Favorite wife

Chapter 166 Good means

When you arrive at the company, ask the secretariat to distribute it to everyone.

Everyone was at a loss, and the boss got married! This is the boss's wife.

Liu Mingyu personally took the wedding candy to Dingding's office.

"Miss Dingding, I'm still one step ahead of you. We got the certificate." Liu Mingyu announced proudly.

Dingding's body stiffened, "Yes, Miss Liu, what a good means. This is my resignation report. Congratulations. Everything goes well."

"You!" Liu Mingyu was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Ding Ding to resign so quickly, and she didn't expect that she would get the certificate so quickly. The two most important things rushed together.

"You can't be a day late." Liu Mingyu gritted his teeth and asked.

"Why should I accommodate your time? Since you want me to leave, you can't control me, and the land is mine. Remember that you did this project. If you don't satisfy me, I can refuse to sign." Dingding said lightly that she has never been a loser. Since you give me a good face, I won't let you live a better.

"You!" Liu Mingyu was in a good mood, and most of the good mood just now dissipated.

"I'll talk to Yicheng and leave. Madam, I hope you stay in this seat." Ding Ding said sarcastically and turned to find Gu Yicheng.

Liu Mingyu stamped his feet angrily.

Zhao Qian sat alone in prison** with her eyes distracted. She had nothing to hope for. She couldn't find anything else but endless despair in her heart.

When the door was opened.

"Zhao Qian came out and someone came to see you." The prison guard said coldly.

"I don't see anyone."

"You can't come out." The prison guard roared, obviously not wanting to alarm more people, so he lowered his voice.

Zhao Qian looked at the prison guard in consternation. Seeing that he waved the baton in his hand threateningly, she had to stand up and follow him to another room, not a reception room that usually communicates with the outside, but a separate dark small room.

"Who are you?" Zhao Qian asked in fear.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I can get you out of here." A low voice came out.

"Why? What do you want me to do?" Zhao Qian asked vigilantly.

"Yes, he is a smart person." The man seemed to be very satisfied with Zhao Qian's reaction.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Zhao Qian is a little nervous. Such a person who can go in and out of prison at any time must be a lot, but what does this have to do with herself?

"Help you get out of prison. After you get out of prison, follow my steps to get close to Guyi City step by step." The man said slowly.

"Why? What's your idea about Yicheng? I won't help you harm him. Zhao Qian's face was resolute.

"It seems that Miss Zhao hasn't figured out her position. I'm just telling you what you should do instead of discussing with you." The man threatened arrogantly.

"I won't go." Zhao Qian got up and walked to the door, but the door was locked.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, your parents are not in good health. You also have a sister who has been fostered in your uncle's house since childhood. Your uncle's family is four, and your uncle's family is three. Your grandparents have passed away, but there is also a grandfather alive." People's mouths in the dark closed, revealing countless chills.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Qian looked at the blurred outline in the dark in panic.

"Bear, I almost forgot that you are not a filial daughter at all. Maybe you don't care about them. What about yourself?" The cold sound came again in the dark.

"You, you want to." Zhao Qian was so nervous that she couldn't say a word.

Suddenly, two people flashed behind the black shadow, "Ah! What are you doing!" As soon as the voice came out, it was fiercely pressed on the small ** next to it.

"Ah! No, no!" Zhao Qian shouted.

"Are you willing to be obedient now?" People in the dark asked without any emotion.

Zhao Qian was speechless.

"I took ten bodyguards when I went out this time, but there seem to be dozens of prison guards in the prison." The voice is getting lower and lower, with a trace of play.

"I promise. I promise to do whatever you ask me to do. No, don't come again." Zhao Qian huddled in a small corner and cried bitterly.

"How good it was, poor child, I didn't want to hurt you." It is full of sanctimons.

Zhao Qian looked frightened.

"Pack up and let's go." The man's taller body had a thicker shadow and fell on Zhao Qian's body, making her heart tremble even more.

Half an hour later, Zhao Qian was taken out of the prison. The sun was extremely dazzling. She had to reach out to block it. The bodyguard behind her was competent to help her hold an umbrella. This was the man who had just gone to her. At this time, her cold face seemed to have nothing had happened.

Zhao Qian didn't understand who she had messed with and followed everyone into the car in a daze.

The car drove to a villa, and there were no other people around. Zhao Qian thought that no one would know even if she died here.

"They are assigned by you. No matter what you do, they will cooperate with you unconditionally. In fact, they are very skilled, but you are in a hurry, so you can't enjoy it." Zhao Qian finally saw the man in the dark, wearing a big sunglasses and covering half of his face, but the exposed chin and outline were not difficult to see that he was a handsome man.

It's just that his words are harsh.

"What on earth do you want me to do?" Zhao Qian asked in fear.

"No hurry. Enjoy your queen's life. This is what I can give you now. When you feel better, I will tell you the next arrangements. The man said lightly, his hand moved gently, and the two bodyguards just sat beside Zhao Qian.

