Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 169 Start a bloody journey to South Africa!

PS: After Nima and Andre arrive in South Africa, the next chapters will be absolutely cool and hot-blooded! Xiaofeng asks for collection, red card!

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Ximenqing's end was so tragic that many people applauded, and even it can be said to be very gratifying! It can also be seen how bad Ximenqing is and unpleasant.

Of course, of all, the happiest one will be Situ Xuan! These days, the mental outlook of Situ Xuan has also obviously improved. There is a trace of gloomyness between his eyebrows, a little more energetic, and his strength is also a leap of thousands of miles. There is a faint sign that he wants to break through the third heavy sea and reach the fourth solid reality.

It's also true. For Situ Xuan these days, it's simply a happy event. The sudden collapse of the Ximen family naturally brought a big shock to the capital, and the strength pattern of the capital is about to begin a new round of reshuffle.

As the third largest force in the capital, the Simon family certainly has many industries that are greedy for all forces. And these industries, since the collapse of the Ximen family, have been remembered by many families. Of course, the Shao family is the most powerful to eat these!

The Shao family is obviously the second largest force in the capital, but in fact it is the largest force in the capital. The strength of the capital can really be said to be deeply rooted, at the top of the day. However, this time, the Shao family was surprisingly not involved in such a large-scale cake left by the Ximen family. They just temporarily sealed up the Ximen family's industries and swallowed a small part of it. Looking at that attitude, they seemed to be watching and worry about something.

The existence that can make the Shao family worry about, and the answer is about to come out. Of course, it is the Long family!

However, there is no news about the Long family's infination. Why is the Shao family so cautious? For a while, the people of the family were talking about it. But even the Shao family is so cautious that they dare not act rashly.

In fact, the people of the Shao family know that the reason for all this is not only because of the Long family, but also because of Situ Xuan!

As the saying goes, one person won the way, and the chicken and dog ascended to the sky. Situ Xuan's own strength was superb. In addition, because he led the alliance and defeated the magic soldiers and won a complete victory, for a while, Situ Xuan gained a great reputation in the whole capital and was in the limelight for a while.

In addition, the sudden rise of the Situ family suddenly made the Shao family cautious, because they were really uncertain. Whether the sudden rise of the Situ family was supported by the Long family, so the Shao family took a wait-and-see state. Moreover, the Shao family also understands a truth, that is, the tree attracts the wind, and there must be no dominant situation!

Because the Ximen family and the Shao family had to contain each other in the past, and the Long family had to deal with each other, the strength of the capital was still very balanced, so the government did not interfere much. And if the Shao family is dominant now, the first thing that can't be tolerated is the government.

The reason why the strength of the Situ family has risen so fast is that it has changed from a second-rate family to a first-class family in just a few days because of the sudden joining of some members of the dragon group.

Although these dragon group members are from all over the world, some of them, after completing this task, do not want to return to their original country and want to stay in country Z and stay in the capital for various reasons. Therefore, most of these people naturally became the guest elders of the Situ family.

So with the addition of these people, the Situ family naturally jumped thousands of miles, became a first-class family, and had the strength to win the top three. However, if the Situ family wants to truly leap into a first-class family, it still lacks one thing, that is, industry, the foundation, and money!

Coincidently, the collapse of the Ximen family provided this opportunity for the Situ family, so can the Situ family not grasp it? These days, Situ Xuan is about to break his leg, fighting for the industries left by the Ximen family.

For various reasons, coupled with some help from the Long family (the power of the dragon group, the mother of the earth), finally, Situ Xuan and Situ family finally succeeded! According to the statistics of people, the Situ family has successfully annexed nearly 80% of the industry left by the Simon family in the past few days, plus Situ Xuan's own industry, so it can be said that the Situ family has now completely replaced the Simon family and become the third largest family in the capital!

And the Shao family is also happy to see this result and does not overstop it. After all, this Situ family is still much better than the Ximen family. Moreover, even if the Shao family has the intention to stop it, it does not have the courage and strength.

