Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 137 The wind and rain are coming

Three days have passed since the Ximen family went out to Xinye Road to rescue Ximenqing.

In the past three days, many things have happened in the capital. To sum up in an idiom, that is, the storm is coming!

Before, although the capital government had always attached great importance to a large number of missing cases, it took the attitude of calming things and blocking the news, striving to be good as long as it did not cause social panic.

Because some officials in the government know that with conventional forces such as the police and even the army, the problem of missing people cannot be solved at all.

More officials have more or less something to do with the practitioners of the family, so they are not in a hurry and know that someone will wipe their buttocks and solve this crisis.

So in this way, the government's attitude is that as long as they block the news, it will not cause social panic.

However, this time, even if the capital government is powerless and fearless, it can't sit still and has to stand up.

Because the practitioners of the family that were originally regarded by them as savior, and even the Ximen family of the three families disappeared inexplicably in the previous war.

You know, that's hundreds of living lives! And they are all well-known people with high power and a certain status in society.

So as soon as this matter comes out, the paper can't wrap the fire, and the news will eventually go away.

The disappearance case gradually stopped spreading from a small scale, and the whole people living in the capital, even the country Z, knew the news.

In addition, there are also frequent cases of missing people abroad, and people all over the world are worried at this time. Is it true that the end of the world in 2012? Is it going to start now?

Especially young people between the ages of 20 and 30, whether they like it or not, have become otaku and stay at home all day long.

Because they are afraid that they will go outside and don't even know how to die...

According to the statistics of relevant departments, the traffic situation in the capital has improved unprecedentedly in recent days, and the traffic flow has suddenly decreased by 70%!

Especially after dark, not to mention pedestrians on the road, even vehicles that usually speed back and forth on the road are rarely seen.

As for the Xinye Road block with frequent crimes, it has long been completely blocked by the police and the army, and it is not allowed to enter.

Moreover, the government has sent people to conduct hundreds of carpet searches here, but it can't find a clue.

The people who originally lived in the Xinye Road block had already been evacuated. After several unsuccessful searches, the government did nothing.

But they still completely blocked the Xinye Road block, as if they were showing a determination to the people, that is, the government will definitely find out this matter!

In fact, not to mention ordinary people, even the practitioners of major families in the capital are all panicked at this time.

Some smaller families, even families that have suffered losses and lost family members, are now planning to move out of the capital to avoid the limelight first, and then move back when the matter is solved.

Even the nominal second largest family can actually be regarded as the Shao family, which has been greatly affected.

Because the Ximen family and his Shao family are similar in strength, but they are all destroyed all of a sudden, so how can their Shao family be better in front of that mysterious force?

Now the Shao family has been divided into two factions: one faction wants to leave, while the other faction is not allowed to leave. The two factions are competing and quarrel endlessly all day.

But Shao Hua, the head of the Shao family, has always expressed no opinion on this matter.

Why is Shao Hua's heart not? Why not be afraid? But the reason why he can still be calm is that he has never forgotten a strength.

He is waiting for a hope to appear!

Before, Shao Hua also asked Situ Xuan about whether the dragon group would be involved in this incident. As a result, Situ Xuan smiled and did not answer him.

Shao Hua guessed that Situ Xuan and the Dragon Group were probably also waiting. As for what they are waiting for, it is naturally the appearance of the Long family!

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Finally, on the third day.

Some senior officials of the Shao family and the government found that some foreigners from all over the world came to the capital in batches and finally gathered in the dragon group.

They thought that this was the person sent by the Long family.

In fact, this is not the case. These foreigners are actually members of the dragon group around the world, but at this time, they are summoned to fight against the magic soldiers together!

After all, one more person is more powerful, and as for the people really sent by the Long family, in fact, there are only two people, Nima and Andre.

Judging from the strength shown in this magic division, it must be a very difficult bone to gnaw.

Because these magic soldiers can actually get rid of hundreds of people from the Simon family under the eyes of Situ Xuan, Nima and others, which is really not to be underestimated.

Of course, there are also some reasons for this, because Situ Xuan and Nima were careless and did not arrive in time to help the Simon family.

Because in their opinion, even if the Ximen family is poor, at least there are hundreds of practicing human beings. How can they delay for a while?

Who knows that when Situ Xuan and Nima led the dragon group to come a step late, all the people of the Ximen family had disappeared, and there was no trace of battle at the scene, which was really strange.

Three days later, the dragon group publicly announced that the dragon group had assembled and the support of the Long family had arrived. They would take action to settle the matter. Please don't worry. These days, just try to go out as much as possible without excessive panic.

Sure enough, Situ Xuan, on behalf of the dragon group, also on behalf of the Long family, announced the news. All families, including the senior government officials, cheered, and the panic in their hearts was greatly reduced.

Because for hundreds of years, whenever the capital encountered an insurmountable crisis, the Long family helped to deal with it, and in the end, it turned to safety.

But the cheering people do not know at this time that the mysterious forces that caused this crisis are not human beings in the ordinary sense, but those magic soldiers from alien mechanical civilizations!

This time, can the Long family really be as invincible and unfavorable as before?