Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 136 Wind and Rain are coming

At this point, the night has reached its limit, and it has broken and stood up. Dawn is about to come!

In the Xinye Road block, hundreds of Ximen families were busy for nearly an hour and almost all the families in the whole block, but the messages sent back by each group still got nothing.

The three pillars of the Ximen family, Ximen Zhen, Ximen Fei and Ximen Lie, are very clear in their hearts at this time. The probability of finding the trace of the enemy is already very small.

Is this action going to end with such a result? Not only did he not find Ximen Qing, the heir of the Ximen family in the future, but the Ximen family was completely lost this time. It was really a loss of his wife and soldiers.

"I'm not willing!" Simonlie clenched his fist and looked up to the sky with a long sigh...

At this time, the people of the Ximen family did not know that the "person" they were looking for was far away, close at their feet!


Thousands of meters underground, a black hall was born and stands towering. It is the branch of mechanical civilization in the capital of Z.

At this time, in a white pure metal room in this black hall, although it was empty, it was full of holographic three-dimensional images, constantly changing, transferring and disappearing.

This seemingly mysterious room is the information processing room of the Capital Branch.

Here, messages about the outside world are constantly transmitted back to the information processing room through various reconnaissance means unique to mechanical civilization.

Then, this information will be immediately analyzed and calculated by the intelligent brain group. Then, the intelligent brain group will optimize the information and select some useful information and transmit it to the brain of a specific magic soldier, and then judge it and finally issue instructions.

After analyzing and calculating each piece of information, the intelligent brain group will mark it with a higher level, that is, reading permission, and then give it to the magic soldier with the same level to deal with it.

The level of information is also the reading permission, which corresponds to the class of the magic soldier, which is divided into seven levels: from high to low, A-level, B-level, C-level... to G-level.

Of course, those spam messages that have not even reached the G level will be automatically filtered out by the intelligent brain group.

In mechanical civilization, although magic soldiers are also formed and invented, strictly speaking, all magic soldiers are combat-type, just like human beings. For analysis and calculation, they are never as powerful as computers or intelligent brains.

At this time, a message from the electronic reconnaissance eye was analyzed and calculated layer by layer by layer by the intelligent brain group, and finally filtered and identified as C-level information. The intelligent brain group took the initiative to seal it with a red strong identification code, and then was urgently transmitted to the intelligent brain of a specific magic soldier...

C-level information is one level higher than Paul, who has D-level authority. In this branch of the capital magic soldier, only Dongsheng Qinglong can read and process it.

Since the initial formation of the blood pool, Dongsheng Qinglong has always been waiting here and doesn't go anywhere, because for Qinglong, there are very few things that can be taken to heart.

At this time, Qinglong watched the blood in the blood pool decrease little by little, but the concentration was increasing little by little, as if watching his child gradually grow up, which made him joy from the bottom of his heart. ( Use him instead of it here because Qinglong's body is no different from that of human beings.)

Suddenly, there was a "ding-dong" sound in the originally quiet room. Qinglong looked at his wrist and knew that it was because there was information coming from his brain.

Qinglong is very curious at this time, because Qinglong's intelligent brain rarely receives messages. General information is handled and solved by the people below. What is it that can be dealt with in person?

Anyway, Qinglong raised his left hand and shook it. He saw a holographic three-dimensional picture, which was bounced out of his smart brain on his wrist.

At first, the picture was very dark. Qinglong couldn't see what was inside. But after a while, when the intelligent brain automatically adjusted the brightness, Qinglong finally knew what this message was to express.

In that picture, many people in black appeared first, and then those people in black dispersed and got into alleys, as if they were looking for something.

Then the picture kept jumping and changing, passing through those people in black one by one. Naturally, it started with Ximen Zhen Ximen Fei and Ximen Lie first.

Even next to this holographic stereo image, there is a box that clearly marks the age, strength and other information of these people.

Such information analysis ability is really very powerful. If they have been so clear by the enemy before the two sides have fought, how can they fight this battle?

"God helps me! Hahaha..." He has always been as calm as a green dragon. After reading what this message is about to express, he can't help but drive him crazy.

Crazy with joy!

