Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 135 Wind and Rain are coming

The time passed three or four hours after Ximen Qing disappeared, and the spiritual charm in the back hall of the Ximen family was broken.

In the early morning, there were already no pedestrians on the remote Xinye Road street.

In the past few days, there have been a series of disappearances. The people living here have been scared, and even most of them have moved out. Those who are still left here are not missing in their families, waiting anxiously for the news and waiting for the government to give an explanation, that is, they are already old and old. They are not afraid of heaven. The kind that is not afraid of anything.

And, isn't it insane to wander around on the street at such a late hour?

However, at this time, such a group of "psychopaths" suddenly appeared on the street.

At first, from a distance, only two figures appeared, and then quickly changed into five, ten, dozens...

There are more and more people.

Only when you stay closer can you find that these people are wearing black tights. Although it's midnight, one of them still looks energetic.

And even if they are all walking, the frequency of walking does not seem to be very fast, but the speed is very fast, which is a little faster than normal running.

Like a meteor chasing the moon, "walking" at the front are two old men who look energetic. Although their hair has been white, looking at their vigorous posture and sharp eyes, they know that they are still not old.

The two leading old men are none other than Ximen Zhen and his brother - Ximen Fei!

And those who followed him closely were naturally the mainstay of the Ximen family.

The members of the Ximen family stationed in the capital are all direct members with the most direct bloodline. They are the elites of the Ximen family, with a total of about 100 people. At this time, it turned out that all of them have arrived.

Dumping out!

The Ximen family really went out for the sake of Ximen Qing! Such a move of the Ximen family shows the importance they attach to Ximen Qing, because although Ximen Qing has a bad moral character, his cultivation talent is excellent. At such a young age, he can practice to the second refining situation, which is the first person in the history of the Ximen family;

On the other hand, it can also indirectly see the strength of the enemy, because the Ximen family considers that since the other party dares to fight against their Ximen family, even openly and all the families, then it must have some basis and certain capital.

Combining the above two reasons, this rescue operation will make the Ximen family pay so much attention to it, and even go out.

However, even if they knew that the other party was difficult to deal with, the Ximen family still did not ask for any foreign aid. This battle was all up to their own manpower.

The purpose of the Ximen family is obviously to find out the enemy through their own strength - Liwei!

Of course, even for the sake of Liwei, the Ximen family did not publicize this action everywhere, and even tried to keep it secret. Everything was carried out secretly in full swing.

Because they don't want to scare the snake, they want to have a sneak attack and catch the enemy off guard!

But paper can't wrap the fire. Such a big action of the Ximen family, how can other families pay close attention to the dynamics of the Ximen family every day?

As soon as the people of the Ximen family left the door of their own house, countless pairs of eyes stared at them and paid close attention to their every move.

Of course, there are dragon groups and Nima.

Originally, they also planned to act tonight, but they didn't expect that Ximen Qing had suddenly received news from his home that he had disappeared soon after he went out of Zhongnanhai.

After Situ Xuan got the news, he immediately calculated that the Ximen family would not stop here, and there must be some big move.

However, even if Situ Xuan knew where the division of the magic soldiers was, he did not disclose any information about them to the Ximen family. At this time, he thought, fight! Hit it! It's better to fight quickly. The sooner you fight, the better. The more you die, the better!

This kind of dog biting dog thing is what Situ Xuan would like to see most!

And for the whole dragon group, they are naturally happy to see the Ximen family take their place in this battle. It is good to win, but there is no loss if they lose. They can also learn some experience and know the way these magic soldiers fight...

But I'm afraid. The Ximen family went here for nothing, because the secret degree of the magic soldier branch, even with the energy of the dragon group, has only been found recently.

Although this Ximen family can be regarded as the top in the world and can show off its power, it has no ability to find the branch of the magic soldier.

Now it depends on whether the people of the Ximen family will take the initiative to attack them after they arrive at the branch of the magic soldiers!

Of course, if the two sides really go to war, Situ Xuan will certainly not fight against the mountains and tigers, allowing the Ximen family to be destroyed by mechanical civilization.

Although he was very gloating in his heart, he couldn't wait for all the people of the Simon family to die like Ximen Qing.

But after all, the Simon family is a human being. In the face of the great hatred, his little hatred is naturally nothing.

So once the Ximen family fights with the magic soldiers, the whole dragon group will definitely be the first to rush up!

This is not to help the Ximen family, but to help yourself and the whole human race!

................................................................................................ ......................

Ximen Zhen, the head of the Ximen family, thought that his family would be able to turn this place upside down and find the enemy in less than a few minutes?

But when he arrived at this new wild road, he found that he was wrong, and it was ridiculously wrong!

The houses in the block of Xinye Road are dense next to one. The alleys formed inside are also endless, like a maze, making people unable to start.

Helpless, in the end, Ximen Zhen had to order the clan to find separately and speed up the pace of the platoon, otherwise, as soon as the enemy reacted, it would become them.

Just under the order of Ximen's shock, the people of the Ximen family scattered like birds and beasts. When they went to the family to investigate the clues, they did not notice--

A manhole cover on the Xinye Highway, a thumb-sized electronic eye suddenly poked out of the manhole cover, rotated 360°, and then retracted back after observing the situation...