Venomous Wolf

Chapter 128 vs. Snow Wolf

Look back to the wolf.

Looking at the long cordon in front of the hotel door and the police who guarded the door of the hotel with live ammunition, A Lang swaggered over without any hesitation.

"Hight, the police are handling the case. This place has been blocked. No one is allowed to approach it." Before the wolf approached, the special police who put the door had begun to issue a loud warning.

"I'm looking for your boss." Wolf doesn't know what to call the police leader.

When the words were spoken, the atmosphere became tense. Although it was blocked by the goggles of the black helmet, Wolf knew that several people's eyes were on himself.

"What are you looking for our captain?" The police are not stupid. At this moment when people can't wait to go far, this seemingly weak boy leaned over calmly. There must be strangeness in such a evil behavior.

"I killed the people in the room." It's like talking about other people's affairs, and killing itself has nothing to do with yourself.


Several policemen took a cold breath and moved the barrel coincidentally. Several black muzzles were aimed at the wolf's body.

"Squat down, put your head in your hands, don't act rashly, or we will shoot..."

The police warned loudly that no matter what the person in front of him said was true or not, since he admitted it himself, he was the suspect. Moreover, A Lang's calm performance was almost abnormal, which had made the police smell dangerous.

Wolf cooperated, bent his legs and squatted down without saying a word, holding his hands honestly on the back of his head.

Looking at his cooperation, the vigilance of several police officers couldn't help relaxing a little.

One of the policemen came out and carefully walked towards the wolf, but the muzzle in his hand did not leave the wolf's body for a moment.

Slowly approached, about one meter away from the wolf. The police stopped and took out a pair of handcuffs from his arms and threw them at the wolf. "Don't move around. Now listen to me, slowly get up and torture yourself."

Looking at the wolf carefully, the words said by the police are very experienced. I think he must have caught many people, otherwise he would not be so cautious in the face of a bare-handed man like the wolf.

However, no matter how experienced and careful it is, is it for ordinary people that experienced police can prevent the wolf?

According to the instructions of the police, the wolf slowly got up and slowly approached the handcuffs on the ground. At the same time, the position from the police was also slowly shortened unconsciously.

The reason why he dares not act rashly is only because there are several other guns pointing at himself. If there is only one person in front of him, even if the muzzle of the gun is against him, the wolf is confident to kill the other party before he shoots.

He picked up the handcuffs from the ground, but this time, the wolf did not be obedient, but looked at the policeman who raised his gun at him faintly.

When he first approached, A Lang specially used a technique to make his figure unconsciously coincide with the police in front of him. If the policeman at the gate of the hotel wants to shoot, he must first kill the policeman in front of him.

And now I look at the police in front of me just for the last confirmation.

"Copy yourself, do you hear me? What are you looking at? Because it was a back-to-back relationship, the police did not know that they had acted as a shield for the wolf at this moment.

"The position is just right..." The eyes looking at the police suddenly lit up, and the momentum soared in an instant. Before the opposite police found something wrong, the wolf rushed forward, and a faint shadow appeared in the space...

In less than a meter, in less than a few seconds, the wolf has appeared in front of the police. Before the other party's brain could react, he grabbed the other party's throat with one hand, but the other hand had grabbed the clenched pistol in the other party's hand.

With the other party's body as a cover, he held the police's fingers slightly, but did not close it. He just gave the other party a warning to kill. It's not the right time yet.

"Don't move, or I'll pinch him to death." The sound was not loud, but it could be clearly heard in the ears of several policemen at the door.

The scene changed so fast that not only the policemen at the door could not react, but also the police who were held hostage by Wolf did not have time to react.

However, the sense of suffocation from the throat knot reminded the police that their identity had been changed, and they were no longer the hunters targeted by snipers, but the prey locked in the throat knot.

Unfortunately, he was confident and winning the other second... What a great irony...

"Let's stop, you can't escape." Without the consciousness of being a hostage, the policeman who was held hostage by the wolf looked calm.

It's not that he doesn't dare to kill him, or has something in his heart. It's just that as a special policeman for many years, he has come into contact with most of them. They often walk on the edge of life and death and have seen blood. Naturally, they are not ordinary policemen who usually just catch thieves or drive away illegal hawkers.

He is not only bold, but also ready to sacrifice at any time.

"You are very brave." He responded faintly to the prey in his hand, but stared at several policemen at the door.

If the wolf is correct, some of the policemen have begun to look for the location of the sniper.