Because since the queen returned from an island country called Japan hundreds of years ago, she has inexplicably fallen into a sleeping seal, and the magic army colony on earth was once in a state of leaderless.

Later, the Earth Magic Soldier Colony, that is, the Devil Delta, contacted the Sirius headquarters and received an order from another war emperor besides the queen, to let Qinglong, the head of the four saints, temporarily serve as the commander-in-chief of the colony and wait for the queen to wake up.

This time, Qinglong was very happy, because in this way, he finally had a chance to realize his long-awaited wish!

Since Dongsheng Qinglong became conscious, like other magic soldiers, his strength has not increased and has been fixed in the holy class.

And the strength system of the magic soldiers has not changed, as one two emperors, four holy eight divisions and thirty-two soldiers.

Like other magic soldiers, he only knows how to invent and create himself. In other words, his biological mother is the super brain of the ninth-order demon warrior named Dougal.

As for the others, Qinglong is the same as other magic soldiers. He doesn't know anything about it. Usually, he just acts according to the orders of his superiors.

But Qinglong is an arrogant person or a magic soldier who is uneasy about the status quo. Although he is the head of the four saints, with his pride, how can he always allow himself to be just a seventh-level magic control war saint?

So, for thousands of years, he has been working with other three saints to secretly study how to improve his strength, reach the War Emperor, and even break through the level of Zhanzun.

Hard work pays off. Finally, one day, they came up with a theoretically successful method.

Qinglong knew that they only relied on a chip in the brain, that is, the brain core invented by the main brain Dogel, to think and fight.

In other words, this brain core is their thoughts and souls.

Speaking of speaking, the power of this brain core is also very huge, but only after absorbing the light element force can it exert its real power. However, now that the solar system is no longer in the photon belt, and there is no light element force between heaven and earth, naturally, the power of this brain core is greatly reduced.

And there is another disadvantage of this brain core, that is, what level after Daugall invented the brain core, it will always be that level, that is, no matter how many light elements are absorbed, it will not increase.

This is the reason why the strength of all the magic soldiers has stagnated.

So Qinglong and the other three saints began to find a way from another road, that is - the body.

After Daugall invented the brain core, because it can only be launched by absorbing elemental forces, even light elemental forces, the body that carries the brain core is naturally selected as the best human beings to absorb elements and light elements in biology.

Only some low-level brain core bodies will be composed of pure machinery. In that way, because there are fewer elements absorbed, the power of this magic soldier will certainly not be high.

Therefore, these four saints, also known as Qinglong and others, began to work hard from this body, that is, the original body. As long as the fit of their own body reaches or even far exceeds the level of the war emperor and Zhan Zun, will their strength be much higher than them?

However, it is not easy to improve the fit of this body to a certain extent.

Dongsheng Qinglong and other three saints have been experimenting for thousands of years before they have finally found a way to improve their original body fit, that is, from 50% to 70%, to the demigod level of 70%.

This method is also simple, which is to give the current body a big blood change! Make all the blood flowing in your body become high-purity and high-quality blood!

The reason why human beings are the spirit of all things and can absorb the elemental power between heaven and earth to the greatest extent is that human blood is extremely special and can attract elements between heaven and earth and thus be absorbed in Dantian.

Human blood is also divided into four levels, namely ordinary blood (ordinary blood), sperm blood (essential blood) and extreme blood (extreme blood). It corresponds to the level of fit between the human body, the demigod, and the divine body.

If you want to improve the level of human blood, you have to use a method of feeding blood. To put it simply, you can use a lot of ordinary blood, and finally extract a drop of blood, use a lot of blood, and finally extract a drop of extreme blood.

However, such a method requires a large amount of human blood, even cultivated human blood.

So Qinglong established magic division around the world, ready to wait for the time to catch human beings to extract blood, and then change his blood to realize his Jinhuang plan.

Now, the Jin Emperor's plan has been launched, and most of it is almost completed, but it has fallen into a slow state due to the lack of blood, which makes Dongsheng Qinglong not worry.

But just as he was about to make some big moves to attract those practicing human beings, these people in black suddenly broke in and looked at him, looking for himself.

Qinglong thought in his heart at this time that since all the guests have come, it would be too rude if the host still didn't go out to "welcome"!