Venomous Wolf

Chapter 129 Is the wolf dead?

Bang bang!!!

As soon as the wolf finished all this, the sound of gunfire kept ringing, and bullets shot from all angles, splashing Mars around him, but none of them hit him, because he had already sensed the drop point of the bullet and avoided it.

If it's just to escape, even if the quality of the Snow Wolf Commando is first-class, it can't keep him, but his purpose is to save people, not to escape.

Pull out a *-like thing in his hand, which was found from the unconscious policeman, and did not stretch out his head to look out, so he just raised his hand and threw it out.

It's like a fixed-point throw by some kind of instrument, "*" draws a long parabola and finally falls accurately at the door of the hotel.


After landing, the bomb did not make an explosion, but raised a large amount of smoke.

However, the Snow Wolf team members have been prepared for a long time. The bulletproof helmet is not only bulletproof, but also the goggles on the eyes can also prevent all toxic smoke.

The chaotic scene in the imagination did not appear, but the gunfire was more dense.

Can't sit and wait to be killed. Wolf took a deep breath and suddenly rushed up from behind the chair. With a lot of speed and perception than ordinary people, coupled with the perverted avoidance actions trained by the old bastard, a series of forward counterattacks, and sneaked into the smoke at the door under the rain of bullets made by the other party.

When he was behind the bench, the wolf judged clearly that the snow wolf team members did not get together, but scattered apart.

The reason why he wanted to throw* at the door was that Captain Snow Wolf was there... where he personally guarded Lin Meina.

The smoke hindered the sight of the Snow Wolf team members. Although the goggles also had a thermal imaging function, they were at a loss, but those people could not tell who was the captain and who was the criminal.

The bean-like gunfire stopped for the time being.

With this short gap, the wolf dived into the depths of the smoke. Without eyes, I just feel that the direction of the two captains has been determined.


The captain in the thick smoke is just two shots, and he is not afraid of accidentally hurt Lin Meina. The wolf inhales once, and the distance of three meters is just a step.

Just as my feet were about to fall to the ground, suddenly there was a gunshot...


Obviously, the two shots just now did not hurt the captain. The captain's shot came from the right angle and the timing of choice. It was the wolf that was about to settle down. When he was old in one breath, it was unpreparable and unavoidable.

How fast is the bullet?

That is comparable to the speed of sound. It was fired at such a close range, and when the wolf was old in one breath, although in the thick smoke, the wolf felt that the bullet was aimed at his throat - the gap between the helmet and the bullet jacket.

At this critical moment of life and death, the wolf was in turmoil and suddenly took a breath. The right hand holding the gun suddenly closed three inches under his throat knot, where there was a bullet shelter covering his body, and moved three inches in a few seconds, which was already his limit at this moment.


The next moment, the bullet hit the target and made an air explosion. At the same time, the wolf's body fell straight back...

Although he tried his best, the wolf still did not avoid a fatal shot.

"Stupid, my bullets are different from my teammates' bullets, hehe... I thought I could survive by avoiding the Adam's apple, which is simply looking for death." With a faint smile on the corners of his mouth and a pair of dark sunglasses, the captain looks a little like a future policeman.

The captain informed the team members from his headset not to shoot for the time being, because he had to go out to the door to check whether the wolf was really dead or cheated.

Although he was extremely confident in both his shooting and the bullets of the pistol, the captain was cautious.

The muzzle pointed straight at the wolf on the ground, and the captain approached slowly. At the same time, he tightened his whole body to cope with possible changes at any time.

There's nothing he can do. The person in front of him is really famous. As the captain of the first special force of Country Z, of course he knows the name of Wolf, so even if he thinks he is dead, he still regards the other party as a strong opponent emotionally.

One meter away from the wolf, because of the smoke, I can't see whether the wolf is dead or not, but the thermal imaging mirror on the bridge of his nose shows that there is a large pool of flowing ** on his chest. I think it should be blood.

At this moment, the captain relaxed a little vigilance. It's okay to cheat to death, but the blood can't pretend. No matter how good the wolf is, he can't make such a big pool of blood in the short moment of falling to the ground.

He raised his foot and kicked the wolf. The captain smiled and whispered to the thick smoke that could not be seen a figure behind him, "Although this guy who thinks he is a murderer has been killed, your suspicion can't be washed away, so he still wants to take you back."

"Are you dead?" The voice was very low, with a faint sadness. Lin Meina felt as if her heart had been vigorously crushed. There was a feeling of pain. She thought she would be very sad, but strangely, she couldn't shed half a drop of tears. "Wang Can, you are not a good thing. Your brother is a ** criminal. You are also a man of power for personal gain. Bastards, your whole family are all bastards."

The voice is not loud, but it seems particularly harsh. It is not difficult to hear from Lin Meina's words that the captain named Wang Gang is the brother of the dead Mr. Wang. No wonder they came as soon as the people died, and even dispatched the famous Snow Wolf Commando, which turned out that there was such a relationship.

"Shut up, stinky woman, will my brother like you just like you? I think you seduced my brother. Seeing that my brother didn't go up, he killed my brother together with the murderer, hum!!!" He snorted heavily, and even the fabricated lies were so natural. "If I hadn't installed a life monitor on my brother, I'm afraid I would have been destroyed by you vicious dog men and women. Humph, don't think this is just about it. Even if I get to the police station later, I have a way to ask you. I can't live, I can't die, hey..."

"You bastard..."

"You scold, and scold more while you have the strength. Ha ha, you didn't say that my brother wanted to be strong. Rape you? This unfinished wish will be on behalf of my brother, hum..."

In the end, Wang Gang smiled gloomyly. This bold dead woman actually dared to provoke my Wang family. When she was sent to the police station, she must find an excuse to get her away. Humph, when she played, she would sell her to Africa. I thought those niggers in Africa must like such things very much.

Think of Lin Meina's seductive carbs. With his body and charming face, Wang Cang couldn't help but feel hot all over. He is really a beauty. No wonder his younger brother will feel good...

He licked his dry lips and ordered everyone to close the team with the headset. At the same time, he sent someone to clean up the wolf's body. Wang Can began to smile again. This time, I not only caught the murderer who killed my brother, but also killed the wanted criminal of state secrets. It must be good to go back. Maybe I can go further and be transferred to the head of the head of the group of bodyguards around the chief.

I thought that this team, known as the first commando of Country Z, would be very cool. When I entered, I knew that there were endless training every day. Either I would go abroad to participate in some military exchanges. What's more annoying is that there is a political commissar on it. It's not convenient to do anything. If it hadn't been for a performance nearby this time Xi, you can't come so soon...

Wang has long had the intention to leave the snow wolf. He entered the snow wolf to gilt and pave the way for the future political path.