Poison King

Chapter 3 Fengshui Treasure

"Shaoyang" Sun Peng's face changed greatly. Looking at Zhu Shaoyang falling to the bottom of the cliff, he couldn't help roaring.

Zhu Yao stood there in a daze. He didn't expect that Zhu Shaoyang, who had just been as fierce as a tiger, would be so vulnerable. In case Zhu Shaoyang, who fell off the cliff, had something good or bad, how could he explain to the suzerain? I'm afraid it would be difficult for his grandfather to keep him at that time.

"Zhu Yao, you are cruel, I'm going to tell the suzerain." Sun Peng stared at Zhu Yao fiercely and turned around to leave, but was forcibly stopped by those disciples of the sect.

"Brother Yao, what should I do now?" A disciple of the sect asked softly.

Zhu Yao slowly closed his eyes and had no idea in his heart. After a moment of meditation, he exhaled, "Let go of that little fat man!"

"Brother Yao, this..."

"I said let him go, didn't you hear me?" Zhu Yao suddenly shouted that those disciples had to let go of Sun Peng and let him escape from here.

Zhu Yao took a deep look at the bottom of the cliff, and the thick fog blocked his sight. The unfathomable bottom of the cliff made him palpitations. From childhood to age, Zhu Yao was afraid for the first time.

Zhu Shaoyang fell straight to the bottom of the cliff like weightless, and couldn't help spitting in his heart, "God, I'm going to face death as soon as I was reincarnated. You are really cruel."

Facing death for the second time, Zhu Shaoyang was not so scared. He looked at the farther and farther blue sky and couldn't help but evoke an arc at the corners of his mouth. A strange idea suddenly came to his mind: Where will I be reincarnated this time?

Just as he was thinking nonsense, his suddenly drooping body was pushed by a strong thrust, and his body rose three or four meters above, and then fell again.

"Damn it, it's not a trampoline, is it?" Zhu Shaoyang said in surprise.

This situation has been repeated several times, which makes Zhu Shaoyang happy. At least he doesn't have to die. The backlash completely eliminated the sense of weightlessness just now. At this time, Zhu Shaoyang was like playing a trampoline as he said...


Zhu Shaoyang shouted in a low voice, and the poison gas in his body flowed out along the meridians, and then his whole body suddenly pressed down. Under strong pressure, Zhu Shaoyang finally got rid of the upward thrust of the ground and fell safely.

The strange thing is that the moment his body touched the ground, circles of fluctuations spread around his body, and the crazy desire of fighting from the outside world poured into Zhu Shaoyang's body.

"What is this?" Zhu Shaoyang looked at the "ground" where he was with his eyes wide open.

Dozens of miles are like a huge transparent boundary, on which there are various elemental colors, which are very strange. Some golden runes that Zhu Shaoyang can't recognize are looming. The black hole under the "ground" is like the giant mouth of Warcraft.

What shocked him more was that the fighting spirit was extremely abundant and endless, and his consciousness moved slightly, which would attract several fighting spirits and rush into his body.

"Is this... the seal guarded by the four sects?" Zhu Shaoyang exclaimed. Looking at the "ground" of elemental circulation, he became more and more sure of his conjecture. It seemed that the rumors were not empty talk.

Looking up at the smoky peak, Zhu Shaoyang sat on the seal boundary, stunned for a moment, and then sighed, "Forget, since you are not dead, then live well. Um... The fighting spirit here is hundreds of times that of the mountain. I don't believe it. I can't reach a fighting spirit."

After saying that, Zhu Shaoyang sat cross-legged and began to practice here. With his breathing and swallowing, the strong fighting spirit all over his body replenished him without hesitation. In the blink of an eye, the poison fighting gas transformed in Zhu Shaoyang's body increased more than doubled to the original, and the overjoyed Zhu Shaoyang was over. Relax and let the spirit of fighting from the outside rush in.

However, he, who was eager for quick success and quick profit, forgot the truth that the transformation of the fighting spirit requires a process, and at this time, the fighting spirit that poured into his body has reached a saturated state. With the extrusion of the outside world and the rejection of poison gas in his body, Zhu Shaoyang's meridians are now forcibly expanded, and the huge squeeze force makes him cry out in pain. If it continues like this, he can only die.

