Favorite wife

Chapter 305 Peace

You don't need a driver, drive by yourself. Because you left early, it was smooth all the way, and you rarely met a red light. When you arrived at the kindergarten, it was ten minutes earlier! Yaya parked the car on one side, put down the window and slowly waited for the class to finish.

Ten minutes passed quickly, first in the small class, and then the children in the middle class.

Yaya got out of the car and saw her two sons holding hands from afar. The male and female children surrounded by many kindergartens were laughing. She took two steps forward with a smile and waved to the two little ones, "Dabao Xiaobao, go home."


"Mommy hugs."

Bend down and hugged Xiaobao. Yaya hugged him and sighed exaggeratedly, "How can our Xiaobao grow so fast that I can't hold him."

"Ah, mom, don't hug me anymore. If you are tired, you will get sick."

"Little baby is so good."

Holding one with one hand, the unsteady day was calmed down at this moment.

On the way home, Liangbao chatted with Yaya about what happened in the garden, and even Dabao complained. A little sister said that she liked Xiaobao. Dabao shaved her face with her fingers and wanted to be ashamed, saying that it was Xiaobao's little lover. Xiaobao was angry and turned his head to ignore Dabao.

The girl next to her had a smile on her face, and her forehead was full of waterfall sweat.

Now this child is really.

How old are you? Little lovers and so on have come out.

What does she know about such a big bean sprout when she was a child?

Yaya's two little brothers, who were secretly sulking, were a little powerless.

Sure enough, one generation is stronger than the other generation.

Back home, Gu Yiheng hasn't come back yet. When she picked up the two treasures just now, Hou Yaya called and knew that he was still doing business outside, and she didn't call him to urge him. She drove slowly. She had nothing to do. What did she urge him to do?

Two babies put down their small schoolbags and came out to play games like building blocks. Xiaobao pulled Yaya, "Mommy together." Yaya drank a glass of water and looked at the two sons rolling around on the carpet. She thought it was funny and squatted on the ground with a smile, "Okay, let's play together."

It was 8:30 p.m. when Gu Yiheng came home.

Mr. Zhang was downstairs. Seeing him coming back, she smiled and said, "Sir, are you back?" My wife said that she would wait for you to eat together, but there is no movement on it now. I don't know if it's sleeping or playing. You can go up and have a look.

Gu Yiheng nodded and turned to the second bedroom.

After only looking through the door, Gu Yiheng felt that his eyelids twitched.

He changed his clothes and washed his face and walked into the bedroom. He saw that the one sleeping in the ground was a comfortable one. Yaya half sideways and held two in her arms. That posture and that action made Gu Yiheng smell a little. Bad boy, that's your father and my seat!

But the next moment, he sighed helplessly.

How old are you? Sleep on the floor. It's okay to sleep on the floor. Anyway, the carpet is very solid and clean. How can it be covered with nothing?

He bent down and carried the two little ones to **.

In the meantime, Xiaobao opened his eyes and seemed to be awake. Seeing that it was Gu Yiheng, his little mouth moved twice, turned over and continued to sleep. When it was time to hug Yaya, Yaya suddenly opened her eyes and said nothing, with ignorance in her eyes, "When did you come back?"

Gu Yiheng dares to be sure that Yaya is not fully awake.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have used such a soft tone.

However, the opportunity should not be missed, right?

While Yaya was still confused and the trace of sleepiness was still there, he directly took him to the next room. The moment he threw him to **, Yaya also woke up and wanted to climb down. Gu Yiheng pressed down directly, "Honey, I'm wrong. Let's make up."

It's a little noisy and pleasant, but Yaya doesn't want to let the husband and wife make trouble again.

After so many things, if the two of them can still be interfered with.

Then she can only accept her fate and admit that she doesn't know people clearly.

After a toss, when the two finished, it was almost ten o'clock. Yaya looked at Gu Yiheng's satisfied face and couldn't wait to scratch his face and kicked him with hatred. "Get up quickly. Mrs. Zhang is still waiting for us for dinner downstairs."

Gu Yiheng laughed and said, "Let them wait."

Ya slanted at him, "Can't you get up?"

"Wing up, how dare I not listen to my wife's words?" Standing up bare and looking at his strong muscles, Yaya blushed fiercely. Gu Yiheng, who had just looked good, smiled, "Wife, are you shy?"

"Get out of here."

Gu Yiheng touched his nose and said attentively, "Honey, you're tired, aren't you? I'll take you to take a shower." In my heart, I slandered. Let's see how good my husband is and how good he is to his wife. As a husband, no one is better than himself.

He is still complatonous here, and Yaya kicked him directly in the face.

