
Chapter 9 Liang's Pot

Chapter 9 Liang's Pot

Nanli was surprised by this aroma. He was too familiar with the smell of beast meat. No matter how skill he was, he couldn't make a taste more fragrant than beast meat. He said with great surprise, "No, why is it so fragrant?"

The three watched the professional and began to wolf their mouths. The fragrance attracted many other professionals around them. The smell of this fragrance, ** eight appetites made many onlookers dissatisfied, because the fragrance made them have no appetite when facing their food, and one was murderous. The heavy man, with the black hair on his chest, went up and said, "Bry it for me to taste." At this time, there were many people around Fuben, and their cultivation was basically Fuzhushi, and there were only a few Fuben.

The barbecue Fuben was eating attentively. He suddenly looked up and looked around so many people, which shocked him. He stood up and said, "I haven't passed Liangjiabao ten times or eight times. There are people who are rushing to eat like you. I'm saying that such a little thing is not enough for you to eat. It's bitter. Don't be so bullying. Human."

The first onlooker pulled out a long pole, with a flat iron rune at the other end and shouted, "There's a lot of nonsense, looking for death!" When it comes to it, the Fuben in the gravel still grabbed the roast wild boar and jumped out in one step.

He went straight to Changfeihu and the others. When he came to him, he waved his hand and threw the roast wild boar over and said, "Help! This barbecue is a reward. Then he quickly hid to the side of the flying tiger.

Chang Feihu reached out to take the barbecue, and suddenly caught a strange fragrance. He grabbed a piece and threw it into his mouth. "Praise loudly, it's really fragrant. Come on, big brother thunder, you can also eat it."

The three of them didn't look at the people who chased them. The main customer ate the roast wild boar. The leader seemed to be a high-level rune, and he was very confident that he would come forward to attack the barbecue man.

Chang Feihu muttered, swallowed a mouthful of fragrant tender meat, spit out a bone and fell to the foot of the high-level rune. His eyelids were not lifted and said, "I ate other people's meat, and I have to save their lives. You didn't lose anything, and he didn't provoke you. How about we walked half of the road to the sky?"

There is a law book in the group, because it is the same profession as Chang Feihu's. With the eyes and experience of the professional **, he can see the depth at a glance and whispered to the senior rune book, "He is a great law book, and we can't afford to provoke him." After saying that, he looked at Chang Feihu in horror, as if he was afraid that Faben would attack at this time and take off his head.

Professional occupations are difficult to distinguish from their appearance. Generally, those who go out are professionals below the run and French, and few elder-level professionals. Because the elders don't have to go out at all, the sect will provide a heavy material and offering. And the professionals under the elders have to hand in part of their own consumption every year in exchange for their contribution. The role of elders is usually only as a deterrent, staying in the sect or in some important places.

Chang Feihu naturally heard those words, but the arrogance that he often developed in the upper position made him too lazy to look at it. This is not his arrogance. Da | Dharmamoto kills a few magic books, that is, it can be solved between turning his palms.

The wandering outlaws' eyes are very poisonous and their judgment of form is quite flexible. Otherwise, they can't live that long. The leader Fu Ben reacted strangely quickly and immediately smiled and said, "Okay, just sell this senior for a face."

Of course, he knows that Chang Feihu is still very young. People at this age are basically grandchildren in front of him, but professionals are not based on age. They are the first to come first, and the higher level of cultivation is their predecessors.

The senior rune laughed cleanly in front of Chang Feihu. When he looked back at the escaped man, his smile suddenly became horrible and ferocious. In fact, he was at most full of hatred. Whoever dared to be coquettish in front of the law, they all dispersed without Chang Feihu's mouth.

But the rune of the barbecue did not dare to leave. He came over and arched his hand to Chang Feihu and said, "Thank you for saving my life. Alas, I'm so miserable!"

Chang Feihu was curious about him. He ate meat without spitting bones. He chewed loudly and asked, "What's your name? Tell me how this meat is roasted.

" The man took two steps forward and said, "The ownerless people are everywhere, high-level Fuben, Yao Yuan."

Nan Li said in Chang Feihu's ear, "This is a formal self-report, indicating that he respects you very much."

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Each other, primary magic spell big | Dharma book, Chang Feihu." When others respect him, he should also take into account his identity and make an appropriate response, which is the principle of always dealing with people. But if someone dares to provoke him, they will be unlucky. Chang Feihu is the kind of person who must report. Even if he is not capable enough for the time being, he will double it in the future.

