Favorite wife

Chapter 167 Encounter

When Ding Ding resigned, Gu Yicheng was shocked and tried to retain him. It was not until Ding Ding said that Huo Yifeng did not want her to go to work. After all, he was her boyfriend and he was nothing, and Ding Ding did not care about the small things such as salary increase.

Dingding is indeed very idle during this period. If he has nothing to do, he will go to Xiao Manwei to play. Xiao Manwei is also rude, and the free labor force can be used.

Ding's lively personality, coupled with Du Ruolei and Xu Zixuan's acquaintances in the crew, Dingding soon became familiar with everyone.

The evening dinner is scheduled for the night at the harbour. It is a well-known hot pot restaurant.

Gu Yiheng and Meng Meng also entered the Harbor House one after the other, and Meng Meng chose a private room on the second floor.

"It's easy for someone to invite me to dinner. I must be full today." Meng Meng smiled playfully.

"This is as if you are usually hungry. It seems that I'm going to talk to your eldest brother." Gu Yiheng said with a smile.

Meng Meng is Gu Yiheng's military school classmate. After graduation, Gu Yiheng went to the army. Meng Meng took the judicial examination according to the wishes of his family and worked in the procuratorate, which is also more suitable for girls. However, Meng Meng Meng was more active and had a good personality when he went to school, and had a very good relationship with the whole class. Meng Meng's brother also works in the army and has a good relationship with Gu Yiheng. Although he is not as good as Yi Yang, he is also a life-threatening friendship.

"Don't, if my brother knew that I didn't eat, he would have to take me home and cramp and skin me. It's too bloody." Meng Meng said exaggeratedly.

Gu Yiheng laughed. Meng Meng is very loving, and no one will feel pressure when he is with her. Sometimes Gu Yiheng thinks about how she works in the procuratorate. When she is suing others, will she be full of sympathy?

The big private room for Xiao Manwei's dinner is on the third floor.

The floor is not high, so they didn't take the elevator, and the group walked up magnificently.

When passing the stairs on the second floor, Xiao Manwei looked up and saw Gu Yiheng and Meng Meng opposite him laughing happily. Meng Meng wore a white skirt, a neat ponytail, and light makeup on her face. As soon as she spoke and smiled, she was rosy and charming.

After a few steps, Dingding found that something was wrong with Xiao Manwei, "What's wrong, Sister Wei?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just hungry." Xiao Manwei said with a hurry smile. Gu Yiheng had told her that she would have dinner with her friends in the evening. Of course, his friends can't be just men or women. She can't even be jealous when eating with his female friends. Xiao Manwei said to herself in her heart, but there was still a very unpleasant feeling quietly rising.

The group, Bai Lulu, Ouyang Mu, Yunluo, Du Ruolei, Xu Zixuan, director Zhang Meng, screenwriter An Bai, and Wu Tian, all wear sunglasses. After all, these are all big actors and directors. In case they encounter paparazzi, they can't eat this meal well, and the reason why they chose to be at the harbor night is because the harbor night is not Secret photography is allowed, and the security measures are relatively in place.

Everyone sits down.

After a while, Wu Tian received a phone call and was embarrassed to sue everyone and left first.

"Dingding, why don't you cooperate with us and wear sunglasses? How domineering." Xu Zixuan said jokingly.

"I'm not a star director. I'm just a handy girl. Who shoots me?" Dingding responded with a smile.

"Dingding, you're complaining that I didn't leave you a role." Zhang Meng said in a good mood. It is rare for Director Zhang to be in a good mood. The filming has been very smooth these days. Whether it is the male and female No. 1 or everything related is in place, and Xiao Manwei has a harmonious relationship with everyone.

"Director Zhang, please forgive me. How dare I act under you? I still want to live two more years." Ding Ding remembered that a female No. 3 was scolded by Director Zhang a few days ago, and his heart was lingering.

"Dingding, this is saying that Director Zhang is not close to the people, and the consequences are very serious." Xiao Manwei followed a sentence, and everyone looked at Dingding with a smile.

Zhang Meng's eyes moved slightly, "Well, Wei Wei is right. Isn't Ding Ding close to the people? Why can't you act here? I really arranged one for you. The one I opened last time was No. 3, chivalrous woman, right? Amber changed that book for me according to Ding Ding's nature.

"Okay, Dingding, don't worry, I will definitely add more drama for you." Amber immediately patted his chest and promised.

"Screenwriter, arrange more kissing scenes for me and Dingding**, the more the better." Xu Zixuan shouted immediately.

Everyone laughed.

Ding Ding kicked Xu Zixuan's leg, and he grinned in pain.

"Director, you can't be biased." Bai Lulu immediately made an expression that I would cry if you didn't add drama to me.

"Haha, don't worry, Lulu, you have a lot of plays. If you want to add it, I'll add it for you." Zhang Meng said jokingly that he looked a little serious.

"Don't, director, add her and don't involve me." Ouyang Mu immediately drew a clear line with Bai Lulu.

Yunluo smiled happily. Few crews can be so harmonious. It feels like a big family, very warm.

"Ouyang Mu, are you my man? Why do you run so fast?" Bai Lulu's affectionate style fell on Ouyang Mu.

Ouyang Mu immediately said without bones, "I have to make sure that I won't die of exhaustion first."