Her nervous body stiffened.

"Miss, relax." One of them evoked a kind smile.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Qian asked vigilantly.

"Help you relax." While talking, she gently raised her legs and kneaded them slowly.

The man opposite got up and got out of the villa and got into the car. Seeing him go far away, Zhao Qian was a little relaxed. I don't know why this one-handed man made her full of fear.

"Hmm." The man's big hand massage was very comfortable, and Zhao Qian couldn't help humming.

"Are you comfortable, Miss?" Zhao Qian asked softly. Zhao Qian closed her eyes and settled down. Anyway, it's better to enjoy it if she can't escape. She has no value to use now. What are she afraid of?

When I woke up the next day, the man yesterday was already waiting downstairs.

"Miss Zhao, did you have a good time last night?" What the man said was serious without a trace of sarcasm.

Zhao Qian blushed.

"What should I call you?" Zhao Qian asked.

"Just call me boss like them." The gentleman said.

"What do you want me to do? Zhao Qian sat opposite him at the man's motion.

"I will arrange for you to go abroad, and then someone will teach you some courses, and someone will specially arrange for you to learn how to make men more comfortable." The man played with the ceramic cup in his hand.

"You, do you want me to sell it?" Zhao Qian looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. Yes, she was indeed young and beautiful, but she didn't have to bother to get herself out of the prison. It took a lot of time and money.

"Oh, you know, of course not. It's just to please a man, the young director of AMS, and let him arrange you to be the representative of China and be fully responsible for the business in China." The man said lightly.

"Why, why me?" Zhao Qian asked puzzledly.

"Because you love Guyi City, don't you?" The man asked rhetorical.

"Do you want me to deal with Guyi City?" Zhao Qian then asked that she really couldn't deal with Gu Yicheng.

"I don't want you to deal with him, I'm just helping you get him." The man said with a smile.

"What's good for you?" Zhao Qian asked, there would be no pie in the sky.

"There are so many benefits that I can't tell you. Anyway, just do what I say. If you are disobedient, of course, I don't want to force you to be obedient by my means. You also enjoy life now, don't you?" The man put down the ceramic cup in his hand and asked with a smile.

Zhao Qian was silent, and the two bodyguards behind her began to be expressionless again, which was completely different from last night's enthusiasm.

"Okay, I promise. As long as I don't hurt Gu Yicheng. Zhao Qian said.

"Okay, I can't see that you are quite infatuated with him." The man said sarcastically.

Zhao Qian can't answer for a while. Will she still hang out with two men all night?

Obviously, the man was not prepared to pester this problem too much. Zhao Qian settled down and turned around and left. After that, Zhao Qian rested for a few days, and the court officially issued a document saying that the case had been withdrawn.

She is free. The two bodyguards Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu took her abroad, followed by a close curriculum arrangement. Of course, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu will warmly entertain Zhao Qian in ** every night and teach her some skills to treat men.

" boss, Zhao Qian learned quickly and adapted very well."

The man turned his back to the light and gently raised the corners of his mouth. Brother Gu, I won't let you live a good life for too long. Happiness doesn't belong to you, do you understand?

"Don't worry. When you are sure that everything is okay with her, find an appropriate time to let the young Dong of AMS get to know her." The man ordered.

"Yes, boss, are you still in China?"

"Hmm." The man snorted and didn't say anything.

"Gu Chief of Staff, Zhao Qian, who had previously tried to murder Mrs. Gu, has been released from prison." Meng Meng of the Procuratorate dialed Gu Yiheng's phone number.

"How did she get out of prison if she hadn't been sentenced for several years?" Gu Yiheng asked in surprise.

"This involves confidentiality, but if you invite me to dinner, I may consider telling you." Meng Meng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll pick you up after work." Gu Yiheng also said with a smile.

"Ya, I'm going to have dinner with a friend in the evening." Gu Yiheng called Xiao Manwei, and Gu Yiheng would go home to prepare dinner for his wife without special circumstances.

"Okay, no problem, then I'll have dinner with a few main creators in the city in the evening." Xiao Manwei said that the group of people just told themselves that they hadn't agreed yet, and now it should be too late to agree.

"Well, don't be too late. I'll pick you up after dinner." Gu Yiheng's voice came.

"No, I'll call Ding Ding, and then I'll go home with her." Xiao Manwei said.

"That's good." Gu Yiheng hung up the phone with a smile. Yaya, I'm going to have dinner with a friend in the evening. Gu Yiheng called Xiao Manwei, and Gu Yiheng would go home to prepare dinner for his wife without special circumstances.

"Okay, no problem, then I'll have dinner with a few main creators in the city in the evening." Xiao Manwei said that the group of people just told themselves that they hadn't agreed yet, and now it should be too late to agree.

"Well, don't be too late. I'll pick you up after dinner." Gu Yiheng's voice came.

"No, I'll call Ding Ding, and then I'll go home with her." Xiao Manwei said.

"That's good." Gu Yiheng hung up the phone with a smile.