Favorite wife

Chapter 307 Happy Things

Yaya is still having a video conference, and she felt a little puzzled when she received the flowers.

It's not a year, and it's not whose birthday. What kind of flowers did you give?

However, looking at the beautiful flower, Yaya waved her hand, "Go and find a vase to install it."

The assistant went to do it quickly, and Yaya continued to go back to the meeting.

At 12 o'clock, at the end of the meeting, the assistant habitually pushed the door in, "Boss, what would you like to have for lunch, Chinese food or Western food?"

"Your boss doesn't need anything today. She has an appointment."

The assistant turned around and looked at the people at the door and smiled clearly, "It turned out to be Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu came immediately. That would definitely not be my status as a small person. Well, the little one has self-asure and retreated immediately."

"Why are you here?" Yaya was a little strange, and this person didn't call in advance.

Gu Yiheng turned his eyes and looked at the flowers on the side of the table and smiled at Yaya, "Does the flowers look good? I specially chose your favorite lily, isn't it beautiful?"

"Well, it's beautiful. Thank you, husband."

"It's just one sentence, there is no sincerity."

Looking at Gu Yiheng's appearance, Yaya smiled and bent her eyebrows, "Well, dare to ask Mr. Gu, what is sincerity? You said, I'll listen.

"Well, you have to have a meal with me or something."

The girl nodded and smiled, "Well, in order to show my sincere gratitude, I will be wronged today, give Mr. Gu a chance to invite me to dinner."

"Thank you very much."

The couple were playing tricks here. Gu Yiheng helped Yaya carry her handbag and pressed the elevator to the underground parking lot. Yaya sat in the car and looked at Gu Yiheng left and right. "Why do I think you are particularly happy today? Is there anything good?"

Otherwise, he will send flowers and invite him to dinner. Look at his smile.

The whole person is like **.

If Gu Yiheng heard this idea, he would be angry and cry!

"What do you want to eat? Tell me, it's my treat."

Yaya glanced at him and said, "I don't believe you didn't reserve a seat."

Gu Yiheng, who was said to be the center of thinking, smiled and looked sideways at Yaya while driving. "I booked a seat in Haiyue. The paella there is good, but if you don't like it, we won't go."

"Let's go to Haiyue."

The couple drove out of the car until they sat in Haiyue's private room. Yaya looked at Gu Yiheng's eyebrows and were still suspicious. After she asked several questions in a row and was denied, an idea suddenly flashed in Yaya's mind, and she opened her mouth wide.

No way?

"What can't be?" It turned out that Yaya muttered by herself and happened to be heard by Gu Yiheng and motioned to wait for a moment. Gu Yiheng looked at Yaya, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Naturally, Yaya won't say anything more in front of others, but as soon as the waiter went far away, Yaya immediately pointed to Gu Yiheng with an unbelievable face, "Gu Yiheng, you are so happy, isn't it because Qiu Ming took over?"

"How can it be? I just want to treat you to dinner."

Although it was quickly denied by Gu Yiheng, how can Yaya not understand Gu Yiheng after such a long time? The corners of his eyes raised, and the smile that flashed through his eyes was fast, but she never concealed it. She looked at Gu Yiheng with anger and smile.

How old are you, this man?

How can you look at what is done in front of you and have the same IQ as her two sons?

Knowing that he had been guessed, Gu Yiheng just smiled at Yaya and greeted his wife attentively, "What does my wife want to eat, red wine?"

"No, I have something to drink in the afternoon."

Although I feel a little annoyed, thinking about Gu Yiheng's intentions is also because he cares about himself. Yaya can only pretend to be lazy to pay attention to him. Can she still quarrel with him because of this?

It's not a big deal.

The dishes I ordered were all that Yaya loved to eat. During this period, people from the next room came to say hello. They wanted to talk about cooperation with Yaya, but they were all pushed out by her. Looking at those people returning disappointed, Gu Yiheng's eyebrows were full of pride, "My wife is really capable."

Yaya gave him a white look and lowered her head to continue to fight with the crab in front of him.

After dinner, Gu Yiheng sent Yaya back to the company. On the way, he looked at his eyebrows and eyes with a smile. Yaya really couldn't help staring at him. "Don't be so happy. They will come back after this time. They will be invited at that time."

Hearing this, Gu Yiheng's face fell down.

Looking back, he mourned and looked at Yaya aggrievedly, "Wouldn't you please?"


Gu Yiheng was very excited, "I knew that my wife was the best."

"When Qiu Ming comes back next time, I'll invite him myself."

Ah, how can this be? Gu Yiheng grinded his teeth, "I don't agree."

"You can go anywhere. I really don't mind." Yaya hooked her lips to Gu Yiheng with a smile, and her voice was moving, "I don't think Qiu Mingji will care whether you go or not."

Gu Yiheng's face turned black, "I'll go with you!"

