The wicked have their own wicked grinding

136 care

After listening to Ashina's words, Lin Yarong raised her eyebrows slightly and subconsciously looked at Mojiru.

Mojiru stood there with no expression on his face and said nothing.

Is it because it's too shocking? Or?

Gradually, Lin Yarong frowned. She stood up and said to Ashana: "Have you invited a doctor? When did it happen? What the hell is going on? Let's be careful."

Delier has nothing to say with her, but this does not mean that she can be indifferent, like some people.

Without waiting for her to go out, Mojiru said indifferently, "I'll go." Anyway, it's not the first time."

Ah, Lin Yarong was confused. What the hell is going on? Has Delier committed suicide before?

Mojiru seemed to know what she was thinking. He looked at her and sighed helplessly, "There are women in Taifan's house who are closer to me, and she is just like this."


Lin Yarong was completely confused. She looked at Mojiru and decided not to do anything more.

"Ashaina, you stay here with your wife."

Leaving such a sentence, Mojiru strode out.

Lin Yarong looked at Ashina and asked, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Ashaina is also confused: "I... I don't know. Just when I went to the front yard, I happened to meet the maid next to Miss Deli. She looked panicked, and then I asked her what was wrong, and she told me that Miss Delire had hanged herself. As soon as I heard it, it was okay, so I quickly sent the little girl to find Uncle Axihan, and I came to the eldest prince.

It seems that Ashana hasn't been with the eldest prince for a long time, and there are still many things she doesn't know.

Lin Yarong took a long breath, which was really messy.

Ashana looked at her carefully: "Madam, are you angry?"

She shook her head and didn't say she was angry, but felt tired.

Mojiru keeps playing riddles with her, which only shows that Mojiru is suspicious of her. It seems that there is a chance to talk to Lang Yunling. For everyone's safety, don't come to see her often recently. However, thinking about it, she didn't have a chance to tell Lang Yunling this.

I rubbed my eyebrows with a headache, and Lin Yarong waved her hand to let Ashina go out.

The brain is really messy. Lin Yarong stared at the jasmine inserted in the water bottle. Hua, when will she return to the capital?

She grabbed the book on the table.

In the evening, Dahur came.

As soon as I entered the yard and saw her standing in the courtyard well with a book in her hand, Dahuer completely opened his eyes and sighed, "When I was a child, I once saw a painting of the Central Plains in my father's study. My wife was like the lady in the painting, quiet and elegant. Are all the women in the south like this? Beautiful and quiet.

Lin Yarong shook her head: "In the south, it is not easy for most women to live. Most of the girls in poor families have no opportunity to learn. Although some girls have the opportunity to learn, they only learn something like the Female commandment. Women can never be like men. Therefore, the kind of leisure and beauty you said by the third prince can only exist in the painting.

Dahu seemed to understand. He looked at Lin Yarong for a long time and said, "However, I still like people like Madam."

Zamuge Khan really knows how to give birth to a son. Both of them are of the same virtue and can't understand human language.

"Third prince, what's the matter?" If Dahu said it was okay, Lin Yarong decided to drive people away immediately.

"I heard that something happened in your house today."

Is Dahure talking about Deli's suicide?

Lin Yarong didn't say anything, just looked at Dahuer with a smile.

Dahuer touched his nose and seemed to be a little embarrassed. He asked in a low voice, "Madam, are you not scared?"

To be honest, when I first heard that Delier committed suicide, Lin Yarong was really scared, and then she was suspicious because of Mojiru's words. However, later I heard that Delier did not hang herself at all, but pretended to scare people. Lin Yarong could not say anything.

Mojiru's house is full of strange people.

She looked up at Mojiru: "The third prince is here to find the eldest prince. He is in the study. If you have something to do, you can do it first." She is ready to go back to the house.

"Madam, please stay." Dahuer reached out and stopped her.

Lin Yarong looked back at Dahuer puzzledly. Didn't she make it clear to Dahuer yesterday?

"Madam, tomorrow is the right time for spring. Let's go out to play."

Lin Yarong looked at Dahuer and didn't say anything for a long time. In the past, when she was in Beijing, it was said that Dahuer, the third prince of the last state, was calm and calculating, but in Lin Yarong's opinion, Dahu was like Lin Shaoteng, sometimes like an adult, and more like a child.

She laughed.

"If you can make your brother, I'll go."

Dahul said, "Don't Mojiru let you go out?"

About this question, Lin Yarong gave Dahuer a look that you guessed, and then she turned back to the room.

To be honest, Mojiru doesn't want to and don't want her to go out. However, she still looks forward to Dahur's good luck, because she doesn't want to hide behind Mojiru all the time.

The next day, Mojiru didn't come to see her, and she didn't go to see Mojiru.

She asked Ashina to get a fishing rod and set up a lounge chair next to the waterfront. She was rarely in the mood to catch fish. However, the results were not good, and not a fish came up in the afternoon.

On the third day, Mojiru still didn't come to see her, and she still didn't see Mojiru. It's rare that the man didn't bother her. Does she want to make trouble for herself?

