Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 171 Underground Black Fist

"I can't imagine that the venue of this underground black fist is so blatant!" What he saw and heard along the way was greatly beyond Nima's expectation, so he couldn't help saying with some emotion at this time.

Seeing Nima sighing so much, Andre solved his doubts: "Actually, in South Africa, such a game is already an open secret. Generally speaking, as long as there is no particularly big deal, no one will really take this seriously.

Andre walked to the gym with Nima, pointing to the police outside the gym and said to him with a smile, "See, those policemen are here to help maintain order. As long as the safety of the audience is not threatened, they will protect such a game.

Although I know that the police helped so much, it must be because they received bribes from the organizers of the event. However, Nima doesn't care about this. He is no longer Wu Xia Amon. As a person who has experienced many world affairs, he knows very well that corruption cannot be eliminated in human society.

However, Nima has to admit that although the game is illegal, it is very well organized, which is more than some large-scale events. Because not only is it orderly, everything seems so orderly, and Nima even saw people checking tickets at the entrance of the gym! Of course, the two ticket inspectors are big and thick, and their faces are full of fierce faces. At first glance, he is not a good person.

As for those audiences in twos, they don't seem to care about it. They just regard these two people as ordinary staff in the gymnasium. One by one, they lined up to give the tickets to the two for inspection, and then walked to the gym with a smile. Look at the audience who entered the scene with a smile. Andre whispered to Nima that this kind of competition has always been very popular. Even Andrea heard that the organizers had recently come up with a new pattern of online ticketing sites, and all the tickets were sold out almost a week before the start of the game.

But Nima and Andre temporarily decided to watch the game, so they didn't have time to buy tickets. Although Nima is confident that she can defeat the two high-level ticket inspectors and break in without any effort, the game will definitely not be seen. While Nima was worried about the ticket, a middle-aged man in a floral shirt with curly hair greeted him.

The middle-aged man's face was like black charcoal, but his eyes were surprisingly bright. After looking up and down at Nima and Andre, he rubbed his hands and said, "Two, do you want a ticket?" Then the middle-aged man finished speaking and looked around carefully. Then he took out two tickets from his pocket and whispered, "These are the last two. It's still a ticket to the middle stand. I only add 500 rand and 2,000 rand to the original price, do you want it?" Note: Rand is the common currency of South Africa, and the exchange rate is 1 US dollar = 7.7 rand.)

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Nima and Andre knew that they had met scalpers. However, based on the current exchange rate of South Africa, 2,000 rand is equal to 300 US dollars. Even if it is calculated at the original price of 1,500 rand, the ticket price is about 200 dollars. For South Africa, which does not have a high consumption level, such a price is already very objective, and only some extremely high-end people in South Africa can consume it. However, the underground scene has not yet closed down. It seems that this underground black boxing is indeed very popular in Africa.

For this middle-aged man who took the initiative to solicit business, Nima thought that he could just solve the problem of no tickets. However, before he could speak, he saw Andre shaking his head with a smile, indicating that he was not interested in his ticket.

I'm kidding, what's the identity of Andre here? It's just to watch a game. Do you still have to buy tickets?

However, the other party did not mean to give up. Professional scalpers like them naturally have their way of looking at people. This middle-aged person can usually see at a glance who is the audience who needs tickets, and the two young people in front of them are not afraid of tigers and don't seem to have anything special. There is no doubt that he is such a person.

Seeing that the game was about to begin, in order to get rid of the last two tickets, the middle-aged man quickly said to Andre, who looked more like a local, "Sir, tonight's last game is the battle of Tomahawk Wild Dragon. These two thousand rand are definitely worth the ticket price!"

"Tomax Crazy Dragon? What green onion is he?" Andrea was very surprised when he heard the words. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that he didn't remember such a person, so he said in a disdainful tone.