Yaya raised her eyebrows and smiled at Gu Yiheng, "You are my favorite person. I really can't bear to make you suffer any grievances. Really, if you are not willing to go, you can go at all, really."

I'm still steaming. If he doesn't go, will he give the surname Qiu a chance to pay attention to Yaya? He didn't do such a stupid thing until his brain was drained. The steering wheel in his hand was regarded as Qiu Mingji. He pinched hard, I pinched, and I pinched you and me to death!

Gu Yiheng drank tea and stared at the tea in front of him with a bitter expression. Faxiao next to him couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "I said, brother, what's the matter? This expression is awkward with my sister-in-law?"

The one next to him slapped the table, "Women can never be spoiled or spoiled. I said Heng, yours is not good. Look at my family's. If I do something, I dare to hum and try her twice.

Gu Yiheng glanced at him with a smile, "Come on, who went back two minutes late last time and directly raised the keyboard and knelt down in the middle of the night?"

The buddy blushed, "I'm letting her, look at me--"

Someone next to him shouted softly, "Huh, why is Sister Yihong here? Come on in——”

The guy who blushed and defended just now jumped up subconsciously, "Wife, I really didn't drink. We drank tea and didn't go anywhere else. Really--" He turned his head and saw that the door was empty. Before he could react, he laughed loudly in his ear.

How can this guy not know that he has been fooled by his companions?

I can't help grinding my teeth, "Wait for me one by one. You will look good in the morning and evening.

Sitting down again, Gu Yiheng really felt a little unhappy. Before, he was angry with Qiu Ming and felt breathless. When a friend called after work, he thought it would be good to come to the tea room to relax, but when he sat here, he found that it was more boring!

Throwing down the cards in his hand, Gu Yiheng got up and said, "You play, I'm leaving."

"Hey, brother, don't go. Let's play later?"

Gu Yiheng has walked to the door and waved his hand to the little hair.

That means that you play by yourself and he flashes away.

Being, a group of people shook their heads, and someone laughed, "Brother Gu is now washing his hands. The one who is managed by the family is called a subdued person. Ha ha, my sister-in-law is really awesome.

"That's Brother Gu's giving way and doesn't care about women."

In the discussion, Gu Yiheng started the car to drive away from the teahouse and turned around the steering wheel in the middle of the street. The car turned around and walked towards home, but his mood has turned better. The rival is the rival of love. A rival proves that he has a good vision.

It's a pity that there is no chance to like those people again!

Ya will always be his wife in this life, no, the next life.

It was only eight o'clock when she got home. Yaya listened to the sound of the car and was a little surprised to see him come in. She was calling on the balcony. After saying that, she saw Gu Yiheng standing behind her and glanced at him. "Didn't you say it's out and come back so soon?"

"I don't think it's boring. It's better to stay with my wife."

Yaya smiled, "What have you eaten, honey?"

"Well, my wife is honey. I feel sweet when I see that I don't have to eat it."

"Get out of here." Yaya turned her head and walked to the study. Halfway through, she remembered and turned her head to look at Gu Yiheng, "Have you eaten yet? If you don't eat, I'll ask Mrs. Zhang to prepare something to eat.

"Well, there should be dumplings at home. Help me cook one."


Yaya went to the study. Gu Yiheng went to the room of the two children and was laughing and playing games there. Seeing Gu Yiheng coming in, Xiaobao smiled and stretched out his hand, "Dad hug."

Dabao rolled his eyelids, "How old are you, Xiaobao? A man can't have a hug.

"I like it, I want to hug it. You are jealous of me."

Dabao covered his eyes and said, "Don't say it's my brother." What a naive person who lost his treasure!

Gu Yiheng looked at the two sons here and knew that this was the way they got along with each other. In fact, the relationship between the two treasures was very good, and he felt very gratified.

Mrs. Zhang is calling for someone, and the dumplings are cooked.

Gu Yiheng looked at the two treasures, "Would you like to eat with Daddy?"



It's Xiaobao. If it's not good, it's naturally Dabao. Looking at Xiaobao's fat face, Dabao curled his mouth, "If you eat it again, you will really become a pig. The teacher said that we can't eat after 9 p.m., so we should stay in shape.

On the side of his ear, Xiaobao's timid voice sounded, "But Dabao, it's not nine o'clock yet. There are still five minutes left. Look at it."

"Five minutes is not enough. When you go downstairs and wash your hands and sit down, it will be nine o'clock. So it can't be eaten." Dabao resolutely carried out the teacher's words to the end. The teacher and the book said that if you can't eat after nine o'clock, you will get fat.

"Then, shall I eat one? Why don't you, half?"

Looking at the little son's entangled and aggrieved face, Gu Yiheng couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Isn't it just a dumpling? Eat whenever you want! He grabbed Xiaobao and raised his eyebrows. "We won't lose weight. We will eat as much as we want. Dad will treat you to eat enough."