Yaoyuan was shocked when he heard the words: "You are the magic spell! There are few magic spells for professionals who wander outside. Which clan does not compete for elder-level professionals? How can they let you go? No, no, that's not what I mean... How can you not accept it?"

"How can they ignore such a capable professional? The elder is a pillar, and he will be absolutely respected wherever he goes." Yaoyuan asked his doubts and puzzles with great surprise.

He knows too well the horror of this power. Whenever possible, any sect will win a capable professional like an elder at all costs.

Even if he has killed and set fire to all kinds of evil. You should know that all the rules and rules are made for small people. Professionals above the elder level are not within the scope of restrictions. As long as the elders do not oppose the hatred of the clan, they are hot figures.

Poor people like them who wander around and live in an undetermined place are trying to advance and work hard in the direction of the elders. Once they reach the level of masters, they will immediately rise to the sky, and one person will be promoted to the sky.

Chang Feihu absolutely kicked his nose and face, and said unhappily, "Well, let's not talk about this. Why is that barbecue so fragrant? Also, I'm surprised that you are also high-level runes. Why are you afraid of them? You have talked about the benefits of so many senior professionals, why don't you work in the sect?

"Afraid of them! Ha ha, I'm afraid that there is something strange about them, because they can't get help for a long time, and their strength and equal rank are too far apart. As long as you take a closer look, it's not difficult to find that my cultivation is just a good thing. Alas! The material is too difficult to find.

Yaoyuan sighed in frustration, "Besides, they have legal books, but I don't, I'm afraid they are normal!"

"As for this barbecue, in fact, there is nothing special about it. There is a kind of weed on the grassland. I also found it by chance. You see, there are weeds in the weeds you spread, but there are very few, because the meat roasted with this weed has an endless aftertaste, I named it wild fennel."

Nanli said to himself, "Wild fennel, wild fennel."

Chang Feihu saw Nanli's distracted muttering and gently touched him and asked, "Brother, what did you say?"

Nan Li reacted and said with a smile, "Ao, nothing? Spread the grass and go to bed. I'll be on duty at night.

The meat has also been eaten, and he has to go tomorrow. Chang Feihu no longer paid attention to the man. He took out a thick strand of fur and covered his body. He closed his eyes and said, "We are all brothers. Everyone takes turns to watch the night. Big brother will come first."

The next morning, Nanli said alertly to Chang Feihu, "Let's go early to prevent someone from ambushing in front of us." Chang Feihu nodded in agreement. What Nan Li said was very important. In some aspects, Nanli's words were much more useful than Yuan Fengming's words. If someone must distinguish between Nanli and Yuan Fengming, Nanli must win.

Yao Yuan saw several people on the road, quickly got up and followed them not far away and set off.

Lei Ming heard the sound of Soso and looked back and saw that it was far away and asked, "You are safe. Why are you still following us?"

Yao Yuan drew a stroke and pointed to the castle and said, "Look over there, okay! Save people to the end! Oh, it's bitter!" The three took a look at Liangjiabao, and several people stared at Yaoyuan behind the wall.

Chang Feihu said indifferently, "Since you want to follow, come and walk together." Nanli had nothing to say along the way, but collected a lot of wild fennel seeds.

Chang Feihu was so bored that he couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

Yaoyuan looked up at the sky and paused and said, "The wandering people have no place to live. It doesn't matter where to go."

All the way, they asked Yaoyuan's suzerain 18 generations as if they were interrogating prisoners. Yaoyuan didn't mind. As long as he could follow him, it was better to save his life than anything else.

It's just to ask about the origin and marriage of a few little wives. What's the big deal? In the end, Chang Feihu was not interested in asking, so he shut up, but he looked at Lei Ming happily and continued to ask questions without stopping him.

"Are you alone? Didn't you follow your master?" Lei Ming asked.

This question mentioned his sadness. Yaoyuan burst into tears and said, "It's all my sins. I didn't protect my master well. I was attacked and killed, and the team also dispersed." Tears of sadness flowed down while talking.

Nanli knows this pain best, which is uncomfortable. He sighed and said, "So you have been looking for enemies near the murder of your master, have you?"

Yaoyuan nodded silently.

Chang Feihu was too lazy to listen to these unnutritious dialogues. Thinking that Qinglian Mountain was not far ahead, he couldn't help thinking of the situation when he saw his father for the last time. His mind has flown to the thatched hut at the foot of Qinglian Mountain.

There was no starlight in the dark night. Suddenly, the flying tiger seemed to hear a voice calling from the distant mountain. He was moved, father! That's the father's call. He's calling his son home...