Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 131 Jinhuang Plan

It seemed to hear some of Paul's movements behind him. Qinglong, who was originally looking at the blood pool from afar, suddenly turned his body and looked at Paul.

I thought what kind of ferocious figure the famous Qinglong, the head of the four saints, should be. Unexpectedly, just looking at his appearance, he seemed very simple and unpretentious, no different from ordinary people, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Moreover, even the whole body of the green dragon looks no different from ordinary human beings, unlike the two monsters King Kong and Paul, which are a combination of half-human and half machines.

"Paul, why did you come back so soon? What about King Kong? Did you return to nothing this time? It seems that it is still not strong enough to catch human beings at this level! The people of those big families are all gone!"

The green dragon frowned and had a trace of displeasure on his face. First, he asked Paul, and then another person muttered to himself.

It is not difficult to see that Dongsheng Qinglong poured all his mind and painstakingly for this 'Jinhuang Plan'...

When Paul heard the words, he put away his usual playful look. The old face was tense, and at this time, his look became very respectful.

Because this mechanical civilization is a world where the strong are respected, the hierarchy between magic soldiers is very strict, and they must treat their superiors as respectfully as their own parents, because they have no parents in the first place...

"Lord Dongsheng, King Kong and I have not returned without success, and we have also gained something! As soon as we went out this time, we were lucky to catch two human beings who had been cultivated, and even one of them, whose realm was not low and had reached the peak level of the second refining situation among human beings!"

After saying that, Paul lowered his head and waited anxiously, as if he was worried whether Lord Dongsheng would blame or even praise him for hearing the news.

"Well, it's not bad! Thank you for your hard work during this period! Don't worry, as long as this plan really succeeds, the benefits will definitely be yours!" The Qinglong pondered for a moment and continued, "Just now, the armored warriors from all over the world have left one after another. They have achieved great results, no less than Beijing. But it seems that most of the people caught are from the dragon group..."

Speaking of this, a haze flashed on Qinglong's face and continued to say, "The dragon group has always been a tit for tat and not bullied. This time, they will definitely not give up after such a big loss! In this opinion, this dragon group will definitely take some big action against us recently! In addition, our people have been in and out activities frequently recently, and it is inevitable that they will catch some clues and find them here. After all, behind this dragon group, there is the mother god of the earth as the backing, and Mayan technology is on the side, and their strength is not necessarily much worse than us. So--

Qinglong said in an aggravated tone, which seemed to be deliberately stressing: "So, you must do a good job in the defense of the base these days! Don't make a successful result at this critical moment because of negligence! If, I mean, if this plan fails for any other reason, the consequences must be consequences. Paul, who has always been shrewd, you should be the most aware!"

"Yes, keep it in mind!" Paul answered first, and then turned his eyes as if he had thought of something, and then carefully said to Qinglong, "Your Excellency, I will ask the people below to be more vigilant later, but in my opinion, this is not enough. Why don't we adjust the alert level of the base to the highest red level now! Give the people below a preventive injection first, and then return to normal after the wind is over. What do you think, adult?

As soon as Paul's voice fell, Qinglong nodded with admiration, as if he was very satisfied with his cautious idea. Paul saw that he was staying here and had nothing to do, so he wanted to leave, but Qinglong suddenly said, "Before, just dealing with the human beings captured by our branch was already a little busy. Now, in addition to all over the world, the manpower is even more awkward! Paul, if you have nothing to do in the future, go to the blood room to help Fengji. After all, with your strength, it is easy to deal with these human beings.

Paul naturally nodded and said yes, then said hello to Qinglong and retreated.

He had nothing to do. Now as soon as he heard that Qinglong asked him to go to the blood room to help, naturally there was nothing to shirk, so he went straight to the side of the hall, where there was a lifter that could lead to the top floor of the hall and enter the blood room. And it happens that the two human beings he just caught have not been handed over!

Paul didn't know, just as soon as he retreated and rushed to the blood room. King Kong then entered the hall.

After King Kong came in, Paul's restraint was missing. Even in front of Qinglong, he seemed careless. Later, he began to discuss something with Qinglong...

In fact, Paul can't be regarded as a green dragon. The so-called Four Saints and Eight Divisions, that is to say, a war saint can only have two warriors at most, even the green dragon, the head of the four saints, is no exception.

There are two battle divisions under the Qinglong Royal Palace. One is this King Kong, which has strong combat effectiveness and is the best at attacking in terms of strength like Andre. The other is Fengji, as her name, who is best at speed...

As for Paul, although he was also a sixth-order magic fighter, he was cut off two tentacles by Nima because of the failure of the mission. Finally, he had to go to Qinglong. His boss was actually Beisheng Xuanwu, but at this time, the Beisheng Xuanwu was thousands of miles away and was still in the Bermu Delta, and The queen is guarding the artifact together!

That's why there are many things that Qinglong didn't tell Paul. However, Qinglong loves and hates this King Kong. What he loves is that Qinglong knows that King Kong is absolutely 100% loyal to himself and will never betray himself, and his combat effectiveness is super strong. But Qinglong is also very angry. This King Kong always has a dead brain. He only admits deadness and doesn't know how to be flexible. It's okay to let him fight and kill. For example, these worrying things are no different from talking to him.

At this time, King Kong discussed with Qinglong not for far-sighted things, but for his own interests. He could hear them accidentally talking about words such as "fitness" and "human body". It is useless to know what they are.

And Paul, after meeting Dongsheng Qinglong, came to the elevator alone. After confirming his identity and meeting the standards, the elevator started and took Paul to the top floor of the hall.

This is because of Paul's high status. If he were another magic soldier, if he wanted to take this elevator to the top hall, it would be a fool's dream.

After Paul came out of the elevator, the top floor of the hall appeared in front of him, but there was only a round house, and the surrounding surface of the house was extremely smooth, and there was no door!