Continue to hook fish, but today is better than yesterday. After hard work, she hooked up two fish more or less. Although she is small, it is good to fish.

"You hooked like this!"

The afternoon sun made people drowsy. Lin Yarong was squinting and resting on the lounge chair. I don't know where a sound came into her ears.

It took her a long time to open her eyes.

A man stood in front of her in the backlight.

Even if she didn't see it clearly, she knew who was coming just by listening to the voice.

She sighed softly in her heart.

She didn't move. Half a day later, she said lazily, "It's my business how to hook it. Don't bother the prince."

Mojiru smiled, his eyes circled around her, and then fell on her exposed feet.

At first, Lin Yarong didn't notice anything wrong. It was not until later that she found that Mojiru had been staring at her feet. Previously, because she thought it was hot and thought that no one would come, Lin Yarong didn't wear socks and came out barefoot on soft cloth shoes. At this time, her feet were completely exposed to Mojiru.

This made Lin Yarong very angry, very angry. She was angry with Mojiru and very angry with herself at the same time.

How can she be so careless?

Looking at her pale face, Mojiru finally found that something was wrong.

"Madam, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yarong had stood up and strode into the small courtyard and closed the door again.

In the imperial dynasty, it was unclean to show a pair of feet to a man other than her husband.

How should she face Sun Jingbang in the future? Will Sun Jingbang think she is a woman who doesn't follow the woman? It was better to let Mojiru put her in prison.

Lin Yarong lay in ** in a very bad mood. The sky gradually darkened unconsciously.

Ashana's voice came from outside the door, but Lin Yarong didn't say a word. Lying on **, she didn't even move.

What's wrong with her recently?

Although she said that she would not be fooled by Mojiru, did she still relax her vigilance invisibly because Mojiru was kind to her? If so, then she really has no face to see Sun Jingbang.

She was so entangled with those messy things that she forgot her original idea. She just wanted to stay by the man's side. But why did she end up like this today? In the final analysis, it's her fault. Would it be better if she pretended not to know something at the beginning? In this way, maybe she will not lose her temper in front of Mojilu and humiliate herself and Sun Jingbang like today.

She is such a fool.

Lin Yarong suddenly hated herself. It shouldn't be like this.

A gentle knock on the door came from outside the door.

Lin Yarong pulled over the quilt and covered her head. She was in a bad mood. She didn't want to see anyone or listen to anything.

Seeing that no one answered for a long time, the door suddenly quieted down. I don't know how long it took, but Lin Yarong heard a slight sound from the window. Ben didn't care, but suddenly she thought of something and hurriedly sat up and looked at the window.

There was no one there, only silver moonlight sprinkled the whole window sill.

Lin Yarong shouted softly, "Duoduo!"

No one answered her.

Ah, is it possible that she heard it wrong?

Just as she thought she had hallucinations, a man suddenly flashed out of the window-like cabinet and startled her.

"sister-in-law, it's me!"

If I didn't know it was Lang Yunling, Lin Yarong really wanted to shout that there was a thief.

"Mojilu already knows that the marquis is in Wanliguan, and he has begun to doubt me, Yunling. Recently, you'd better not come to me again to avoid surprises. You should also be more careful outside.

Lang Yunling nodded to show that he knew, and then he whispered, "Sister-in-law, the capital has changed recently, and Changdu is not peaceful. You should pay more attention to ensure your safety."

The capital has changed, isn't it...

After hesitation, Lin Yarong asked in a low voice, "Is the prince really forcing the palace?"

Lang Yunling shook his head: "I don't know, not only me, but even the marquis has no accurate information. It's just that the capital is in a panic. Anyway, sister-in-law, you have to be careful.

Lin Yarong nodded: " By the way, do you have any poison or something?"

Poison? Lang Yunling looked at her warily: "Sister-in-law, why are you asking this?"

"Prepare some for me, just in case. This is also a means of self- Protection. Lin Yarong did not say a reason, but under such circumstances, Lang Yunling should understand her.

After looking at her carefully for a while, I didn't know what Lang Yunling was thinking. Finally, he nodded: "Sister-in-law, although I don't know what you are thinking. But...but you are a smart person and won't do anything stupid." After saying that, Lang Yunling took out a dark pill from her arms and carefully handed it to Lin Yarong.

"This is 'long hatred'. Although the name is not good, it is a poison to seal the throat under the wax clothes. Sister-in-law... Please be careful."

Lin Yarong hurriedly nodded and put it away carefully. She looked up and saw Lang Yunling's expression of wanting to say something. Lin Yarong thought about it and understood why he had such a look.

"I'm not a fool, and I can't do stupid things like suicide. Don't worry, I use this poison to deal with the enemy, not to deal with myself.

This is what Lang Yunling was worried about. Hearing Lin Yarong's explanation, he couldn't help sighing.

Lin Yarong also laughed.

When Lang Yunling was about to open his mouth, he suddenly said, "Someone is coming." Then this time without waiting for him to hide, Lin Yarong had heard someone push the door and come in.
