Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 170 Underground Black Fist

Although it is not the first time for Nima and Andre to fly, they still enjoy this feeling of being in the air, because even if they can fly by themselves without any external force, Nima and Andre, This flight was far less comfortable than sitting on the plane, so unconsciously, a few hours later, the plane had arrived in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa.

During the period, Nima and Andre chatted with those black people. Naturally, those black people had known Nima and Andre for a long time, but until the end, they only figured out that one of these black people was called Keaton, who was already in his thirties and reached the primary level of the third heavy sea. He is the leader of the Dragon Group in the African branch, but Nima and Andre don't know anything about it.

After the plane landed at the airport, the pedestrian of Nima certainly attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd, because except Nima, which of these people was not a big man, and these people were mixed with a Nima, and everyone intentionally or unintentionally surrounded him in the middle, as if he were his bodyguard. Therefore, many passers-by have guessed that they don't know what kind of person this yellow-skinned boy can carry so many bodyguards at any time...

Pretoria, also known as Tswane, the capital of South Africa, is a city located in northern South Africa. Although it is located in Africa, it has a pleasant climate and is full of different flowers and trees, so it also has the reputation of "Garden City".

Nima and Andre's residence was naturally arranged by Keaton, but Nima refused Keaton's request to let them live in the dragon group base here, because Nima felt that if she really lived with them, it would be very good to go out to do business or do ordinary activities in the future. The inconvenience, so he politely refused his kindness.

Nima and Andre did not choose to stay in a hotel, because they knew that they were likely to stay in Pretoria for a long time, always staying in a hotel, which was not a big deal, and there were many people there, so they finally chose to go and found a quiet place. It was a medium-sized house, so I rented it.

This is Andre's hometown, so he naturally doesn't have to worry about language. Nima doesn't have to worry about this problem, because don't forget that behind Nima is the mother of the earth, Maya technology, a small translator, enough to solve these problems.

So even if the surrounding environment has changed, and the people have changed from the original yellow race to the current black race, Nima does not feel uncomfortable at all. Moreover, since he was a child, has he changed little environment?

After settling down, Nima and Andre are naturally going to start doing business. Although Keaton has been asked for help these days, Andre is also very familiar with the situation here, so some more secret things, Nima and Andre will not choose to bother him.

On the way, Andre, a person who is usually silent, actually began to talk about something about the underground black fist. Nima rarely heard him mention this past, but every time Andre mentioned it, he seemed to be a different person.

"Black market boxing competition is known as a nightmare in the fighting world. From ancient times to the present, many people have refused to admit the existence of this black market boxing competition. They think that the existence of black market boxing competition is a shame for fighting. But whether people admit it or not, black market boxing competitions take place in many parts of the world. This form of competition, which is outside the orthodox fighting morality, has a history almost as long as the fighting itself. From the United States to Africa, black market boxing matches appear in almost every corner of the world!"

When Andre said this, Nima clearly saw a feverish look on his face. It seems that this black market boxing match is not small for Andre!

"What is black market boxing?" As Andre said, such a sentence suddenly came out. Nima naturally didn't know, but before he could answer, he heard Andre ask himself and answer himself: "The so-called black market boxing competition has two most important characteristics: one is the high bonus; the other is irregular..."

"The prize money in black market boxing matches is always much higher than other boxing matches of the same level. Black market boxing matches do not require tax and pay all kinds of fees. Because of cruel stimulation, many rich people are willing to pay high tickets. More importantly, black market boxing allows all forms of gambling. Although most commercial competitions in the West allow gambling, black market boxing is the most thorough and has no restrictions.

"And as for the irregularity of the black market boxing, it is the most terrible and charming place! Black market boxing is a real "unlimited fighting", and competitors can hit their opponents in any way except that they can't use weapons. The more cruel the way is, the more encouraged it is. Because of this, black market boxing can satisfy people's desire for stimulation. Casualties in black market boxing are extremely common. In the top competition, people are seriously injured in almost every game and the mortality rate is very high. Once you get on the ring, there are only two choices: to kill and mutilit the opponent, or be killed and mutilated by the opponent.

