Eastern Continent

Chapter 381, Escape

Meng Ting's leisurely voice sounded: "Don't be rude. Give Brother Long a loose seat."

Although Lao Huang acted rudely, he carried out Meng Ting's words. Hearing this, Ma * Longfei picked it up, untied the tightly tied cow tendon rope, and pressed Long Fei on the chair in front of Meng Ting.

Long Fei was puzzled and didn't know how Lao Huang was tied in the first. He was afraid that he would run away. The cow tendon rope was deep into the meat, which only made his whole body painful. It was difficult to move his body, but it was so easy to untie it.

Long Fei sat down on the stool crookedly and finally stabilized his body so that he would not roll off the stool and make a fool of himself on the spot. Looking at the calm and expressionless face, he smiled bitterly, "Your hospitality is really special!"

Meng Ting opened his eyes, his eyes were calm, and his expression was calm and indifferent. Now Meng Ting seems to have completely lost the sharpness of the warrior, and he can't see that this is a martial artist whose martial arts has reached the spiritual level.

Looking at Long Fei with a smile on his face, Meng Ting also secretly admired him. It seemed that since Long Fei was hijacked by himself, until now, except for the first day or two, which was a little abnormal and he once shouted, every time he saw him, he smiled every time, as if he had just came back from an outing, and he was in a good mood. Endless, there is no such thing as shouting and crying and depressing at all. It's better like Long Fei was born without fear of sadness.

Such a person is either very confident in himself or pretending to be crazy, but looking at Long Fei's clear and innocent eyes and organized language, he knows that he is only the former.

It seems that such a person has to deal with it well.

These thoughts in Meng Ting's mind turned like a windmill, but there was no trace on the surface. Instead, he looked at Long Fei and said lightly, "Aren't you afraid that I will throw you down after going to the sea?"

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "If you are caught on the sea, you shouldn't call the sky and the earth. At such a point, there is no difference between fear and fear, so there is no need to be afraid."

"Oh!" Meng Ting answered faintly.

Long Fei knew that such an answer could not satisfy Meng, so he had to smile bitterly and said, "Actually, the boy is afraid of death, but I guess you should not do that for the time being."

"Oh!" Meng Ting said faintly again and didn't say anything.

Long Fei said again, "If you always want to deal with the boy, you can easily complete it as early as Song Chuncheng. Why do you take such a big risk and spend so much effort to bring the boy to the boat, so if you take the boy on the boat, there must be something that needs to be used."

"Oh!" Meng Ting said oh again and did not agree with Long Fei's words. He did not agree or refute them, but suddenly turned to ask, "In your opinion, will Ye Guoming and Tongtou friends catch up with us?"

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Meng Laozhen can entertain people. Every move of them is in your calculation, and every time they are more than one beat slower than you. How to catch up with you? When they were still in the city in advance, they could no longer find the boy. Now when they get to the sea, they are even more helpless."

Meng Ting said, "In your opinion, how are their personalities and martial arts?"

Long Fei said frankly, "Brother Ye, I just met him and don't know much about his personality, but his martial arts are first-class. You used to be in Song Chuncheng, and you should have heard of it?"

Meng was silent and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was too tired to open his mouth. Lao Huang, who stood behind him, hurriedly put his hands on his shoulders and rubbed them gently.

Seeing that Meng Ting did not respond to his words, Long Fei had to continue by himself: "I really know the copper-headed personality. If he knows that you have gone to the sea, he will definitely follow him. As for whether he can catch up, he will never consider it. As for his martial arts, with all due respect, other people on this ship may not be able to stop him except for you. If the two of them catch up at the same time, you may have no other way but to speed up the ship.

After Long Fei finished speaking, he looked up and found that Meng Ting had completely closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

Seeing that Meng Ting had no response, Long Fei had to stop, leaned back on the back of the chair, relaxed his body, and waited for Meng Ting to speak, while his eyes swam around the room.

Anyway, everything that should be said has been said, and the result can only be handed over to Meng Ting now.

This is a relatively large room compared with the warehouse. The layout of the room is neither luxurious nor simple, but the layout of the table and chair and the murals on the wall are all unique. After looking at the room, Long Fei stopped his eyes on Meng Ting.

At this time, the straight face is completely different from the time of the main sacrifice. In the past, the slender face was full of wrinkles, and it looked like a wind candle that was about to rise. Now although the face is still long and the face looks that big, it gives people the feeling that it is not thin. Instead, it seems to be a little fat, and the skin on the face is bright. Slippery, it's still like an old man. A young man in his early 20s doesn't have such good skin, and he doesn't often go to the sea and is rough blown by the sea breeze.

Because no one spoke, the room calmed down. Except for the almost inaudible sound of Lao Huang's hands rubbing on his shoulders, only the sound of the sea breeze blowing in from the open window.

After a long time, Meng Ting opened his eyes and suddenly looked at Long Fei and said, "From now on, you can move freely on the boat."

