
Chapter 8 Liyun Grassland

Chapter 8 Liyun Grassland

Lei Ming snorted and asked, "You are from that family. You should have said in advance when you see us. Why can't you come out? Isn't it bad or something?"

He was like a judge with supreme majesty between heaven and earth, which made the sky seem to have thunderbolt over the grassland, but a cy smile gradually appeared on the face of the thunder, so that the professional opposite could gradually feel that an extremely violent terrorist attack emanating from his body was full of himself. The hot energy in the body seems to be about to explode in the condensed form.

The professional was a little afraid of Lei Ming's publicity, but he said with a bitter face that didn't seem to be stage fright: "You are wronged. The grass here is so tall and dense. Who knows if it is a beast? I am a miserable person who has nowhere to go and wanders everywhere and is bullied everywhere! You don't bully like this, alas, it's bitter." He poured out his bitterness loudly like these people who had no understanding of what happened to him. Although he looked a little afraid of the loud shouting and scolding of the thunder, his eyes were always a little afraid of Chang Feihu.

This man spoke wordyly. Chang Feihu was not interested in listening to the first sentence. His eyes turned to hold back and stopped paying attention to him. Nanli shouldered the safety of the whole team's journey and didn't want to entangled with that person. It was almost dark. It was very unwise to stay in the grassland. It was very easy to hide 180 people in such a place. Even if they have the support of the law-based Chang Feihu, they can't help but be a little worried.

They don't need to be afraid of anything, but there is a good saying that guns are easy to avoid dark arrows, and immortals also take a nap. The vision here is extremely poor, so it's better to stay away from this place. Nanli led the way in front, turned the horse's head to bypass the man, and said, "Let's go quickly, it's going to be dark."

The man saw that these people were not malicious except for being a little domineering. He lowered his body and got into the grass, but no one knew what they had done.

The team also went on its way. After walking for an hour, Chang Feihu finally saw that the distant horizon had become bigger and clearer. After approaching, he saw that it was a dilapidated small village. It was the place where Nanli said to spend the night. It was Liangjiabao on a highland, the rules of the village. The mold is not big, but the building is still strong. I don't know how many years it has been abandoned here, but there are still many tall broken walls, which change into various strange shapes in the shadow written by the sun.

Before he came to Liangjiabao, Chang Feihu was keenly aware of the difference in the broken village. He raised the reins and stared in it solemnly and said, "There is someone inside."

Nanli smiled calmly and said, "If there are no people, this is the only place where you can rest in the grassland. It's already dark and it's normal to have talents."

Chang Feihu nodded and thought that this was very reasonable. The war horse was moving very fast. After approaching, he found that there was already a bonfire inside. A sheep's leg was roasting on the fire. The flame with the seductive gas spewed by the sheep's leg was swaying in the night. After entering the panic castle, they saw several such fires, surrounded by various professionals, staring at them with vigilant eyes.

"Look at them, they seem to be full of hostility to our arrival." Chang Feihu looked around with alert eyes and said. They have ideas about me, and I still think they are not kind! In this case, we are separated from each other and look next to each other. People's words are audible, and we don't come to each other when we die.

Lei Ming smiled and said, "The master even speaks better than us. This is very nice."

Nan Li just smiled. He found a broken wall, took out the blade to sweep on both sides, and made a blank space and said, "This is normal. This is the only relatively safe place in the grassland. All kinds of professionals, including robbers, choose to rest here. Even so, there are often battles." Therefore, we are on guard against each other.

"Let's stay away from them. There is a good place over there. There are walls on three sides to shelter from the wind." Chang Feihu pointed to a corner and said. He also doesn't like these people who don't have good intentions. He doesn't even want to listen to what they say and wants to stay away from them.

"It doesn't work there. There are walls on three sides. The view is too narrow and it's easy to be attacked. It's better here." After saying that, Nan Li took out the thick animal skin and sat down.

Nanli has rich experience in spending the night outside. He said no, that would definitely not be suitable, and Chang Feihu will no longer insist on doing it.

With the passage of time, the sky became darker. There was no moon on this night, and the thin clouds in the sky also covered the stars that were not very bright.

Although the grassland is rarely visited during the day, and you can't see anyone walking hundreds of miles, but the night of the Liang family is very lively, which is much more popular than ordinary villages at night.

