Favorite wife

Chapter 306 Two Little People

The third mother in the back ignored his idea. The girl looked at the same serious little face of the two sons and smiled, "Tell me, why is there a woman outside your father?"

"Okay, he was suddenly kind to mommy."

"Well, as Wenwen said, there is nothing to pay attention to, rape or steal, there must be no good intentions."


The husband and wife are speechless this time. What is this?

The car stopped not far from the kindergarten gate. Yaya led the two treasures one by one, but a few meters away, she was very nervous. What if someone came out to rob the child with her? She really feels a little like a soldier now.

Handing over her son to the teacher at the gate of the kindergarten, Yaya asked euphemistically, "Who is Wenwen?"

Mr. Sun was stunned, thought about it and smiled, "It's a little girl who turned around some time ago. She is a very beautiful girl and very popular. Dabao Xiaobao likes her very much."

When Yaya heard this, she nodded and smiled.

Gu Yiheng turned the car around and sent Yaya directly to the downstairs of the company.

He helped Yaya open the car door, "Be careful."

"Okay, you go quickly. It's getting late."

"I'll pick you up at noon and have lunch together."

Yaya waved her hand to him, "Don't decide yet. I don't know if I'm free in the middle. Let's call him in advance." She also doesn't remember how much it is today's itinerary. She has to go up and ask to know. In case she is not free, Gu Yiheng said that she doesn't count.

Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call you in advance." It's really stupid. He came to pick her up for dinner. Naturally, he first confirmed the itinerary with her assistant and knew that she was free at noon. Otherwise, she was not in the company when she came by herself. Didn't she go there?

But I don't want to talk to Yaya more. I just watched her walk into the company with a smile.

I made a phone call when I waited for her to get to the office and knew that she had entered the office safely. Gu Yiheng leaned against the car and looked up. The 16th floor was Yaya's office. He stood here and couldn't see anything up.

But he felt that all he could see was Yaya's face.

The car drove up, the steering wheel turned, and Gu Yiheng's car drove directly into the street.

Some villa.

Qiu Mingji crossed his legs and held a glass of red wine in his hand but didn't drink it. Not far in front of him stood two ugly people. They bowed their heads and listened respectfully. "Boss, everything you said before has been done. The woman was sold to the Golden Grottoes."

Golden Grottoes?

Qiu Mingji frowned and flashed a trace of anger in his eyes. "It's uplifting her to sell her there!" That place is not accessible to ordinary people. If you don't reach that level, no matter how much money you spend, you can't even enter the door!

Didn't you sell that woman there?

The two subordinates noticed Qiu Mingji's displeasure and lowered their heads. "Boss, that woman's mouth is not strict and she dares not send it anywhere else. Only the Golden Cave can come out, and that's also our territory."

"Let's go to the Golden Grottoes. However, let people keep an eye on it."

"Boss, don't worry, you will never go on a business trip."

Qiu Ming nodded, asked a few more words, and waved his hand to make people retreat.

The whole body leaned into the sofa, and Qiu Mingji's face flashed a trace of loneliness.

She really regards him as a friend, but she herself...

After drinking the red wine in the glass, he raised his hand.

The glass fell to the ground and smashed.

Tyu Ming suddenly got up and walked out, and several guards behind him followed in an instant.

They are Qiu Mingji's personal guards, and they can't leave wherever they go.

"Boss, where do you want to go?"

"Go around the street in front of you, and then," Qiu Mingji paused for a moment and raised an evil smile from the bottom of his eyes. "Then, go to the airport."

The driver was slightly stunned, but instantly reacted, "Yes, boss."

The car drove quickly and steadily. Qiu Mingji seemed to close his eyes and take a nap, but in fact he was very sober. When he passed somewhere, his eyes opened. Through the window of the car, Qiu Mingji looked up at an office building outside the car, with an inexplicable light flowing in his eyes.

This is the place where she works and works.

As long as you park your car and go upstairs, you can see her again.

The word "park" almost rolled out of the tip of his tongue, but it was forced to be suppressed by him.

As soon as the car passed by, the car that was driven away from the office building was instantly thrown behind.

Like, she, and him.

It is short intersect and parallel, but Jier goes further and further.

He smiled, slowly leaned back, closed his eyes, and gently opened his mouth.

"Go to the airport."

Some things are doomed. She and he can only be friends.

A few hours later.

Tyu Ming then appeared in a manor somewhere in the United States.

Xiaodong was at home. When he saw Qiu Ming coming back, his little face was a little anxious. "Dad, Xiaobao, are you two all right? How's Aunt Yaya?"

"Is that how I usually teach you?"