When the middle-aged man who sold tickets heard the words, he had a strong sneer in his heart. He said that he really didn't know where two children who had never seen the world came from. He didn't even know the famous Tomahawk Crazy Dragon in the underground black boxing world, but he did not show any disdain on his face. On the contrary, he was very respectful. Andre solved the question:

"Tomachirax Crazy Dragon, no one knows his real name. The nickname of Tomahawk Crazy Dragon is his fanatic nickname according to his combat characteristics and personality characteristics. Although this Tomahawk is a new black boxer in the underground boxing competition, it is said that it came out alive from the Siberian death training camp. It is one of the few top black boxers in the world. With a pair of tomahawk-style splitting, it has never swept almost all the black boxers in the boxing competition in the past few months. Lose!"

"Even, according to some people's judgment, this 'Tomahawk Dragon' is about to catch up with the previous 'human-shaped tank'. Don't tell me that you haven't even heard of the name of the 'human-shaped tank'! Hey... But it's a pity that since the appearance of the Tomahawk Dragon, the human-shaped tank has disappeared from the black boxing world, and I don't know if there is any connection between the two. Anyway, for us black boxing fans, this is a pity, because if both of them can meet in this black boxing competition How wonderful it will be... However, in my opinion, even if the two of them meet, the 'human tank' will still win! Because after all, ginger is still old and spicy!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man licked his mouth with an excited face. Obviously, he was also a fanatical black boxing fan. If he knew that the black man in front of him was the highly respected humanoid tank in his mouth, I'm afraid his surprised jaw would fall off on the spot!

Because this middle-aged man has limited financial resources, although he also loves black boxing very much, he has always been reluctant to go to that venue to enjoy the game in person. Every time he only relies on the audience who watched the game and mentions the previous game after the end of the game, this middle-aged person can know what happened inside. For Andre, he only heard his name, but did not see him.

Nima noticed that when Andre listened to the middle-aged man's words, his eyebrows involuntarily raised, and a rare murderous intention was revealed in his eyes. Nima thought when she saw this, it seemed that this black boxer nicknamed Tomahawk Crazy Dragon Land had successfully aroused Andre's Interest, I really don't know whether I should be happy for him or feel sad for him?

However, judging from the admiration of this middle-aged man and the nickname given to him by everyone, this black boxer is likely to be a very difficult role, and he was also arranged in the last game as the final game, which also made Nima more interested in tonight's game, and also felt that he was also interested in this battle-win Tomahawk. I have a little interest and want to see this person soon.

At this moment, a harsh voice interrupted the middle-aged man's attentive sales. Andre and Nima only listened, and a strange voice suddenly said, "Peter, are you selling tickets on my territory again?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a big black and ugly fat man in a suit coming with a cigar in his hand and tore it up. Although the scalper had a great opportunity to escape, he stood still in fear after hearing the sound. Look at that, this middle-aged fever, not to mention running away, has become very reluctant to stand firm.

After tearing up the ticket, the fat man threw the pieces on the middle-aged man's face. Then he shouted with smoke, "I. Mom. I warned you long ago that you are not allowed to resell tickets in my field! You him. Mother. Why don't you listen? Are you looking for death?"

"Mr. Rove, I... I don't dare to do it again next time. This time, the little man's heart has been fooled by the lard. I was greedy for profits for a while and didn't think so much... I beg you to open up and get around this small one!" The scalper was obviously very afraid of the fat man. Hearing his bad tone, he immediately begged for mercy.

At this time, the middle-aged man's face was sweating coldly, and his heart was also cold. He secretly said that according to the people he bribed, wouldn't Rove come today? Why did it suddenly appear again? This time, he was caught by him. If he was in a good mood, he might be able to let himself go, but if he was in a bad mood, he remembered the situation he might face. The middle-aged man began to tremble all over. Seeing that the fat man named Rove had been refusing to answer, he finally knelt on the ground with a bang. He kowtowed like pounding garlic and begged for mercy on the ground.

"Please don't care about the villain. For the sake of me, let's go around this time! As long as you agree, I will leave South Africa immediately and never come back again! Is it okay?"

When the middle-aged man said the last two words "OK", there was already a trace of crying, because he clearly saw that several policemen had come over with several Brazilian fowler dogs in the distance...