Poison King

Chapter 1 Rebirth in a different place

At night, the full moon hangs high and the stars are shining.

New Century Ballroom.

The gorgeous lights flashed, and the powerful music shocked the eardrums. The handsome men and beautiful women twisted their bodies almost crazily, and the shouts came one after another.

In front of the bar of the dance hall, Zhu Shaoyang sat lazily, and his handsome cheeks were faintly red. Obviously, he drank too much. He casually skimmed the crowd on the surging dance floor, squeaked his lips, and drank a glass of inferior beer.

I have to pay the rent again today, which is really a worry for him who is now unemployed.

Thinking that as a Sanda athlete, he was really beautiful for a while. He won the championship many times in the competition, and his reputation was far-known, and many people were jealous of him. Unfortunately, Zhu Shaoyang, who was impulsive, seriously injured his teammates in a private fight with his teammates, and then he was expelled from the team and became unemployed. The cruelty of reality made him suffer a lot.

"Damn" whispered and poured a glass of beer again. After paying the bill, he staggered away from this drunken place.

Out of the door, the cold east wind invaded. Zhu Shaoyang couldn't help fighting a cold war, tightened his thin coat, and walked towards his place of residence.


Suddenly, a car came right in front of him, and the speed was extremely fast. The sound of the siren was to remind Zhu Shaoyang to avoid. The dazzling light made Zhu Shaoyang temporarily lose his vision. After all, his reaction in a drunken state was a step slower. Even if the driver had braked, under the inertia, the car still hit Zhu Shaoyang ruthlessly. A figure flew out like a cannonball, and then fell to the ground, and bright red blood flowed out.

"Ha ha, are you going to die?" Looking at the blood red in front of him, Zhu Shaoyang felt much more relaxed.


Zhu Shaoyang, who was in a coma, slowly opened his heavy eyelids. The pain from his body made him take a breath of cold air, and a faint wood fragrance poured into his nose.

"I... I'm not dead?" Zhu Shaoyang said.

"Yang'er, you finally woke up. That's great." At this time, an old and strange voice came to Zhu Shaoyang's ears, and there was a figure in front of him.

White hair, white beard, kind face, red robe, with his emotional excitement, you can feel the air around him fluctuating slightly.

"You, are you?" Seeing the old man, Zhu Shaoyang suddenly felt bad.

"Stupid boy, I'm your grandfather!" The old man was stunned, and then sighed, and there was moisture in his vicissitudes of life.

Zhu Shaoyang's body trembled. Difficult, did I travel through time... Under the sudden stimulation, Zhu Shaoyang fell asleep again, and his alien life also began.

In my sleep, pictures flashed like a movie, which was the memory of the original owner of the body. From these memories, Zhu Shaoyang also roughly understood this strange world.

The owner of his body is also called Zhu Shaoyang. He is 13 years old. He is the grandson of Zhu Tian, the patriarch of the four major sects in Shengqi Continent. His parents are also disciples of the sect in the Huoyan sect.

In a fierce battle with the beast gate, his father was killed, his mother was captured, and Zhu Shaoyang in the world died inevitably, which led to Zhu Shaoyang's soul through time and rebirth. Under the rendering of memory, Zhu Shaoyang's soul gradually accepted this body and that hatred, and the uncertainty of his mother's life and death made Zhu Shaoyang feel pain in his heart.

"Mom..." Tears slipped away. Zhu Shaoyang, who was sleeping, muttered softly, and his soul gradually integrated into this new body.


In the morning, a ray of sunlight fell on the earth, and Huo Yanzong, who was at the top of Huoyan Peak, was already shouting everywhere, spreading everywhere and for a long time.

The disciples of the Huoyan sect are doing morning classes. As a fighter, their physical quality is also quite critical. In addition to their usual practice, they will also carry heavy long-distance running, practice in actual combat, and even go to the forest of Warcraft.

In the back mountain of Huoyanzong, a thin figure moved with difficulty. Sweat had wet his clothes. The teenager carried a piece of dark iron three feet long and more than a foot wide, which was incompatible with his figure. However, although it was heavy, the teenager did not give up at all and trotted step by step.

