Eastern Continent

Chapter 380, Escape

Long Fei lay in a dark compartment at the bottom of the carriage. His body was tightly tied by Lao Huang with a cow tendon rope and could not move. His mouth was still stuffed with a piece of cloth that was found there. The smell of mold only made Long Fei almost faint.

Since I grew up, I have never received such a high-level treatment.

The body kept trembling with the bumps of the carriage. Sometimes the head hit the side wall, and sometimes the thighs were hit. Only the sound of horseshoes and the sound of wheels passing through the slate ground, and I felt that the carriage was moving in one direction.

Just as the stuffiness and bumps made Long Fei almost fall asleep, the carriage suddenly stopped, followed by a noisy sound, the sound of people talking, the sound of horseshoes, and the sound of turning over the goods on the carriage, which seemed to be the unique loud voice of copper head.

When the sleepy Long Fei heard the sound of the copper head, he couldn't help but feel refreshed. He hurriedly turned his body and kept bumping into the side wall, hoping to attract attention.

But at this moment when the horse is noisy, who will pay attention to the slight sound? After all, no one thought that the person they were looking for was under their eyes.

After a while, the carriage continued to drive, and the sound of horses' hoofs seemed to be telling Long Fei's helpless mood and kept moving away.

When passing through the gate, because it was the carriage of Jin Zurong, a great man in the city, the soldiers immediately released it without looking at it and respectfully greeted Master Jin.

After the carriage came out of the city gate, they obviously accelerated their speed, and the sound of horses' hoofs suddenly became sharp, and the carriage became more bumpy, and the frequency of the dragon fly hitting the carriage became more frequent.

After a while, the horse's hoof whispered, but the carriage was bumpy. Obviously, it was no longer a flat road, but turned into the path.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

When Long Fei woke up, he was released from the dark compartment under the car. His eyes were still a little uncomfortable when he first saw the sun, but he still saw the current situation in the shade of the dark trees.

Everyone, including Meng Ting, has got on the back of the horse, holding the reings of the horse and ready to go at any time. Each of the six cars is equipped with two horses, which is just enough for each person to ride.

Lao Huang flew the dragon in front of him, and everyone raised the reins and rushed along the mountain path, abandoning the carriage and the truck full of medicinal materials in the local area.

Long Fei was placed on the horse's back by Lao Huang. With the horse's rapid run, he was dizzy and unable to distinguish things. It was harder than when he was at the bottom of the carriage. What was not much in his stomach was almost turned upside down.

Crossing a mountain, Long Fei only felt a bright eye.

At the foot of the mountain not far away, the wide blue sea spread out in front of him. From far away, the golden scales and white waves formed a beautiful scene, like a colorful painting from the sky.

This beautiful picture strongly shook Longfei's heart, so that Longfei almost forgot his situation and the feeling of being trembling and vomiting on the horse just now.

A three-masted sailboat is parked on the shore, and the sails have been erected and ready to go at any time.

Meng Ting and his subordinates immediately jumped off their horses and boarded the sailboats one after another. The horses were abandoned by them on the shore.

Before Long Fei woke up, Lao Huang had put him on the boat and was thrown on the deck like other salutes.

Immediately after the hull moved, the big ship gradually moved and sailed to the depths of the sea. This kind of ship was only slow when it started. When it really started, the three sails rose at the same time. With the wind, but in a blink of an eye, people could no longer see the coastline.

The cow tendon rope tied to Long Fei has not been untied, and the cloth in his mouth has not been pulled out. Fortunately, when Lao Huang threw him on the deck, he was the other way around, so he is now lying on the deck, which is relatively more uncomfortable. If it is thrown in front of the deck, it is estimated that a few front teeth will have to be dropped.

Long Fei was too lazy to worry about his situation. Originally, there were several chances for Tongtou to save himself from danger when he was in Song Chuncheng, so there were still a few hopes. Now that he has gone to sea anyway, Tongtou will only be farther and farther away from him, and it is also in vain to worry.

However, the copper head will definitely not give up, and he will immediately know that he has been taken to the sea, but whether they can find themselves or not depends on luck.

Besides, I can neither swim nor have any internal strength in my body. Therefore, the two methods of diving and escape and force can basically be abandoned. In addition, the most reliable thing is my mind and the spiritual power that I have just practiced inadvertently, but I can only slowly find a way in the future. Is it urgent at present? There is no chance to come.

I just hope that I will have a chance to see the big man with copper head again in the future and hear him constantly sarcastic words.

Long Fei has never had a clue about the spiritual power he inexplicably got. This spiritual power is like a thing that fell down and hit himself out of thin air. He picked it up or picked it up, but he still doesn't know what it is, good or bad.

For the sudden emergence of spiritual power, Long Fei's eyes are blackened and he doesn't know anything. In the whole world, except for martial arts, he has not heard anyone who can practice spiritual power like himself.

Although the spiritual power of the divine warrior is strong, it is only the manifestation of the divine warrior's long-term cultivation and firm will. It is a feeling of spiritual condensation, which can deter the enemy, but it cannot be used against the enemy. Long Fei's spiritual power can directly escape from the body and even act on objects, which is related to the divine warrior. It is different.

