Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 132 Jinhuang's Plan

This house looks like a circle from the front. If you look at it from other angles, you will find that it is actually a semi-circular, and only half of the white metal walls are exposed.

And this metal wall is all made of super nickel-cadmium alloy, with an amazing thickness of half a meter. If outsiders want to enter this house by formal means, it will be difficult to reach the sky...

And, although there seems to be no access to this semicircular house, the fact is--

After Paul came out of the elevator, he did not hesitate. The tentacles under him squirmed and moved quickly to the semi-circle house.

When he arrived at the metal wall, Paul stopped and opened the mechanism at the same time as before, fiddling with the wrist of his left hand, and then pulled away the clothes on his chest.

In an instant, a red light shot out of its body and reflected on the metal wall in front of it.

Under the strange red light, the originally seamless metal wall suddenly changed. A square metal wall, like a candle, slowly melted, revealing a disk inside that looked very sophisticated and had a display screen.

"Please enter the instructions!" A female voice was electrosynthesized, with a dull tone and no emotion at all.

There were many red fluorescent buttons on the disk. Paul didn't think about it, so he quickly pressed a series of passwords on it with his fingers, and finally put his index finger into the hole in the disk.

"The brain core identification code is correct, - identity magic soldier! Class certification is complete, D-level authority! You can enter!!"

"Please minimize your human life characteristics, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"The blood door opens, welcome to the blood room!"

"At present, the person with the highest authority in the blood room is Lord D-level Fengji. She is a beautiful woman! Go and say hello to her!"

As soon as Paul heard this, his taste suddenly changed. There were some electronic synthetic sounds that were not male or female, and his goose bumps fell to the ground. He thought that he didn't know who developed the intelligent brain, and every time he had to spoof it in the end.

He thought so, but his eyes had not left the semi-cylindrical metal wall for a moment, as if waiting for the blood door to open to enter the blood room.

As soon as the electronic synthesis sound fell, the metal wall in front of us suddenly began to make a "sneer" sound, and the reason why it caused such a noise was that a crack suddenly appeared on the originally seamless metal wall.

Then, the seam became bigger and bigger. It turned out that it was the metal wall more than half a meter thick, slowly beginning to shrink from both sides.

In this process, there was a slight friction between the metal wall and the underground rails, so it made the sneer.

With the opening of the metal wall, that is, the blood door, a blood light suddenly shot at Paul's body without warning.

Paul snorted coldly when he saw the situation. The mechanical tentacles that originally squirmed under his body suddenly raised two, and then the top of the tentacles split like petals, revealing the two blue light spots inside.

Finally, these two mechanical tentacles suddenly grabbed Paul's shoulder before the red light came.

As soon as the mechanical tentacle came into contact with Paul's body, a layer of blue light spread on the surface of his body, and then the red light followed and covered his whole body.

However, looking at Paul's calm expression, he obviously didn't care about the appearance of this blood light after he had some preparation.

This is because Paul has reached the level of the sixth-order magic weapon warrior and can resist this blood light by his own strength. If he changes to other slightly lower magic soldiers and dares not take special methods to take this blood light, he will not have a good end.

Because of the end of hard receiving this blood light, the fit of the body will be greatly reduced and the strength will be greatly reduced; in the heavy case, the body will be damaged, and even in the end, it may become a pile of useless scrap iron!

Because this blood light can greatly curb the activities of all living cells and reduce the function of the human body. Any object with living cells will not have any good results after being shrouded in this blood light.

For example, if Paul did not use blue light to protect his body before, then it would have fit half of the human body, and it would slowly be corroded and dissolved by the blood light and eventually become a pool of blood.

Not to mention how domineering the blood light is, since Paul walked into this blood-red world, he did not care about the blood light that shot at him all the time and walked into the blood room.

When it walked through a metal corridor, it saw dozens of low-level magic soldiers guarding here. Even after it passed through two doors guarded by fifth-order magic armor warriors, it was finally able to see the true face of this bloody room.

Although it was not the first time to come, Paul was still a little shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

Because at this time, it was found that the blood in the blood chamber was several times stronger than when he came last time!

Even with Paul's cold mentality, he felt a little embarrassed by the scene in front of him.

In Paul's eyes, there are three areas, which are isolated by transparent special materials, and in these three areas, there are many facilities that look like machine tools.

Outside these three isolation areas, near the periphery, there are several huge cells.

In the cell, some human beings are densely imprisoned at this time. Roughly estimated, there are thousands of people!

These human beings come from all over the world, everywhere, and all races. But without exception, they all seem to be dying, and they don't even have the strength to speak and shout.

It's also strange that anyone who has been hungry for so many days can still shout!

In the middle of these huge cells, there is still a smaller cell. The human beings in this cell sit on the ground cross-legged. Although they look embarrassed, they are not as vulnerable as the human beings in other cells.

It is not difficult to see that these human beings are those who have opened Dantian and have been captured and have begun to practice.

Most of them are from the dragon group, and a small number of them are from the world.

said that it is a cell. In fact, the alloy doors in these rooms are open, but the opening is very small, and can only accommodate one or two people at a time.

These human beings were put directly into the cell by the magic soldiers with dimensional pens. So when they woke up from the darkness and found that they had arrived in a completely strange environment, it was an indescribable fear.

So, at the beginning, people scrambled to escape from that small opening.

However, since some people came out of the opening, they were caught by those magic soldiers and turned into blood, and no one dared to come out of the opening again.

In the end, those magic soldiers need to go into the cell in person to catch some human beings.

At this moment, there are some magic soldiers who are constantly shuttle back and forth between the "machine tools" and carry some seemingly dying human beings to those "machine tools" to fix them.

In the process of carrying, many human limbs were torn off by these cold-blooded and numb magic soldiers because of excessive force or careless operation.

Even if these "mutilated" human beings are dying of hunger, they still cry loudly in pain. The bloody means and the cruelty of the scene are rare!

Under the blood chamber, it is already full of some broken limbs and arms, which are as dense as maggots, looking like an ear, nose hell.

Even with Paul's undeveloped sense of smell, he can smell a strong smell of blood.

What is particularly cruel is that those human beings fixed on the "machine tool" will suddenly flash under their bodies. In a moment, under the blood light that Paul encountered before, they will immediately turn into a pool of blood water under the blood light, and finally seep out of some dark grooves on the "machine tool" and do not know how to flow. Where...

Such a bloody method, such a cruel technique, some human beings were scared and fainted as soon as they saw this scene.

But more, until I die, I don't have time to scream...

And under these three areas, it is the three huge metal cylinders, so it is not difficult to understand how the blood pool below is formed.

As for the central location of the whole blood chamber, there is an area empty, and there is nothing on it, but the ground is covered with a light board full of circuits, emitting a dark metal luster.

At this time, it was lying on this light board, a hot and exposed beauty, as if she had noticed the arrival of Paul, and she raised her head...

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