The wicked have their own wicked grinding

137 Can you help?

Lin Yarong got up and went out.

"Oh! Madam, you are going to scare people to death."

Maybe she didn't expect Lin Yarong to suddenly come out like this. A Shana, who was sneaking into the house, suddenly looked up and saw Lin Yarong rushing in, and was stunned.

"You..." Lin Yarong didn't expect it to be Ashina. She frowned, "Ashaina, do you..."

Ashana looked embarrassed. She said awkwardly, "Madam, what's wrong with you today? You haven't been out of the house all afternoon, and you haven't even come out for dinner. Are you not feeling well?"

Seeing the worried look on Ashina's face, what did Lin Yarong say about those curses?

She paused and said, "It's okay. I'm fine."

"Madam, do you want something to eat? The eldest prince has ordered that the fire in the kitchen has not been cut off.

When he heard Mojiru's name, Lin Yarong burst into flames.

"I'm not hungry, you go down. No one is allowed to come in without my instructions. Especially the eldest prince. Lin Yarong sent Ashina out and turned it back to the inner room.

Lang Yunling flashed out from behind the bed with a solemn look.

"What's wrong?"

"Sister-in-law, you are not a simple maid."

This is the first time that Lin Yarong has heard that Asana is not simple.

She looked at Lang Yunling puzzledly: "What's going on? What did you notice?"

"It should be a master, and there is no sound when walking. If I hadn't been alert, I'm afraid..."

Is Ashana a master of martial arts? Lin Yarong didn't believe it at all.

"It's impossible. That child has never shown how to do martial arts in front of me. And I can't see it at all." But is it necessary for Lang Yunling to lie to her? Thinking of this, Lin Yarong sighed for a long time. She really thought it was too simple.

Lang Yunling was also puzzled and pondered for a while. He said, "Anyway, you should be careful."

At this, what else can Lin Yarong say? Mojilu made such an arrangement, on the one hand, to protect her and also to prevent her from escaping.

"Well, how's the matter I asked you last time?"

Lang Yunling said, "Ipark is the second son of Zamuka Khan. His mother's concubine has been dead for many years, and his mother's uncle is not a large family. He has no power or power. I heard that it was also because of the relationship between Ipark's mother in the early years that he had such a good life now. Fourteen years ago, Ipark had an accident while hunting with Zamuka Khan. His feet could not move at all, and his left hand also broke three fingers. He has been living in the deep palace for years. Rumor has it that he is irritable and often beats and scolds palace people, and one person dies in his bedroom every month. Recently, Zamkha Khan was seriously ill and handed over the government to Ipark to take care of. The strangest thing is that there is no objection from the court. Even if Mojiru returns to Changdu, no one dares to stand up and say anything.

Listening to Lang Yunling's words, Lin Yarong felt cold. Both Wei Mo and the imperial dynasty had the same problem. What does this mean? Is it just a coincidence?

After thinking about it carefully, she whispered to Lang Yunling, "Ipark can do this step, and I think he has made perfect preparations. How can there be no objection in the court? I'm afraid everyone dares to be angry and dare not say anything. Ipal must have caught the handle of those ministers to make them afraid to speak. Go and check if there have been any changes in the homes of those ministers in Changdu recently.

Lang Yunling nodded and asked in a low voice, "sister-in-law, do you suspect that Iparke has something to do with the imperial dynasty?"

Lin Yarong does not dare to come to a conclusion at present. After all, she has no evidence, and she is just speculating.

"You must inform the marquis no matter how you use these news. I can think of it, and Mojiru will definitely think of it. I'm afraid that it won't be long before there will be earth-shaking changes in Changdu, and the marquis must be fully prepared at any time.

"I see. Sister-in-law, is there anything else you want me to do?

Lin Yarong thought about it carefully for a while and said, "Help me check two more, Delier and Ashina who live in the South Courtyard."

Lang Yunling nodded: "I know. I will inform you as soon as I have any news. By the way, if you have anything to do with me, go to a tea shop called Xianqing Yazhi in Xicheng to find a man named Buffalo and tell him that eight taels of silver can be exchanged for four taels of gold. If there are more, ask the owner to treat me to fish, and then I will come to you.

Lin Yarong wrote it down carefully, although she didn't know what this Jianghu incision meant. However, it seems that she doesn't have to worry too much about Lang Yunling's safety outside.

The two said a few more words, and Lang Yunling once again told Lin Yarong to be careful and disappeared in the moonlight.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Lin Yarong couldn't calm down for a long time.

Not only is she in danger now, but I'm afraid Sun Jingbang is also in a bad situation.

The next day, she woke up and opened the door. She accidentally saw Dahu'er.

"So early? What's the matter with the third prince? Dahu came to Mojiru, did he come too often? Didn't Dahull regard this as his own back garden?

"Come and see you."

Dahuer looked at her face carefully and asked, "Madam, tell me about the south when you have time."