"Stay away from me and take me to wash. I don't know what you think you're thinking. I'll tell you, Gu Yiheng, don't take an inch." Yaya got up with a smile, took her clothes in front of Gu Yiheng, and walked generously to the bathroom.

Don't think you don't know what's on his mind.

If he really hugs himself to wash, he probably won't be able to get out of the bathroom for an hour!

Gu Yiheng, who was guessed, touched his nose and smiled.

was found.

However, "Wife, I'm sad that you take care of a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain."

A few domineering words came from the bathroom door and through the sound of water.

"You deserve it."

In the study, Yaya and Gu Yiheng, each have a computer and are busy. Both of them are really busy with their work. You usually look at Yaya's so many things, and the company's affairs are all made by her decisions. In fact, Gu Yiheng also has his own business.

In Zhang's words, the couple are busier than the other.

For good to reassure Mrs. Zhang, the two of them are busy, but they are sincere to each other, and as long as they are free, they basically accompany their children. The family of four goes out and strolls, and Mrs. Zhang and the others don't bother to worry.

Busy, there is no money if you are not busy.

At 12 p.m., Gu Yiheng received a video conference and looked up at Yaya's jade-like face. A mischievous child ran down with a wisp of hair and hung in front of him. He looked at it and smiled. He came forward to help her pull her hair behind her ear. His voice was warm, "It's time to go to bed."

"I'll wait. There is another email to reply. You go to bed first."

Ya didn't raise her head when she said this, and Gu Yiheng knew that it was non-negotiable.

I simply pulled away my notebook and sat on Yaya's side to play games.

Half a sound, Yaya danced on the keyboard like flying, and didn't know what she had hit. She saw a smile on her face flashed. Gu Yiheng, who watched her movement while playing the game, was shocked. Was the email just sent by one of the rivals?

Tyu Mingji? Wells?

The more I think about it, the more I feel bad, but I can't ask Yaya.

Yaya will laugh at her narrow-mindedness when she knows it.

She closed the computer and stretched out. Yaya smiled apologetically at Gu Yiheng, "Wait. The email just now is very important. It is the theme of the parliament tomorrow morning. I have to know it in advance."

Gu Yiheng shook his head at her, "We agreed to respect each other's work and not eat these inexplicable jealousy." It can be said that he didn't eat these inexplicable jealousy. Thinking of Qiu Ming's names, Gu Yiheng couldn't help eating them.

"Well, I haven't forgotten these words."

Yaya smiled, put the notebook to one side and looked at Gu Yiheng, "Have you finished your work? If you have nothing to do, go to bed?"

"Okay, go to bed." Gu Yiheng almost jumped up, and his wife called him to go to bed! He smiled at Yaya with a smile on his face, "Wife, please help you first."

"Well, Xiao Guzi, I'm a little tired. Let's go back to the office."


Looking at Gu Yiheng's strange smile, Yaya couldn't help bending her eyebrows.

In fact, there are indeed many problems between husband and wife.

Not all problems are unsolved. As long as it is not a principled problem, why not give in to each other? The result may be unexpected. Looking at the man in front of her, Yaya clearly knew that she was really willing to give in for him.

When the husband and wife get along well, Gu Yiheng is naturally the happiest.

Ya looked at him busy with herself, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised.

Actually, how can I really be angry with him?

But looking at him like this, Yaya thinks it's funny.

After breakfast and packing up, Gu Yiheng personally sent the two children to the kindergarten. Yaya was also in the car. The couple agreed that when the child was sent to the kindergarten, Gu Yiheng turned back and sent Yaya to the company. Her car was sent for maintenance last night and wanted the driver to pick it up.

Gu Yiheng insisted on being a driver.

Two Bao and Yaya sat in the back and looked at their father driving in front of them. Dabao lay down in Yaya's ear and whispered, "Mommy, Dad has been pleasing you these two days."

"Well, Daddy must have done something bad."

The latter words were said by Xiaobao, and Yaya almost spit it out after hearing it.

Fortunately, she didn't drink water or eat anything.

his eyes widened, "What else do you know?"

Looking at the two sons, Yaya felt that the child had really become refined now.

Little girlfriend, please, do bad things, feel guilty.

Look, what kind of child should know about this?

Xiaobao also fell to Yaya's ear like his brother, "There is a woman outside Daddy."


Gu Yiheng, who was driving in front of him, almost spit out the old blood and was angry.

"Son, how dare you slander your father and me." He quickly turned his head and looked at Yaya, afraid that Yaya would take these nonsense that he didn't know where he heard. "You can't believe this stinky boy. I really don't have it. I don't want anyone except you."

Yaya herself felt quite speechless. Looking at Gu Yiheng's anxious look, she stared at him funny and angrily, "You drive your car quickly. This is on the street."

Wow, my son framed me and was unfilial.