Poison King

Chapter 2 Four Sects

In the back mountain of Huoyanzong, on a steep cliff, a young figure sat cross-legged, with long red hair casually, wisps of hair drifting in the wind, and his handsome and tender cheeks were slightly pale. At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, and he swallowed a milky white airflow between his mouth and nose. The external fighting air slowly poured into his body, and then The special transformation changed from the original milky white to black-brown, and was finally absorbed by the teenager. There was only one more process, but it made the teenager's cultivation slower than the normal number of people.


Zhu Shaoyang gently exhaled turbid breath, opened his eyes, and an imperceptible dark brown luster flashed from his eyes.

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhu Shaoyang stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and looked into the distance. The thick fog blocked the scenery in front of him.

"Holy Continent" Zhu Shaoyang muttered.

In his previous memory, Zhu Shaoyang roughly understood this mysterious world. The Fire Yanzong, where he was located, was the head of the four fighting sects on the Shengqi Continent and was located in the south of the Shengqi Continent. The three peaks adjacent to Huoyan Peak are the locations of the other three sects, namely: the Wind Xiao Sect, which is dominated by wind attributes, Shui Miao Sect, which is dominated by water attributes, and Thunder Sect, which is dominated by thunder attributes. The four sects are surrounded and live in one place.

It is rumored that an ancient demon clan is sealed under the four peaks, and the task of the four sects is to guard here to avoid changes in the seal.

It is understood that there will be at least one Douzong in each of the four sects, and the four suzerains of the four sects are already at the level of fighting emperors. Their strength is absolutely few in Shengqi Continent. The reason why Huoyanzong ranked first is that the pharmacists in Huoyanzong, 50% of the high-level pharmacists in the whole continent all live in seclusion somewhere in Huoyanfeng. They are all elite pharmacists trained by Huoyanzong, which is also the main economic source of Huoyanzong.

As for the mysterious beast gate, no one knows when it was created, and no one knows that its nest is everywhere, but no one dares to ignore its existence. The beast gate is not orcs. They are transformed by some human beings with a strong constitution. An ordinary beast warrior whose combat effectiveness can be compared with a fighter. Counterbalance can be seen that it is terrible.

The differences in beliefs have also triggered the hostility of the four sects to the beasts. The four sects called the beast sects evil and removed them. However, the mystery of the beasts and the metamorphosis of the beast warriors have caused the four sects to suffer repeated setbacks, and it is difficult to tell who is wrong with whom.

Thinking of the beast gate, a trace of anger flashed unconsciously in Zhu Shaoyang's eyes, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. Mom, how are you? You must hold on. Yanger will definitely find the nest of the Beast Gate to save you.

"Poisonous gas! I will definitely control you, and no one can stop me from becoming stronger."

Zhu Shaoyang, who was meditating, suddenly felt a strong wind behind him. He leaned sideways to avoid the attack of people and put it on his right hand. Like lightning, people rushed to the front of him and clasped their arms, gently twisted, and a scream came out. He played a sneak attack in front of the fighting master?

"Oh, why did you become so powerful, Shaoyang?" It was the little fat son Peng who sneaked on him. Sun Peng saw that he was in a dull mood and wanted to be a little exciting, but he didn't know that today's Zhu Shaoyang is not what he used to be.

Zhu Shaoyang let go of his hand helplessly and said angrily, "You boy, you have nothing to do"

Sun Peng rubbed his painful face and said innocently, "I was going to scare you, but who knows that you are so**, Shaoyang, your changes make me a little uncomfortable. When did you learn this ability?"

Zhu Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders, sat on the rock beside him, and said vaguely, "Don't play all day long. Practice well, and follow my brother and me to explore the world in the future."

Seeing that Zhu Shaoyang refused to disclose, Sun Peng was not easy to ask. He echoed and replied, "Listen to Brother Yang, and I will rely on you in the future."

"Hmm! Little fat man, you also believe the words of a monster." The discordant voice sounded from behind them. Looking back, there were several sect disciples standing opposite. Their eyes looking at Zhu Shaoyang were full of jokes and ridicule.

The talking man, dressed in the red robe of Huoyanzong, is burly and ordinary, but at this time, he shows a ferocious color. He is Zhu Yao, the grandson of the second elder of Huoyanzong. At the age of 15, he has reached the spirit of seven battles and is also a talent. Zhu Yao has always been very hostile to Zhu Shaoyang.

"Brother Zhu Yao, I don't know who your monster refers to?" Zhu Shaoyang stood up and asked plainly.

"Ha ha, it turns out that that guy is not only a monster but also a fool!" Zhu Yao sarcastically said that other sect disciples laughed.