According to Long Fei's own estimation, this spiritual power must be caused by the mutation of Xu Tiangong he has cultivated. For thousands of years, no one has been able to learn from the secret of martial arts, which must be some mysteries.

At this time, the people on the ship were busy driving the boat out of the harbor, leaving the coast and driving to the depths of the sea. No one had time to pay attention to the "dry" dragon fly lying on the deck, and the dragon fly was still tightly tied by the thick cow tendons with an unbroken blade, and he was not afraid of him jumping into the sea.

In fact, Long Fei really couldn't move and shout at this time.

Long Fei, who had no choice but to be in the current situation, temporarily put down his worries about his predicament at this time, but boredly looked at the white clouds in the sky that kept moving and changing shape.

At this time, although it is the sky, there are many white clouds in the sky. The pieces, strips, in different shapes, are far and near, floating irregularly in the sky, moving with the wind, forming various shapes, either like a big stone, or like a lively and cute lamb, or like a big rooster with a high neck, or It's nothing like that, just the pieces, the most primitive white clouds, scattered and piles floating in the sky.

Those cotton-like white clouds, under the influence of the wind, are constantly changing their shape, just like the seventy-two changing but playful monkeys, constantly trying their change ability.

Suddenly, Long Fei, who was quietly looking at the white clouds in the sky, seemed to have a string in his heart. Dimly, it seemed that something was about to emerge. However, even if he wanted to break his head, he could not express it in specific words. He subconsciously wanted to wave it, but he found that he was still tightly tied and could not Don't move at all.

The cruel reality told Long Fei that he was still a prisoner of mermaid meat.

Long Fei closed his eyes, but his eyes were still shaking white clouds and their various forms, but no matter which form, its most primitive composition were those white clouds floating in the wind.

Gradually, a kind of enlightenment rose from the bottom of Long Fei's heart, and a martial arts problem that had been confusing him was solved in this situation.

The problem of borrowing.

Clouds have formed various shapes with the help of the wind. In martial arts, can they also use the power of the enemy to attack the enemy, and even use the power of nature to attack the enemy.

When I used to fight with the enemy, I often relied on my own skills to fight with the enemy. When my strength was invincible, I used my unique light kung fu and the strange moves in "Secrets of Heaven". When I was defeated again, I would run for my life, but I didn't expect to borrow it at all.

Although Xi Lao has also pointed himself out before and has thought about it, he has not paid much attention to this trick because of his martial arts skills are not high, lack of difficulties, and the degree of impetuousness.

Until now, I have lost all my internal strength, and I have inadvertently practiced my spiritual strength. Many originally vague ideas have become clear at this moment.

Long Fei is happy with his ideas, but with it is a curse. Now Dantian is empty, and there is no internal force at all. How can he borrow other people's internal forces? Even if he borrows it, what can he rely on to drive it?

In fact, after figure out this problem, Long Fei's knowledge of martial arts has reached another level. At present, although he cannot be used because he has no internal strength, as long as his skills are restored in the future, there will be a qualitative leap in martial arts, and the realm will be thousands of miles a day.

Lying on the deck, thinking about the problems in martial arts, and thinking about my situation, I was sometimes worried and happy. I was fascinated for a moment, and I didn't realize that the boat had slipped out of the shoal, sailed out of the harbor and ran to the sea.

When the footsteps sounded and gradually walked in the direction of Long Fei, the thin and dry figure of Lao Huang immediately appeared in Long Fei's mind.

The sound of footsteps reached Long Fei's side. When Long Fei opened his eyes, he happened to see Lao Huang's wrinkled face like orange peel. Then Long Fei only felt that his body was light, so he was lifted up by Lao Huang, held under his ribs, and walked in through the open warehouse door.

After entering the boat warehouse, Lao Huang walked straight to the stern with the dragon and stopped at the door of a room.

There were two people standing on both sides of the door of this room. They thought they were guards. They did not move when they saw Lao Huang coming. Obviously, they were very familiar with Lao Huang. Because Long Fei was facing down when he was held up by Lao Huang, he only saw the positions below the waist of the two people, all with shorts and bare feet.

Lao Huang directly pushed open the door and walked in, and once again threw Long Fei to the ground in front of Meng Ting.

Long Fei was knocked down and his whole body was dizzy and in pain. Looking at the straight feet just in front of him, a helpless bitter smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

This old Huang and Long Fei seem to have a deep hatred, and they must put him to the ground every time, as if they have to be so irrefutable.

Speaking of which, this old Huang really thought that he had a deep hatred with Long Fei. The two patriarchs of the fishman clan were killed and injured one by one, and Meng Ting was exposed. It was all because of Song Chun. However, the revenge action organized by the fish people this time was blocked by Ye Guoming and Tongtou, and Long Fei, Ye Guoming and Tongtou were both positive. They knew each other well, so Lao Huang put this gas out on Long Fei.