Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 58 Ice and Fire

Although Avril used to smile and look light, in fact, she just didn't want to worry too much about Nima!

Imagine that a girl's family was suddenly taken away by a bird and trapped on the cliff. Who wouldn't be afraid?

So when Avril saw that Nima risked her life to save herself for herself, her gratitude was beyond words, so she gave him a big hug.

Just as Nima was a little overwhelmed by Avril, suddenly heard someone coughing loudly behind her. Avril quickly pushed Nima away and looked back to find that it was Adam and the other two coming.

"Oh~~Look at this, we haven't disturbed you two, have we? Why don't we avoid it first?" Adam said strangely.

And Eva next to him listened and stretched out her hand to Adam: "Avoid your head! When did you make these jokes?"

Adam touched his head and looked like he was about to lose his temper, but in the end he muttered a few words. Now, he is a little afraid of this blue beauty!

And everyone smiled when they saw the situation. This Eva is simply Adam's nemesis!

"What about those two giant birds?" Nima asked Adam and the three, they must have worked hard to deal with the giant bird!

"The biggest giant bird was seriously injured by me and Eva, and finally let the giant bird drag it and fly away together!" Adam said proudly, as if the credit was all he.

"Well, I seem to have guessed what this giant bird is!" Avril touched the big bird in her arms and said.

"What?" Everyone looked curious. These days, they have suffered enough of this giant bird!

"According to my estimation, this giant bird may be one of the ancient dinosaurs - called pterosaurs!"

"Dinosaur? Pterodactyl? This is a little too ridiculous!" Everyone showed an expression of disbelief as if they were listening to the Arabian Nights.

"Believe it or not, anyway, I feel like it!" When Avril saw that everyone didn't believe her and didn't bother to explain, she began to tease the little pterodactyl (big bird) in her arms.

"Whether it is a pterosaur or not, anyway, it's always a giant bird, and it's uncomfortable to bark, so just think of it as a pterosaur!" Nima strongly supports Avril.

While everyone was talking, suddenly, there was a strange cry with a little anxiety in the air. Everyone looked up. Good boy, this is really a pterosaur, and the pterosaur is here!

Is it the fierce giant bird that keeps hovering in the air? But what does this giant bird look like now, but how can it be as majestic as it used to be? Nowadays, it seems very anxious.

As soon as Avril thought about it, she understood the crux of it and said to everyone, "Look at the appearance of this giant bird, it seems to be worried about its child!"

Adam suddenly said after listening to Lavigne, "Ah! In this way, I suddenly came up with a way to make us reach this abyss effortlessly!"

"What can I do?" Everyone said in unison.

When Avril saw Adam staring at the pterodactyl in her arms maliciously, she couldn't help but worry, "You, don't you want to hit it, do you?"

When Adam heard the words, he nodded and shook his head again.

"What exactly is the way? Don't sell your ass here!" Eva said impatiently.

"Hey! My method is to use this small one to threaten the big one in the sky and let it carry us down this abyss!" Adam said with a sinister face that Nima and the four are relatively kind, and he is probably the only one who can come up with such a damaging solution.

When everyone heard this, they disagreed at first, but after thinking about it, there is no better way now, so they have to agree to Adam's proposal.

And the giant bird in the air has been unable to wait for a long time. Seeing that such a long time has passed, everyone still refuses to hand over their children and dares not use it. It can't help but be very anxious!

At this moment, it suddenly saw that its child had moved from the relatively friendly reptile to the reptile that had burned its hand with a fireball.

Then I saw the bad reptile holding his sweetheart and swaying back and forth in the air, seeing that the giant bird was anxious!

Finally, it couldn't help it, flapped its wings and swooped down towards everyone.

But this time it did not dare to rush directly to the crowd, but landed on the open space not far from the crowd, looking at Nima and others with a pleading look, begging them not to hurt their children.

When Avril and Eva saw this, they were immediately desensed. They strongly recommended to release the pterodactyl. Nima was also a little hesitant and didn't know whether to let it or not. And Andre, stop talking about this wood. Fortunately, Adam's will was relatively firm. Even if Eva and Avril said anything, they would not let go of the little pterodactyl.

Adam shook the pterosaur with one hand, pointed to himself with one finger, and then pointed to the abyss not far from them. That was obvious - he wanted a child, right? Yes! However, you have to send us to this abyss first!

And the pterodactyl (giant bird) didn't know how long it had lived and was about to become refined, so it immediately understood what Adam meant by its human nature.

At this time, its ugly bird's head was like pounding garlic, and it fell down, which meant that Adam and others would come up first.

Seeing this, Adam looked at the crowd proudly and asked for credit, "How about it?" I did a good job, didn't I?

When everyone saw this, they didn't give him a look of contempt, which made Adam depressed.


In this way, everyone sat on the back of the pterosaur and rushed to the final destination of the trip.

It was not until this time that it showed how huge the pterosaur was! On its wide back, it was full of five people, even including Andre, a big man, which seemed not crowded and more than enough.

What a huge thing!

Moreover, the pterosaur is also very fast. With so many people on its back, the rocks on both sides still fly up and back quickly like a tide.

In this way, everyone sat on the back of the pterosaur and flew down for several hours, but it still didn't end.

At this time, only Avril said, "I don't know if you have noticed that the temperature here is getting higher and higher?"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way!" Nima agreed.

Unexpectedly, Andre wiped the sweat on his head and said for the first time, "Here, it's hot!"

"Isn't it? According to me, the temperature here is about 20 to 30 degrees higher than above, and it is constantly heating up. I really don't know how hot it will be when it is below!" Adam is an expert in playing with fire, so what he said is still authoritative.

And Ava's audience said, but she smiled and said no. In fact, she knows the following situation best. You know, she has lived there for more than ten years! However, she didn't say much about it.

Next, people not only feel the change here from the temperature, but also look around the surrounding scenery, which is completely different from the above.

If the world above is an ice world, it is white everywhere. Then, below is the red ocean, and even the rocks on both sides are red.

I flew down for another hour, and now I saw that everyone was sweating hot and taking off their clothes one after another, but the heat came to my face and still tortured them enough.

Even the pterosaur, who didn't know whether it was hot or tired at this time, looked breathless.

Finally, when people and beasts couldn't hold on, the scenery under their feet suddenly became no longer dark and clear.

Everyone stared down. It was a brand-new world that they had never seen before...