Zhu Shaoyang's face was cold, and the cold murder flashed from his eyes. His anger, which was originally depressed, instantly ignited "Zhu Yao, don't bully people too much"

"Yoh! I'm quite angry. I told you. What's wrong? You want to bite me!" Zhu Yao looks disdainful.

At this time, Zhu Shaoyang smiled, and Zhu Yao couldn't help frowning.

"Zhu Yao, since you insist on fighting against me, I will make a break with you today." After Zhu Shaoyang said, Zhu Yao and others looked at him in shock. You know, today's Zhu Shaoyang has not even reached a period of fighting spirit, and dares to challenge Zhu Yao, who has a seven-stage fighting spirit.

Before Zhu Yao opened his sarcasm, Zhu Shaoyang continued, "But I have a condition that we can't use the spirit of fighting. First, for the sake of fairness, and second, I'm afraid that my poison gas will poison you."

Zhu Shaoyang's mentality is comparable to Zhu Yao. He is a cunning fox. His condition is to maximize his chances of winning. Although he can't fully use his fighting skills, it's more than enough to deal with Zhu Yao.

Zhu Yao looked at the thin Zhu Shaoyang, and there was a laugh in his heart. You are not an opponent either. "Okay, I promise you, I hope you won't cry and complain for a while"

Zhu Shaoyang smiled and said nothing. He took a few steps forward and stood with his hands on his side. His face was plain and waveless, and there was a faint contempt in his eyes.

Zhu Yao snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed to Zhu Shaoyang like a cheetah. His action was very simple: punching. The fist wind gusts, but a little momentum.

Zhu Shaoyang's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes flashed brightly. He has dozens of ways to dismantle such moves as Zhu Yao.

When Zhu Yao's fist was about to approach, Zhu Shaoyang moved, took a step forward with his left foot, and locked his hands on Zhu Yao's arm. With the exclamation from the outside world, Zhu Shaoyang perfectly finished the shoulder fall. Zhu Yao's body came into close contact with the ground, and the pain arose spontaneously.

Zhu Shaoyang's face is also flushed and a little unsistible. After all, this body is still too fragile. If he exerts so much force at once, he will naturally feel a trace of exhaustion. If he hadn't mastered the skills, this blow would not have succeeded.

"Okay..." Sun Peng was stunned and couldn't help clapping his hands.

Zhu Yao stood up awkwardly. Although the shoulder fall did not cause much harm to him, he could not hang on his face. "Let you lucky this time, come again"

Zhu Shaoyang smiled indifferently and looked like he was at his own.

Zhu Yao doesn't have so many fighting skills. If he can't use the fighting spirit, his strength is equivalent to reducing it by half. Under his conceit, he still doesn't believe that Zhu Shaoyang will defeat him.

He rushed to Zhu Shaoyang with his fists and feet. At this time, Zhu Yao was like a mad dog. He had no routine at all, but attacked with absolute power.

Zhu Shaoyang sighed in his heart and dodged Zhu Yao's offensive vigorously. The discomfort just now has not dissipated. Zhu Shaoyang naturally chose to focus on defense and wait for the opportunity to kill.

Zhu Shaoyang, who has been through the wind and rain, is absolutely first-class in avoiding kung fu. Zhu Yao's messy fists and feet have not even touched his clothes. On the contrary, Zhu Yao has gradually exhausted.

"I won't play with you." Zhu Shaoyang took a deep breath, withdrew a few meters, trotted a few steps, and suddenly stamped his right foot. He sent his figure into mid-air. His body rotated, his left leg whip was thrown out, and the strong wind came to his face with a harsh whistling sound.

Feeling the powerful threat, Zhu Yao's heart trembled. The left leg like a whip had been hit Zhu Yao. The hot pain made Zhu Yao scream and his body fell down again. The two humiliation made Zhu Yao's face extremely ugly, and the evil light in his drooping eyes appeared.

"Are you still coming?" Zhu Shaoyang said indifferently.

The disciples of the sect who watched the war realized and hurried to help Zhu Yao. The joke in their eyes had already turned into panic.

"Ho long live Brother Yang" Sun Peng shouted proudly, ran to Zhu Shaoyang and flattered him, "Brother Yang, do you think you can accept me as an apprentice?"

Zhu Shaoyang pretended to meditate and said for a long time before saying, "No, you're too fat." After saying that, he couldn't help laughing.

Sun Peng scratched his head and muttered, "Can't I lose weight?"

While the two were chatting, Zhu Yao suddenly broke away to help, looked at Zhu Shaoyang with blood-red eyes, and roared angrily and said, "Go to hell!"

The defenseless Zhu Shaoyang secretly shouted bad. He could not compete with Zhu Yao, who had been exhausted in his body. Under the surging momentum, Zhu Shaoyang's thin body flew out like a broken kite and went straight to the bottom of the cliff.