Long Fei could hardly believe his ears and repeated, "Free movement?"

"Yes!" Meng Ting said lightly, "As long as you don't mean to destroy it, you can go all the boats except for one place you can't go in. If you think you can swim back from here, you can also jump into the sea and swim back."

Long Fei smiled helplessly and secretly scolded Meng for being old and treacherous and slippery in his heart. In this vast sea, he could not swim. Even if he had the idea of escaping, he could only sigh.

You can move freely on the boat without worrying about escaping, which is similar to actual imprisonment

Although Long Fei cursed secretly in his heart, he did not dare to show any expression on his face and pretended to be very grateful: "Thank you, Meng Lao!"

Meng Ting stopped talking, but just waved his hand to Long Fei.

Long Fei stood up from the stool, bowed to Meng Ting, and then turned around and walked out slowly.

As soon as Long Fei's figure disappeared from the door, his straight waist suddenly collapsed and leaned against the back of the chair, as if the weight of his body was unbearable. Suddenly, he seemed to be dozens of years old, and his hands trembled slightly.

Lao Huang hurriedly held Meng Ting and said with heartache, "The master's injury is not healed yet. You shouldn't force him to see that boy."

"It's okay!" Meng Ting shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Don't worry. Now the ship is at sea and there is no disturbance. As long as I rest for a few days, I can almost recover!"

"I didn't expect that Ye Guoming and the bronze head martial arts were so powerful that they could hurt their master so seriously that they couldn't recover now!" Old Huang said in scongly, "The dragon fly with them will definitely not be an ordinary person!"

Meng Ting shook his head and said lightly, "Although the two kids are powerful, it's not the two of them who can hurt me so much, but Zhu Ran, the governor of Song Chun. If Zhu Ran's counterattack hadn't hurt me, those two kids would not have hurt me, let alone stopped me to kill Zhu Ran." Meng Ting reluctantly sat up straight and looked at Lao Huang and said, "It was precisely because I guessed that Long Fei might not be an ordinary person that I took the risk of bringing him to the ship. As long as Long Fei is in my hands, Ye Guoming and the copper head will definitely chase after him, and my fishman clan has a big crisis this time. Maybe it will need some external forces to be added to transform. Solution! Long Fei, Ye Guoming, Tongtou and others are the external forces this time.

"The fish people are in crisis!" Lao Huang didn't quite understand Meng Ting's words, so he was a little puzzled: "Is there any big loss in the clan except for the injury of the patriarch and the owner and the loss of some elites!"

"You don't know!" Meng Ting sighed and said, "You go out first. I'm going to adjust my breath for a while."

"Yes!" Old Huang saluted respectfully, walked out of the room and closed the door.

After Lao Huang walked out of the room, he sighed a long sigh, and his smooth face was full of sadness.

Meng Ting said it easily. In fact, there is not only a crisis for the fishmen, but also a big crisis. In addition to the bone spurs who have been staring at the fishmen, there is also a crisis within the fishmen.

In addition to the patriarch Wu clan, there are several major clan surnames, namely, Meng Ting's surname of the great elder, the straight surname of the two elders, and the Xiu surname of the third elder Xiu Xingshan. These three surnames are second only to the Wu clan, all occupying the position of the fish people, holding great power and power in their hands. The rest of the clan surnames are also There are smaller surnames such as Cha, Ding and Guan.

Among the fish people, except that Wu is the largest surname of the fish people, the number and power of other Meng, straight and Xiu surnames are similar. The two elders they serve are all ancestral positions, including the patriarch, which is generally father and son, and has not changed.

However, recently, the three elders Xiu Xingshan have recruited a large number of troops and expanded their power, and the wolf's ambition is obvious. When the original surnames of Wu, Meng Ting and Zhi surnames were at their peak, Xiu Xingshan did not dare to act recklessly. However, now not only the old patriarch died, the new patriarch was injured, Meng stood up and suffered serious injuries, and the elites surnamed Meng and Zhi suffered heavy losses in this assassination. At this time, Xiu Xingshan is still not in trouble, let alone when.

So the current fish people are in domestic and diplomatic difficulties!

Meng Ting frowned. He was seriously injured this time. Although he unexpectedly injured Zhu Ran, Zhu Ran's martial arts were so powerful. Under Zhu Ran's desperate counterattack, he was also punched by Zhu Ran's backhand. His body was not light. He was blocked by Ye Guoming and Tongtou, and the injury was even more serious. Although he said it easily, in fact, if he does not treat it quickly, even if he finally recovers, he is likely to leave a dark disease that affects martial arts.

He took a gentle breath, and his face gradually calmed down. He straightened his waist on the chair, straightened his feet, and put his hands on his waist, forming a strange posture. He gradually calmed down and entered a fixed state.

Meng Ting's practice methods and postures are very different from those of the mainland, and martial arts are also different from those in the mainland.