He is Zhu Shaoyang, who has lived in this world for nearly half a month. With the assistance of elixirs, Zhu Shaoyang's body has fully recovered. However, what makes Zhu Shaoyang headache is that the original Zhu Shaoyang is playful and lazy to practice. He has been living under the protection of Zhu Tian. It is an absolute greenhouse flower. It can be imagined that his body How bad is the physical quality?

Poor Zhu Shaoyang's skills can't be used. What's more pitiful is that the 13-year-old Zhu Shaoyang has not even achieved a period of fighting spirit, which can be said to be a waste in the waste. In desperation, Zhu Shaoyang decided to "reform the past" and his body had just recovered, so he made a request to Zhu Tian to practice, gratifying Zhu Tian for nature. He agreed with joy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he practiced, Zhu Shaoyang faced a fatal problem. His body seemed to be a bottomless hole, constantly absorbing the spirit of fighting, but it did not grow. When the fighting spirit was inhaled to a certain extent, it strangely turned black and brown, and the dark brown fighting spirit made him feel the real supplement.

In shock, he told Zhu Tian about this matter. After a joint discussion and experiment between Zhu Tian and the patriarchal elders, he came to a shocking conclusion that Zhu Shaoyang was actually a natural poison, that is to say, the attribute he has is a mutant poison.

The reason why the inhaled fighting gas is not effective is that the external fighting gas will be transformed into his body, forming the so-called toxic fighting gas. As a result of this, Zhu Shaoyang's cultivation speed will be extremely slow. Even if he practices at such a young age, it will take at least three to five years to reach the fighter.

The lost Zhu Shaoyang did not give up. He was reborn already has a mature mind. In order to save his mother and get rid of the title of young master, he still chose to continue to practice. Don't forget that now Zhu Shaoyang is still pregnant with something that the world does not have: fighting skills.

"Shaoyang" suddenly, a little fat man of the same age as Zhu Shaoyang appeared in front of him and was looking at Zhu Shaoyang with a simple smile. His body was extremely bloated, and his round fat face revealed some cuteness. The teenager is Zhu Shaoyang's only friend, Sun Peng, a disciple of the sect. He has been helped by Zhu Shaoyang. The reason why the two can develop into friends is that they have a common hobby: playing can be said to be similar.

"Sun Peng, why do you run to the back mountain if you don't practice?" Zhu Shaoyang wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked casually.

"I'll accompany you! Shaoyang, let's practice together!" Sun Peng said seriously.

"Damn it, when did you become diligent?" Zhu Shaoyang stared at Sun Peng's fat face like a monster.

"Didn't we agree to share blessings and difficulties?" While talking, Sun Peng didn't know where to take out a piece of fine iron like Zhu Shaoyang's back. After being equipped, he smiled at Zhu Shaoyang and said, "Let's go."

Two young figures accompany each other and slowly move forward.

" Shaoyang, why do you think of practicing?" Sun Peng's fleshy little face had been faintly red at this time, and bean-sized sweat beads kept dripping.

"I don't want to be a burden to the sect." Zhu Shaoyang said.

"How did I find that you woke up as if you were a different person?"

"Of course, it's for revenge" Zhu Shaoyang replied half-truth and half-falsely.

Sun Peng stopped making a sound. Looking at Zhu Shaoyang's firm eyes, his heart seemed to be touched by something. The jokes of the two of them echoed in his ear again: sharing blessings and difficulties.

"It seems that this incident has been a big blow to Yanger and has suffered the child." Far away, Zhu Tianshen looked at Zhu Shaoyang's figure.

"Hey! Isn't this a good thing? At least Yanger is no longer as unlearned as before. Unfortunately, the barrier of natural poison blocked his path," sighed an old man who looked a little similar to him beside Zhu Tian.

"Natural poison" Zhu Tian frowned and looked helplessly at the blue sky. The water mist in his eyes turned around, "Honger, I hope you can bless your son."