"Seriously, in fact, Dingding, I think the director's proposal is quite good. Why don't you make a guest appearance in a small role?" Xiao Manwei said seriously.

"I haven't learned to act, and I can't do it at all." Ding Ding said.

"It doesn't matter. From my professional perspective, Dingding's potential is good. This role is written according to your personality. It won't be difficult for you to act. We will all help you." Zhang Meng was determined to let Ding Ding act as a chivalrous woman.

"Yes, Dingding, everyone is familiar with it, so you can take it. Let Sister Wei give you more money." Yunluo also said enthusiastically.

"Yes, pick it up, Ding Ding." Several people persuaded Dingding.

Ding Ding had no idea for a while.

"Dingding, why don't you try a few games first? If it doesn't work, we'll change people. In fact, it takes time to shoot the play to look good. Zhang Meng finally said his little calculation.

"Well, well, just try it. Say yes first. Don't scold me." Dingding smiled playfully.

"Haha, I promise I won't scold you. If you make a mistake, I will scold whoever plays with you." Zhang Meng laughed.

"No, director, you're going to let me peel off the skin." Xu Zixuan howled.

In the purple rose, Bailu plays the purple rose of the Jade Kingdom, Ouyang Mu plays the fallen prince of the Ming Kingdom, Du Ruolei plays the prince of the Jade Kingdom who loves purple roses, and Yun Luo plays the little princess of the Jade Kingdom, and also loves Ouyang Mu deeply. Xu Zixuan plays Ouyang Mu's younger brother and Ouyang Mu's right-hand man. If Ding participates in the role, the chivalrous woman is Ouyang Mu's younger sister and Xu Zixuan to protect Ouyang Mu together, and she is also the only couple in the last couple in the play.

There was laughter one after another in the box, but Xiao Manwei was worried and found a reason to go to the bathroom. Xiao Manwei came out of the private room and walked to the second floor in disobedience.

At the top of the stairs, you can still see Gu Yiheng's private room without closing the door. The girl inside smiled brightly and didn't know what she said, and Gu Yiheng also laughed.

"What's wrong with the Zhao Qian you mentioned by Meng Meng?" Gu Yiheng talked for a long time before he remembered the key points of today. It seemed that he had not seen Meng Meng care about the past for a long time.

"Oh, I forgot what I relied on for a meal today, Zhao Qian. A few days ago, someone came to investigate her case, and later it was said that she was instigated. Later, someone gave her a professional mental appraisal report, saying that she had intermittent schizophrenia, so she was released." Meng Meng said.

Gu Yiheng subconsciously frowned, "Zhao Qian still has this problem. Who got her out?"

"We don't know about this. I think it may be her relatives and friends, otherwise someone will run to care about a prisoner, right?" Meng Meng guessed.

"Maybe." Gu Yiheng's frown did not relax at all.

"Relax!" Meng Meng raised her hand and smoothed Gu Yiheng's eyebrows. "She went abroad soon after she went abroad, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Xiao Manwei's heart was cold. When she saw the intimate appearance of the two people, her heart was indescribably sour. The mobile phone suddenly rang, and Xiao Manwei hurried back with the mobile phone.

"What's the matter, Sister Wei, I didn't see you in the bathroom?" Dingding asked anxiously, and the shadow of the previous events was still in Dingding's heart.

"I went downstairs to get some air. Come up right away. Don't worry." Xiao Manwei pretended to be relaxed and returned to the box.

"Come back if you have nothing to do. Everyone is looking for you. Be careful of being punished." Dingding breathed a sigh of relief.

Sultifor a while, Xiao Manwei and Dingding returned to their private rooms.

The atmosphere in the private room is still very good. Xu Zixuan pulled Amber and asked for some rivalry for him and Dingding, especially emotionally. Amber naturally saw Xu Zixuan's thoughts and kept pouring him wine.

"Xu Zixuan, you idiot." Ding Ding couldn't help scolding.

Bai Lulu and Ouyang Mu chatted with Zhang Meng.

Du Ruolei sat next to Xiao Manwei and talked to her. Xiao Manwei was not here and was a little absent-minded.

"Sister Wei, I just went downstairs. Have you seen an acquaintance, so you are in a bad mood?" Du Ruolei whispered in her ear.

Xiao Manwei shook her head unnaturally.

Yunluo pulled Ding Ding to chat not far away. Does Ding Ding know that Blue Butterfly will come to make a guest appearance in two days.

"Who is the blue butterfly?" Ding Ding asked puzzledly.

"You don't know her. She has been popular for a long time, but I heard that she has a bad temper. Fortunately, she only has a scene." Yunluo breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there has been a past between Yunluo and Blue Butterfly.

It's past 11 p.m. for dinner.

Xiao Manwei took the initiative to go downstairs to check out. When she passed the second floor, she couldn't help stopping and happened to pass by a waiter.

"Excuse me, how long has this table been?" Xiao Manwei asked.

"You said that the little couple has been walking for an hour. How can couples stay in restaurants for too long now? Generally, they prefer parks, hotels and other places." The waiter said jokingly.

Xiao Manwei's heart suddenly hurt and her face turned pale. Although she told herself many times in her heart that Gu Yiheng could not do anything wrong to her, she was still very uncomfortable when others joked.