Qiu Ming raised his eyebrows faintly, and his tone was calm, but he had his own gloom. Hearing this, Xiaodong's heart shrank and bit his lips. There was a dark color on his little face. He instantly lowered his head and apologized in a light and absolutely clear voice, "It's not my fault. I'm too anxious. I won't do it next time."

"Well, don't do it again." Just want to ask, should I ask him how his father is first? How can you ask others first? That's really unreasonable.

"Daddy drinks tea."

Knowing that although Qiu Mingji likes to drink tea at home, Xiaodong quickly ran to make tea, but the tea was brought over. Qiu Mingji smelled it and frowned in disgust. "The water rolled three times. It should be two rolls. In addition, the tea is too old. Pay attention next time."

"Yes, Daddy."

After all, Xiaodong is just a child, staring at Qiu Mingji.

Although he behaved cleverly, his eyes and expressions betrayed him early.

Now he is worried about the two treasures and the Yaya family.

Qiu Mingji frowned slightly. He only had such a son. Later... The teacup in his hand turned around and smiled. I'm afraid he won't have it again in the future. Therefore, he valued this son very much. Now it seems that he still has to practice.

Take your time.

He waved to Xiaodong and motioned him to sit down. "They are all right."

"Ah, really? Great. Is it Dad's big and small treasure you found?"

Seeing Qiu Ming nodded, Xiao Dong's eyebrows were flying and he was very happy, "I knew Daddy was the most powerful." Qiu Ming raised his eyebrows and seemed to be praised by his son like this. He looked at Xiaodong and said, "This time, Xiaobao is at home. You can call."

Really? OK, I'll go right away.

Xiaodong couldn't say anything more and ran up.

Behind him, Qiu Mingji frowned and smiled again.

Yaya was telling stories to the two children when she saw Xiaodong's video call. At this time, she didn't know that Qiu Ming had left. She picked it up with a smile, "Why did you call now? Have you eaten?"

Like Xiaodong's attachment to Yaya, Yaya also sincerely regards Xiaodong as her family.

Xiaodong and Yaya said a few words and said directly, "Auntie, where's your brother?"

Xiaodong was really scared when he heard that something happened to Liangbao that night.

Even if Qiu Ming continues to return to China directly.

He is also holding a heart here, very nervous.

What if they can't find two younger brothers?

What if those bad guys want to hurt their brother?

Fortunately, he waited for the news from Qiu Ming and everything was fine.

But Xiaodong was afraid that Qiu Ming was comforting him.

Until he heard Liangbao's voice on the phone and saw Liangbao's bright smile, Xiaodong really let go of this heart. He smiled and talked to Liangbao in the video and was very proficient in dealing with every strange question from Liangbao. Xiaodong felt very happy.

About half an hour, Yaya drove people away, "Ov, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Knowing that the two treasures were going to bed, Xiaodong reluctantly hung up the phone.

My brother is safe, and my aunt and uncle will not be sad.

That's great!

Cosying the two treasures, Gu Yiheng and his wife worked separately in the study and occasionally looked up. Yaya remembered Xiaodong's words before, paused and looked at Gu Yiheng, "When you are free, let's invite Qiu Mingji to have a meal. Thank him for his help."

"Well, okay. You set the time."

Yaya was a little surprised by Gu Yiheng's pleasant agreement.

In the past, can this person not bargain with himself?

How could you agree so happily today?

Ya blinked and felt a little uncertain, "I'm asking Qiu Ming to follow--"

"I heard it clearly, Qiu Mingji." Gu Yiheng looked up from the document in front of him and looked at Yaya. When he saw the surprise on Yaya's face, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, "You really think your husband is careful. Isn't it just to invite Qiu Mingji, please."

The girl nodded, "It's time to invite. He is the savior of our son. He specially returned to China overnight for the sake of the two of them. Although we have thanked him before, this kindness is too heavy. Let's see him off when he goes.

"Okay, I'll listen to your wife's arrangement." Gu Yiheng grinded his teeth a little and secretly cobbled in his heart. It's really cheap!

However, Gu Yiheng's depression automatically stopped at noon the next day.

Because Tyu Ming returned to the United States.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yiheng almost slapped the table happily.

It's good to go back to the United States.

Now, Yaya doesn't have to meet the Qiu again.

And I won't blame myself. It's Qiu Ming who left. I don't blame him.

When thinking about this, the corners of Gu Yiheng's eyes flew up.

I'm in a good mood today. Well, the weather is really good...

The secretary who knocked on the door couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Gu, are you in a good mood today?"

"Real, can you see it?"

The secretary nodded, "The whole company saw it."

Gu Yiheng laughed and thought about it, "I'll help order a bouquet of flowers, um, for my wife. Also, help me book a seat in Haiyue. I'll have dinner with my wife at noon.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll do it right away."