No matter how the outside world changes, these days, Nima and Andre have lived a comfortable life in the room arranged for them by Situ Xuan in Zhongnanhai...

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In the morning, when the morning sun was born and everything was still quiet, Nima and Andre got up early, dressed neatly, and walked out of the door back and forth. Usually, Nima and Andre also get up very early, but they stay in the room to practice, meditate and meditate, so as to absorb the elemental power between heaven and earth.

The reason why Nima and Andre chose to go out so early is that today is the day they are leaving the capital.

With the eradication of the capital magic division, Nima and Andre knew that it was meaningless to stay here. And according to the set goal, the next stop, they should go to Andre's hometown - Africa!

The reason why Nima chose to go to Africa with Andre is, on the one hand, to start to fulfill his dream for Andre, and on the other hand, to improve their strength as soon as possible. Because Nima knows that with her and Andre's current strength, the possibility of going to the magic soldier colony to regain the artifact is negligible!

And the time is still very rich. There are still six years away from the deadline mentioned by the Mother of the Earth in 2012, so Nima wants to improve the strength of herself and Andre as soon as possible in these six years. As long as both of them can reach the peak level of the fourth solid reality, Nima is confident to fight!

And Nima found that fighting can quickly improve his strength, so he really wants to improve his strength as soon as possible through this way. However, with the failure of Qinglong, all the magic soldiers around the world seemed to have evaporated from the world. Under the exploration of the dragon group, they disappeared. It is estimated that these magic soldiers have all retreated back to the magic soldiers colony in the Bermuda Triangle.

Since she can't improve her strength by fighting with magic soldiers, Nima has to choose to improve her strength by fighting with humans. However, with the strength of Nima and Andre, who will be the opponent of them?

Finally, Nima finally figured out one thing, that is, when he fights with human beings, he can only exercise physical strength without using elemental strength, so as to strengthen his physical quality and lay a good foundation, so that he can absorb more elemental power, which is also a way to improve his strength relatively quickly.

So Nima put the target on those human beings who fight all day for a living. Who fights all day for a living? In addition to soldiers, of course, those desperate boxers who make a living from underground black fists.

Andre once said that he had hit the underground black fist for a period of time. Naturally, he was familiar with this, so Nima finally chose to go to Africa with Andre.

Out of the door, Nima and Andre walked forward not long ago, and they saw Situ Xuan leading several strong black men towards them. These black people are from the African branch of the Dragon Group. They were transferred when fighting with the magic soldiers a few days ago, and now they are about to return to China. Naturally, they are accompanied by Nima and Andre on the way.

What is the relationship between Nima and Situ Xuan? The two sides simply politely said a few words and directly cut into the topic. I only heard Situ Xuan say, "I didn't expect you to leave so soon. I understand that there must be something important for you, and I won't keep you!" However, before you leave, I still want to say thank you for everything you have done these days for me, my dragon group and the people of the capital. On their behalf, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you!"

Situ Xuan said, with his legs together, staring at Nima and Andre with bright eyes, raised his right hand and saluted a solemn military salute. Nima and Andre saw Situ Xuan like this, but they were a little confused about the situation and didn't know how to reply to Situ Xuan.

Naturally, Situ Xuan also saw the embarrassment of Nima and Andre, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "This time I heard that your destination is Pretoria, the capital of South Africa. These black people are members of the dragon group in South Africa. This time, I happened to walk with you as a companion on the way, and after arriving there, you two If you are not familiar with the place, you can also take care of it!"

Although this situation was a little unexpected, he reluctantly agreed in the end. Can he refuse Situ Xuan's kindness? At worst, after defeating South Africa, just get rid of these people when you and Andre are going to do something. So Nima agreed and then rushed to the airport with Situ Xuan and others.

After saying goodbye to Nima and Andre and Situ Xuan reluctantly, they boarded a special plane with the members of the dragon group in Africa and flew to South Africa. Nima and Andre knew that this trip would definitely set off a bloody storm and become a bloody journey!