Fortunately, Zhu Shaoyang could still keep a clear mind at this time, and immediately stopped absorbing the fighting spirit of the outside world. His consciousness deepened and slowly guided the superfluous fighting spirit to circulate in the body, then gradually transformed and finally completely absorbed it. This process alone lasted for nearly four hours, and sweat had soaked his clothes. The wet and tight breathing is faintly audible.

The feeling of squeezing of the body gradually disappeared, and the superfluous fighting spirit had been completely transformed. After the crisis, Zhu Shaoyang vomited a mouthful of blood and felt a burst of relaxation and indescribable comfort all over his body.

"I almost killed myself," Zhu Shaoyang muttered, stretching his arms at will. The surging power in his body made Zhu Shaoyang stunned and felt the situation in his body again.

"Damn it, I'm afraid it's two fights now!" The sudden progress made him a little unbelievable. "What a feng shui treasure."

However, the order here was inadvertently disrupted by Zhu Shaoyang, and the world will fall into a bloody storm in the near future...

At this time, the sky had darkened. Zhu Shaoyang touched his cooing stomach and shook his head helplessly, "It's time to leave here."

Zhu Shaoyang, who was full of physical strength, decided to climb with his bare hands and looked at the unreachable peaks. He licked his lips, held two protruding rocks tightly with both hands, and began his long climbing journey.

And just as he was trying to climb up, a little red light flashed under the originally calm boundary seal, like the monster's eyes...


"Zhu Yao, look at what you have done." A muffled sound came from Huoyanzong Hall. The old man sitting in the first place sat on the case. His face was extremely heavy, his body trembled slightly, and his vicissitudesive eyes were mixed with a trace of grief and indignation.

"Lord, spare my life, I really didn't mean it," Zhu Yao, who was opposite, knelt down in a hurry and said in horror.

After receiving the news from Sun Peng, Zhu Tian ordered all the disciples of the sect to look for it along the way, and he also entered the forbidden place at the bottom of the cliff. After careful investigation, he still did not see Zhu Shaoyang's figure. The old man, who had just lost his son, suddenly burned with anger.

At the head of the "Zongzhu", an old man with a hooked nose and big eyes and thin lips left the seat, took a step forward and respectfully said, "The suzerain is angry. Shaoyang is auspicious. He will definitely die. Let's not jump to conclusions too early. In this way, three days, if you give me three days, I will definitely find Shaoyang, see people, and die."

The speaker is Zhu Yan, the second elder of Zhu Yao's grandfather Huo Yanzong, who is now the eighth-order fighting king.

Zhu Tian suppressed his anger. Now is not the time to be impulsive. This matter can be big or small. For the benefit of the sect, Zhu Tian must not be too tough.

Zhu Tian sat back on the chair and said indifferently, "Come on, take Zhu Yao to the back mountain confinement room and let him reflect on himself"

Zhu Yan was secretly relieved, stared at Zhu Yao fiercely, and then went out of the hall and arranged people to find Zhu Shaoyang.

"Brother, don't worry! Yang'er will be fine." Zhu Tian's brother Zhu Kun comforted softly. Zhu Tian shook his head and was already in tears.


Zhu Shaoyang climbed his figure with difficulty. The upgrade made him reduce a lot of burdens. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked down at the distant boundary seal. He secretly cried bitterly in his heart and simply stretched his sore muscles and bones. Zhu Shaoyang continued to climb up again. This perseverance alone is far from being very human. Than.


Suddenly, a strange call came from the air. Zhu Shaoyang stopped and frowned slightly. The call made him feel a little uneasy.


The strange call was getting closer and closer, and a dark shadow reflected in Zhu Shaoyang's eyes. With the faint moonlight, he saw the appearance of the shadow and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

It was a two-meter-long carved strange bird. The bird's body was hidden with a cyan luster, which seemed to be a warcraft with wind attributes. It also seemed to have found Zhu Shaoyang sticking to the rock.

Just as Zhu Shaoyang prayed secretly in his heart, the strange bird ran towards him with a sharp cry.

"You beast" Zhu Shaoyang spit out, and he was in a dilemma in the face of the invasion of strange birds.

"Fight" and gritted his teeth, Zhu Shaoyang let go of his hands. Where there was no strength, his body fell to the cliff again. It was better to stay in that feng shui treasure than to be eaten by a warcraft.

However, this time when Zhu Shaoyang approached the seal of the boundary, with the instant flash of black light, his falling body strangely through the boundary and disappeared into the mysterious place under the boundary.