I have to say that this is a group of highly qualified police officers who are not surprised and in danger. These two points alone are enough to make them proud of the special forces of many countries in the world.

Unfortunately, they met a wolf, a freak far beyond their courage and skills. After inadvertently moving their tiny limbs, no matter how the police observed it, they couldn't find a point to shoot.

"Rin't the hostages, or I'll kill you on the spot." After a short silence, the police at the door spoke.

It's just that what he said sounds very ridiculous. If the wolf is so stupid that he released the hostage in his hand, I'm afraid he will die faster.

"Brother, did you hear what my colleague said? You know they're not joking," but the hostage police didn't find it funny, and their faces became more serious. "We snow wolf commandos never compromise with criminals... Only the killed snow wolves and no hostage soldiers."

Hearing the words of the "prey" in his hand, A Lang's expression was flat, but his heart was in trouble. He didn't know what the Snow Wolf Commando represented, but the cold eyes of the police told him that this was not a joke. If he didn't let him go, the other party would really shoot... Even if there was a barrier to his teammate's body, it would not help.

The silent confrontation, the scene is extremely solemn.

The police on the opposite side were not in a hurry to shoot. They hoped that the wolf could "wake up". After all, he was a teammate who trained to fight together every day, and it was always good not to wash it off.

And what about the wolf? I'm thinking about how to get rid of this group of people. After all, the main purpose of this time is to save people, not kill people.

Dong Dong...

A series of footsteps came from the hotel to break the stalemate.

First, someone slowly walked out of the hotel carrying three pairs of rescue stretchers. The stretcher was covered with white sheets. You don't need to know that it was three bodies killed by himself.

Behind the stretcher was followed by a team of more than ten people, and in the middle of the team was Lin Meina, a girl who suffered a disaster because of her good intentions.

glanced at her, and the wolf saw that Lin Meina's face was pale and haggard at this moment, especially the cheek exposed to the wolf, which was slightly puffy. It was a palm print. Was she beaten?


When the only person in the crowd who did not wear a bulletproof helmet passed by the door, several policemen who confronted the wolf shouted loudly. Although they did not salute, they also expressed their respect for the officer.

This man is extremely tall and burly, at least half a head taller than other team members. He is only 30 years old, and the outline of a square face is as clear as a knife and an axe. The most special thing is that his slender eyes under his two thick sword eyebrows suddenly appear cold between opening and closing. If he is a timid person, he looks at him. I'm afraid my legs will tremble at the last glance.

The captain's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, and even his men ignored greeting him.

Without anyone to remind and report, the captain understood the situation outside at the first time.

The cold eyes are the sharpest sharp knife, which makes the people who are swept away have a piercing chill.

Obviously, the wolf is not a timid person, and he is not afraid of any cold eyes. He meets the captain's eyes straight, and his empty eyes are like staring at a pile of lifeless sand and soil... no feeling.

Sum, the captain's mouth was upturned and smiled strangely at the wolf...

"It's not good." Wolf was shocked, and a sense of danger surged into his heart.

Within waiting for the brain to react, it all depends on the physical instinct. The police in his hand quickly moved sideways, and an upside down flashed by. There happened to be a row of iron benches for customers who came to the pedestrian street to rest when they were tired of shopping, but now it has become a bunker for the wolf to hide.


Almost at the same moment, a large crater appeared in the place where the wolf originally stood. Just looking at the size and depth of the crater, you can imagine the power of the bullet. It should be effortless to penetrate the body of the police held by the wolf.

Without saying hello, he shot people directly. This captain was really a "killing decision" person, to the extent that he did not pity his subordinates at all.

"Wolf? Are you a wolf? Humph, I don't know whether to live or die... Listen to all the team members, you are facing a murderous demon. Look for any opportunity to shoot. Don't let him run away. A high but not loud voice came from the captain's mouth, and he did not mention the team members who were held hostage by Alang, but only gave the death order of sniping.

Somehow, A Lang heard the boundless hatred for himself from the captain's voice, but he had never seen him before. This hatred came a little inexplicably.

"Kid, you don't have a chance. The captain is notoriously jealous and never soft on criminals. You will die ugly." Pulled by the wolf and hid behind the bench, the police were sarcastic, without the gratitude of the wolf who had just saved his life.

A "bang" palm cut on the back of the policeman's head and let the police faint. Wolf took off the other party's bulletproof vest and bulletproof helmet and put it on himself. Since the other party did not care about the safety of the hostage, the only way was to fight hard.