The passing business travelers and those outlaws came to the highest point of the grassland in groups. Many fires made the abandoned dark place of the Liang family as bright as day, almost expelling the darkness. The flames of the bonfire reflected on their faces, like a ferocious ghost, showing ghosts. Shadow longing, mysterious and unpredictable.

After a while, Nanli was going to get some firewood and weeds and barbecue like others. Since they returned to Shanfumen, they haven't had such a mood for dinner for a long time.

Chang Feihu has a fire charm that can be used for barbecue, but it does not ask Nanli why he must use firewood to test. In his mind, he should use this way when he comes to such a place, just order Lei Ming to go together and pay attention to his surroundings. He is very strange here. Looking at the unkind eyes on the faces of many professionals around him, he doesn't want to be a good person. He doesn't want Nanli to have any accidents. It's more reassuring to have thunder in the guard.

Lei Ming jumped up and said, "Okay." Just pull out your legs and leave.

The two came out of the ruins and just came near a bush. Suddenly, a person came out of the grass and pretended to be full of thunder. The two were shocked. Nan Li and Lei Ming pulled out the rune knife and were about to start, and they heard a very familiar complaint: "Oh, bitter, where is the tree is not good, but You have to block me."

As soon as Lei Ming heard the voice, he knew that it was the person he saw on the way. He scolded angrily, "Why are you again? Are you following us?"

The man was also shocked and almost lost everything in his hand. His mouth was even more bitter: "You...you...why are you back? I'm going to Liangjiabao, don't go here or there? Why are you following you? You bully others again! It's bitter."

Nanli pulled the thunder and said, "Don't pay attention to him. Let's go there."

The man held a wild boar and a few bundles of firewood in his hand and looked back from time to time to see them sadly enter the ruins.

Chang Feihu can see from the man's skillful movements that it is a rune. Absolutely, his mantra is very interesting. Maybe his life is relatively bumpy, always with a bitter face, bitter, bitter, and can't help but have some interest in him. He looked at Fu Ben looking for a place to make a fire alone. Soon Chang Feihu and the others also burned. The three of them surrounded the fire and began to barbecue.

They did not eat the beasts on the grassland. There was a lot of wild animal meat in the mustard space of the flying tiger. They ate barbecue and drank rice wine. They looked at the professionals around them. They only saw the runes they met on the road not far away, circled around the bonfire. The original beast disappeared. I don't know where he went, but he could It is clear that although professionals have a better appetite than ordinary people, they can't eat such a large pile of meat alone.

He was surprised by the rune, with a strange look on his face and asked, "Just now we saw him pull a wild boar in. Why didn't we eat it?"

"The wild boar is under the fire." Nanli said it without even looking at it.

Chang Feihu asked curiously, "Why don't you put it on fire and put it under the pile?" He, the elder, who knew the hard work of ownerless people and wandering professionals, took it for granted and asked questions that he thought were very ordinary.

Nanli explained: "The meat of the beast is not delicious. The meat is rough and has a fishy smell. If you are not very hungry, you can dig a hole in the ground, pour the beast into the water, wrap it with weeds, cover it with a layer of soil, and then set a fire on it. You will know what he is doing in a moment. What did you eat?"

Chang Feihu nodded and turned his eyes to his own fire. The barbarian meat roasted by firewood was forced out of the high temperature. In the falling fire, then more than a foot high flame came out. The meat of the barbarian beast was fresh and tender, and it was far less evenly roasted with firewood. Some places were scorched. Even so, the fragrance It still attracted the eyes of many people.

The wandering professionals have very poisonous eyesight. They probably see the depth of cultivation from the temperament of Chang Feihu, and the original intention to grab it has been suppressed by the calm mind.

These people also have self-knowledge, otherwise, they will definitely become an excuse for Chang Feihu to play with them. At this time, Chang Feihu is still very angry, and it is the time when there is no place to get out. A good elder suddenly became a tramp, and he was in a bad mood. Usually, I can't remember when I'm on my way. As soon as I calm down, any unhappy thoughts begin to emerge.

After eating, the three of them drank and chatted. They simply stared at the Fuben they met on the road to see what kind of delicious food the man could make. Half an hour later, Fuben moved the fire to the side and began to dig the land that was still smoking. After three or two, he dug out a large ball of dried mud.

As soon as he threw away the soil on the surface, a fragrance straight through his forehead immediately floated out. The man pulled off the wrapped weeds, and the white, tender and fragrant pork inside was displayed in the seductive sound. Thunder and Chang Feihu muttered at the same time. The stomach that had just been filled grunted again.