Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 57 End Your Old Nest

It turns out that although people often say that water and fire are incompatible, this is actually a subconscious misunderstanding.

This is like a nuclear bomb. People know and understand its power, but few people understand how it works.

The so-called principle of nuclear bomb is actually to make the nucleus obtain a huge amount of variation through fusion and fission, so that it can fuse and burst out a powerful power.

And what Adam and Eva are encountering now is the principle of nuclear bomb. Adam's fireball is like fusion, and Eva's icicles seem to be fission. Fusion and fission react at the same time. The energy formed, of course, is as powerful as a nuclear bomb.

Therefore, it doesn't seem to hurt to hit any of the fireball and icicles on the giant bird. But when the two merged into new energy, they knocked the giant bird to the ground, at least seriously injured.

When the other giant bird saw this, it was furious and wanted to avenge its husband, but it was worried about its injury, and it was also a little afraid of Adam and Eva's attack, so it did not come to find everyone's trouble, but fell to the injured giant bird and kept singing sadly, but it appeared There is nothing we can do.

Adam and the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. It seemed that the three of them should not be in danger in a short time! I just don't know if Nima can successfully rescue Lavigne...

*********———Gorgeous Drop Split Line———******

Besides, after successfully arriving at the opposite cliff, she carried the "machine gun" behind her, did not dare to delay at all, struggled to climb some protruding rocks, and began to climb to the top of the cliff.

And on the way to climb the mountain, it can be said to be dangerous: several times, the rocks caught by Nima suddenly loosened and almost fell off the cliff.

But Fortunately, Nima is agile and can make timely remedies every time to save the danger. In this way, it wasn't long before Nima finally climbed to the top of the cliff.

However, Nima, who had already prepared for the worst, couldn't help but be stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

This is not the top of the cliff, but a small cave. In this cave, there is a lot of hay, which has become a very huge bird's nest.

At this time, Avril was sitting in the bird's nest, holding a branch in one hand and copying the dead grass in the other. She was not only unscathed, but also smiling happily with a big bird that did not grow hair.

Even on her head, at this time, there are still a few yellow dead grass! In that case, it's really like a village girl! A village girl who harms the country and the people!

"Wh-Nima! Why did you come here?" Avril was having fun with the big bird, but suddenly saw Nima climb up from the opposite side and didn't react for a moment.

"What do you mean I'm here! You should be looking forward to me! We are all worried about you!" Nima said with a stunned face.

Then, Lavigne smiled calmly and said, "What's there's nothing to worry about? I just did an air trip for free!" Look at you like that!"

Seeing that Nima's stunned chin was about to collapse, Avril said righteously, "Don't joke with you stupid guy! There is no sense of humor at all... You know, people are scared to death here! Fortunately, it is still with me!"

With that, Avril actually poked the big bird's wings with the branch of her left hand. The big bird was as if it had been electrocuted. It was very excited and wanted to fly with its wings, but its bones were too heavy, and its wings were not yet long. The bladder really couldn't support its weight, and finally, it had no choice but to fall back into the bird's nest.

It turned out that the big bird usually stayed in the nest and was very lonely. The reason why the giant bird caught Avril back was to find a toy for its baby.

When Lavigne saw this, she burst into laughter. Then she thought that Nima was still in front of her and quickly covered her mouth.

Nima looked very pale and said stiffly, "Weir, they didn't do anything to you, did they? You must have been stimulated by anything, right?"

"You are stimulated! Don't worry~~ I'm fine! When I was first caught by the giant bird, I thought I was finished, but I didn't expect that the giant bird just put me in the nest and flew away with another giant bird.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Nima muttered to herself, if something really happened to Avril, Nima had to roast the two giant birds! Although he seldom eats meat...

"Then let's go quickly! Maybe the two giant birds will come back later. If you want to leave, it will be too late!" Nima saw that since Avril is fine and this place is not a place to talk, she'd better leave the enemy's base first!

When Lavigne heard this, she looked at the big bird with a reluctant face and said, "But I still want to play with it again~~ It's really cute!"

Nima is speechless...

"Why don't we take this big bird away together!" This time, the giant bird's behavior really violated the most taboo place in Nima's heart, so Nima's rare cruelty.

Since the giant bird has captured its closest people, it is too unruly to go back and forth!

"Good, good!" Avril clapped her hands and praised, saying that, and held the big bird in her arms. And the big bird did not resist at all. It enjoyed rubbing around on Avril's chest, and Nima was evil...

As the saying goes, it is easier to go down the mountain than to go down the mountain. Nima didn't feel anything when she climbed up, but when she had to go back, she found that if she went back alone, she might still be a little sure, but if she took Avril or even the big bird, it would be impossible to complete it!

As soon as Lavigne saw Nima frown, she knew what he was worried about, but no matter how smart Lavigne was, she couldn't think of a better way at this time!

At this time, she saw that the big bird in Avril's arms suddenly flashed its wings and wanted to break free from her arms. When Avril saw this, she let go of her hands.

As soon as the big bird was liberated from Avril's arms, it grabbed a handful of hay and began to jump high on the bird's nest, and then spread a pair of big wings that had not grown much hair, gliding around.

Nima didn't understand what was going on, but Avril suddenly understood what the big bird meant.

"It's going to tell us that it will hold us down!"

Nima's face turned green as soon as she heard it, and she took it with her? Not to mention what kind of bird people his parents are, can he take himself and Avril down with his hairless appearance?

Nima shook her head like a rattle and refused to agree to let the big bird take them down. Lavigne firmly believed in this and insisted that the big bird take herself down. Nima couldn't argue with Avril. In the end, she had no choice but to let the big bird take Avril down first, and then she was trying to find a way to go down.

After all, one less person, one less weight, one more safe!

When Avril saw that Nima didn't believe the big bird and refused to go down with her, she had to tell her, "Then you must be careful when you come down later!"

With that, she grabbed the big bird's legs and jumped down.

At this time, Nima really had a damn idea in her heart, and she didn't know what was going on with Avril. Why was she so bold? How dare you jump down such a high cliff?

However, women are sometimes very stupid animals. As long as they are conquered, they will be obedient. And Avril is now conquered by the cuteness of the big bird...

Fortunately, in Nima's nervous gaze, the big bird spread a pair of big wings. Although the hair on it was a little and unstable, Lavigne grabbed the big bird's leg, and the two slowly glided through the abyss. Finally, they successfully reached the opposite flat ground.

Seeing this, Nima was finally relieved. Taking out the "machine gun" and there was a shot at the top of the cliff. Then, after that end was fixed, Nima actually grabbed the "machine gun" and began to fall slowly as the steel rope was released little by little.

It turns out that this "machine gun" can not only fire steel rope, but also slowly release steel rope. In this way, Nima pulled the steel rope, pedaled the rock wall, and returned to the cliff where she came.

Then Nima took back the steel rope, shot it into the flat ground opposite the abyss, and finally climbed over.

When Nima crossed the abyss and returned to the flat ground, Avril immediately ran over and gave him a warm hug.

Now, it really makes Nima a second-foot monk - a little confused!