Nima was stunned and didn't expect that there would be such a cruel side in the human world. In fact, what Andre said is true. What is the highest KO fighting competition in the world? Muay Thai competition? Free fight? Unlimited fighting competition? The KO rate of these competitions is indeed very high, but compared with the black market boxing competition, it is really a small itch. The world's top black market boxing competition has almost always had a 100% KO rate.

The high bonus is the most primitive motivation for boxers to participate in black market boxing competitions. There is no complicated system in other boxing competitions in black market boxing competitions. As long as you win a few games in a row, the boxer will quickly become rich. Although the bonus of the professional boxing champion competition is very high, it is still inferior to the black market boxing champion competition. Black market boxing requires players to master pure killing skills, and players who rely solely on technology to win and lack killer weapons cannot survive.

Conversely, many powerful players are limited by rules in other boxing competitions, but they can perform well here. The black market boxing match will also vent the cruelty hidden in people's hearts. The vast majority of black market boxers do not intend to engage in this profession for a long time. They have a gambler-like mentality and always believe that they can win in the end. Some people were lucky enough to leave the black market boxing ring at the right time, and many people fell on the ring forever.

Black market boxing is the touchstone of all fighting technology. At least one thing about this cruel game is what other boxing games want to do but will never be able to do: choose the most practical technology. Any unpractical technology will be exposed in this life-and-death battle. There is an old saying in the black market boxing competition: "No one will make fun of his life."

The last thing the orthodox fighting world wants to admit is that the level of black market boxers is indeed very high. Because only they really rely on their own fists and feet to get rid of the threat of death. Mitcanella used to be an American black market boxing champion. Like all black market boxers, he also hopes that he can make enough money and retreat. Unfortunately, he was kicked in the head by his opponent in his last game and lost the game.

Nima knows that as a esotericist, his physical strength is already at the peak, but the reason why he still wants to exercise this physical strength is that although Nima's physical quality is excellent, he does not know how to attack and fight. In other words, Nima actually doesn't know how to kill magic soldiers with her own strength, so she wants to come to this underground boxing market to hone and master some practical combat skills.

While talking, Andrea drove a Mercedes-Benz S60 left by Keaton and had already taken Nima to the underground black boxing arena in the suburbs of Pretoria.

Nima thought that such an illegal competition venue must be a dark and shabby abandoned factory building, or a long dark corridor before she could enter the smoky and noisy room inside. However, the facts are often surprising, and this time is obviously no exception. When Nima saw the competition venue of underground black boxing, even his psychological quality was super strong, she couldn't help but be surprised.

After the car was parked, Nima and Andre came down from the car. Nima saw that first of all, it was a very formal sports hall that looked built from the outside. The stadium was surrounded by bright lights, and the appearance was clean and tidy. There were even some police-dressed people patrolling nearby, some in their hands. He also dragged several vicious dogs with black hair and began to bark fiercely after seeing Nima and Andre.

Nima listened to Andre's introduction. It is said that it is a Brazilian Pilla. The place of origin is not far from here, in Brazil. This dog is one of the top ten vicious dogs in the world, which can be said to be the only Tibetan mastiff in China, because once this dog attacks, it will be immortal and loves to swallow the prey killed by it, including people! Therefore, he is known as the cruelest killer in the fierce dog world. Therefore, combined with the above reasons, this dog is relatively easy to be trained, so this Brazilian Pile can be said to be one of the best guard dogs in the world.

In the parking lot next to the "sports hall", brand-name cars account for a large proportion. The most common are BMW and Mercedes-Benz, two world-selling models. Obviously, this bloody sport is regarded as very popular among the rich. If Andre hadn't swore that this was the venue for underground black boxing, Nima would have thought that the three spectators who entered the field would have gone in to watch the basketball game...