!" Another big man was digging crazily in a raised small earth bag, and the other hand was tightly holding black iron blocks as big as a fist and full of dirt.

As more and more treasures and materials were discovered, all the people seemed to be crazy and scattered, looking for it in the dry and dark land. Some people even simply lay on the ground and sniffed the ground with their noses.

Everyone completely lost their minds at this moment. After being suppressed for too long, they finally found the hidden treasure. Their eyes were full of fiery and greedy eyes. Except for the treasure found, there was nothing in their eyes. The students of the infinite school who had never seen the world before. At this moment, they were finally here. In front of the absolute treasure, I lost my mind.