Although I don't know why Dahu suddenly wanted to say this, Lin Yarong still laughed and said, "Okay, when I'm free. Why did the third prince come here early in the morning? This is the second time she asks.

"I came to see Mogilu for something, but he was not in the house, so... I came to see you."

Come to Mojiru so early, Lin Yarong really wants to ask Dahu if there is anything wrong. However, she didn't ask anything, just gave a hum, and then said, "Would the third prince have breakfast together?"

Dahuer shook his head: "No, I have something else to do. Madam, I'll go first." After saying that, Dahu smiled at her and then turned out of the yard.

Lin Yarong stood still. It's so strange. Did Dahu come here to say these words? That's so strange.

Called Ashina, and Lin Yarong asked, "Where's the eldest prince?"

"I don't know."

Lin Yarong looked up. Ashana didn't look well and seemed to be angry.

"What's wrong with you? Who provoked you?

Ashana opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. But somehow, she blinked and held back.

Lin Yarong frowned: "Ashaina, aren't you losing your temper with me?"

Ashana waved her hand quickly: "No, madam. I just... I just..." After saying that, Ashana sighed, "I'm sad for my wife."

Are you sad for her?

Lin Yarong thought, what's going on today? In the morning, Dahu's whole body was strange, and now Ashana is the same. What on earth is going on?

Do you think you are sad for me? I don't know what you mean?" Lin Yarong really doesn't understand what the little girl in front of her is thinking.

Ashana pouted angrily and thought for a moment before she said, "Madam, do you know where the eldest prince went last night?"

Lin Yarong shook her head. How did she know where Mojiru went last night?

"The eldest prince went to the brothel last night." Ashana said angrily, "Madam, it's not right for the eldest prince to do this."

Lin Yarong was stunned first, and then laughed.

This child, the emperor is really not in a hurry. The eunuch is anxious. It turns out that Ashana is for her to hold an impotment.

"He will go if he likes to go, this man..." In the middle of the words, Lin Yarong realized that something was wrong, as if she shouldn't say that. Would it be better for her to be more angry?

"Madam, you can't say that. How long have you been in the door? How can the eldest prince do this to you? I really don't understand." Asana seemed to be getting more and more angry.

looked at Ashina playfully, and Lin Yarong seemed to have found something.

Ashana looked at Lin Yarong suspiciously and said alertly, "Madam, why are you looking at me like that? Do you know that your eyes are too scary?

Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Ashaina, I have to ask you something, and you have to answer honestly."

Ashaina nodded.

"If a woman is forced to stay with a man she doesn't like very much in order to survive, isn't this woman pitiful?"

Ashana thought for a while and nodded honestly: "Naturally, women are naturally weaker than men. Sometimes in order to make a living, she has to do something she was reluctant to do."

The smile on the corners of Lin Yarong's mouth is even thicker: "Well, if this woman already has a father-in-law, but for many reasons, she can't go back to her father-in-law for a while, and in order to go back as soon as possible, she can only do something to protect herself. If you meet such a woman, will you help her?"

This time, Ashina said without thinking, "Yes, I will definitely help her."


"Because the man, that is, the man who forced the woman to stay, has no intention, and he doesn't like that woman. Why does he let others stay by his side? It is a shameful thing to take apart the couple who were originally very loving. It only shows what the hell the bad man is doing. If I encounter such a thing, I will definitely help that woman.

What a good girl. Lin Yarong can't help cheering for Ashana.

She thought for a moment and asked, "But if that woman and you are natural enemies." Will you still help?"

"Emy?" There was a trace of puzzlement and hesitation on Ashaina's face.

Lin Yarong said quickly, "I mean, it's like your people and her people hate each other, so do you still help that woman?"

"Ah, is it so complicated?" Asana looked at her suspiciously.

Lin Yarong nodded: "Actually, it's not complicated. Well, I'm more specific, just like saying that if that woman was me, would you help me? You should know that I am a woman in the south, and you are from Wei Moguo. If so, would you like to help me?"

Ashaina blinked and didn't say anything for a moment.

Lin Yarong kept looking at Ashina, and she was a little nervous.

I don't know how long it took, and a strange look appeared on Ashana's face. She said, "If it were you, I think... I think I would be willing to help you."

Hearing this, Lin Yarong couldn't help raising her hand and gently touching Ashaina's face: "Ashaina, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Ashana gave a ah, and then laughed, looking embarrassed.

After taking a long breath, Lin Yarong stood up, clapped her hands and said, "Ashaina, let me tell you one thing. What I hate most in my life is the flower-hearted man, so... Let's go and take me to the brothel. It seems necessary for the eldest prince know that since there are women at home, you should not go out to have fun."

For some reason, Lin Yarong feels very good at this time.

She hasn't been a villain for a long time.

So, she doesn't mind being a shrew on the street today.
