Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 56 Rescue Begins

*Some people came from home last night, and this update was only made this morning. I'm sorry! *

Avril was captured by the giant bird, but when she saw Andre still holding the giant egg, everyone couldn't help but be a little angry. Adam said very dissatisfiedly, "When is it? Why are you still messing with this thing!"

Nima was also a little unhappy to see this. If Andrea hadn't suddenly attracted such a precious egg to the giant bird, how could Avril be captured?

Andre scratched his head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry!"

When everyone saw this, they sighed and couldn't say anything more. If you want to complain, just blame yourself for your incomprecation!

In fact, this matter can't be blamed by Andre at all. Even if he doesn't find the giant egg, the giant bird will definitely make trouble for them in the end, because any creature that wants to pass through the abyss will eventually be attacked by the giant bird.

If you want to blame, why is the giant bird the final level of this second test?

Just when everyone was anxious and angry, they heard a strange cry from the air. Everyone looked up and saw that the giant bird came again.

Moreover, this time the giant bird is not alone. It even found a helper - a giant bird bigger than its size!

When everyone saw that the giant bird appeared in mid-air so quickly, they were slightly relieved. They expected that Avril would not be in danger in such a short time.

Looking at the two giant birds hovering in the air, Eva suddenly said, "I have a way..."

"What can you do? Hurry up and say it!" Nima's eyes lit up when she heard the words and said excitedly.

Aiwa shook her head again and said, "Oh, this method is a little too risky!"

"What is adventure? Even if there is a sea of knives and fire ahead, I will break through!" Avril's life and death are uncertain now. Every second she is in danger. How can Nima not be in a hurry?

"All right! My initial idea is to divide us into two groups: one group stays in place, and I don't think the giant bird will give up and come to grab eggs. At that time, this group will be responsible for attracting their attention; while the other group will go straight to their nests from the opposite cliff to see if they can save Avril!"

"Dizzy, what's the way you do? There is such a big abyss in the middle. If I could go there, I would have gone there long ago!" Nima said with a disappointed face.

Aiwa smiled and said, "Why is this so difficult?"

As she spoke, Eva fiddled with the 'return road' on her wrist and saw a red light flash on it. In Eva's hand, there was something like a machine gun.

Then, Eva held the "machine gun" in both hands and tried to point the muzzle at the cliff near the top and pulled the trigger hard.

With a bang, a straight red light flashed, and I saw a bang on the opposite cliff, with a lot of stone dust falling. Then, everyone saw a thumb-thick thing similar to a rope, which had been fixed from their extension to the opposite cliff.

Eva handed the "machine gun" to Nima and said, "I think you are probably the only one who can climb the cliff here!" As long as you pull the trigger again, the steel rope will shrink back into the gun under the pressure of the gun. It can also lead you across the abyss to the opposite cliff! Whether you can save Avril or not is up to you!"

Nima took the machine gun, nodded solemnly, and didn't say anything. She hooked the trigger with her fingers and grasped the machine gun with both hands. Nima's whole body was pulled over by the steel rope.

Adam suddenly shouted bad when he saw this and pointed to Nima's fast-moving figure and said, "At this speed, Nima will not be killed when she arrives at the opposite side?"

But Eva was not worried at all and said confidently, "Just look at it!"

Sure enough, as Eva said, Nima successfully climbed the cliff and her whole body was unscathed.

It turns out that after the "machine gun" shrinks the steel rope to half, the speed will suddenly slow down. The reason for this is to prevent the user from getting injured. How could the designer of this "machine gun" not think of such a simple thing?

Seeing that Nima successfully reached the opposite cliff, Eva and the three also began to take action.

Adam kept firing fireballs at the two giant birds in the air, firmly attracting their attention to his side.

Then Eva received the Dome on the 'return journey', and the three ran desperately to the Temple of Life.

Seeing that the two giant birds were successfully attracted by himself, Adam quickly chased after them as soon as they fanned their wings. Adam wiped the sweat on his head and said, "Aiwa, the giant bird outside has really caught up. With the ability of the three of us, let alone hurt them, even self-preservation is a problem!"

Awa thought about it carefully and thought so, but she could only take one step. If they don't firmly attract the attention of the giant bird to their side, then Nima, let alone rescue Avril, hangs himself on half of the cliff, and he will definitely die.

Nowadays, rescue Avril is the first, and if you want to rescue Avril, you must first ensure Nima's safety! Taking the overall situation first, Ewa can't take care of so much!

In fact, what Adam meant was that he wanted Eva to take out some powerful weapons from the 'return journey'. It can be seen that Adam could only be disappointed by the latter's helpless appearance.

How can the speed of human beings running on the ground compare with the speed of the giant bird flying in the air?

The three ran far forward and felt that there was a strong wind behind them. It turned out that the two giant birds caught up.

Andre simply stopped running and stood still waiting for the arrival of the two giant birds. He said that even if he died, he would delay some time so that Adam and Eva could have more opportunities to escape.

And Adam was in a hurry. According to one of the giant birds, he raised his hand and shot a fireball; Eva was also not idle. She summoned the sea god's staff and waved her hand to shoot an ice column at a giant bird.

Originally, the three of them had little confidence in their own means, because they knew that their current ability was still in the initial stage and could not do any harm to some large creatures.

Unexpectedly, Adam's fireball and Eva's icicle met first in the air!

And this seemingly incompatible two actually merged! In an instant, a strange energy that does not look like a ball, a column does not look like a column, and is not red or white, and quickly shoots at one of the giant birds.

The two giant birds dived fast, and the speed of this strange energy was not weak. The two collided almost instantly, and the giant bird had no time to dodge at all.

I heard a sad cry and saw the big bird, probably the giant bird that later became a helper. After a scream, it turned over and fell to the ground fiercely.

Even under the action of inertia, it rolled far forward on the ground...

Adam and Eva looked at each other and said puzzledly, "What's going on?"