
Chapter 219 Trade Fair

219 Trade Fair

He returned to his seat and said, "I'll pay 22,000 quickly."

Changfeihu already has two soul-blooded beasts, which are a little more than barbarian beasts in many aspects, so they are not very interested in this so-called alienated barbarian beast eggs.

Nanli and Lei Ming did not have a preference in this regard. The three looked at Nanli and Lei Ming and shook their heads. As soon as the man who offered 22,000 fast best soul stones sat down, someone stood up and said, "I'll add another 1,000."

After several rounds of bidding, which alienated barbarian beast sold for 29,000 pieces of the best soul stone.

After putting down the soul stone, a short fat man carefully put away the egg, and then another professional went up and said, "Here is a spiritual charm, which is an attack charm in the form of a thunderball. The attack and damage caused by this charm are extremely strong. I got it from a secret world."

"Since it's as good as you said, why don't you keep it for yourself?" At this time, someone from the stage asked.

The professionals on the stage also didn't care. They smiled and said, "It's a rune martial arts profession, which is not easy to use. This charm is suitable for professionals above the middle-level charm master. The reserve price is also 20,000 best soul stones, and each bidding cannot be less than 2,000 best soul stones."

Originally, Changfeihu had the intention to buy this spiritual charm, but in the end, the price of this spiritual charm was speculated to the height of 50,000 best soul stones. Buying such a charm at such a high price was far beyond his tolerance, so he gave up. After all, even if he bought it at a high price, he could not use it now. Instead of buying something useless recently, it's better to wait to leave a soul stone to buy something more practical.

Next, seven or eight people went to the auction. The materials they sold were either Chang Feihu and they couldn't use or were not practical for them. All three of them had no desire to buy. At this time, they went up to a thin and capable professional.

He also took out a charm and said, "I don't know what the name of this charm is, hehe, I don't know what grade it is, and it is also obtained after entering a dense environment at a time. After stimulation, this charm can release a courtyard with a two-story small building. The yard is not big, and this courtyard and small building have their own hidden Defensive charm array."

"I have never seen such a charm in the continent. To talk about its practicality, that is, it can be released to rest anytime and anywhere when you go out. There is no equal limit on the use of this charm. As long as you are a professional, you can basically use it. My reserve price is 5,000 pieces of the best soul stone, each time you add The price cannot be less than 500 pieces of the best soul stone.

After what he said, no one offered to buy it for a long time. It seemed that such a charm was very unpopular and was exposed. There was a lot of discussion below. Some people said, "Well, isn't it just a house? How can it be worth so many soul stones."

The other also said, "That's right, who wants to be this wrongdoer!" Anyway, I don't want it."

Some people echoed: "To get a house of 5,000 pieces of the best soul stone, who will spend this money when they are full? Not to mention 5,000 pieces of the best soul stone, we just live outside in an inn every day, and we can't spend 1,000 pieces of the best soul stone for 500 years. That's simply a flashy and useless thing! If 500 soul stones are sold, you will be willing to buy them and play.

Chang Feihu and Lei Ming Nanli made eye contact. Nanli nodded, and Lei Ming's eyes were about to spit out fire. The charm containing the house yard was a large toy for Lei Ming. He was more than 20 people and could not get rid of the child's temperament. He fell in love with it at once.

Chang Feihu is also very interested in this so-called Fulou, which is really a good place to stay for them who have been outside for a long time.

When the man saw that the things he auctioned were cold, he couldn't hang up and said, "This charm is indeed relatively chicken ribs for most people, but it is different for professionals who often go out. This free inn that can be used anytime and anywhere is also a good choice, if it weren't for the latest The head is tight, and I really can't bear to sell it.

Chang Feihu was about to shout out his price, but it was unexpected. But a man inserted a bar horizontally and said, "I want 5500 yuan."

Chang Feihu saw that he knew this man. This man was the fat man who had just bought the alienated beast egg.

Chang Feihu knew that if he raised five hundred and five hundred, he might raise the original low price to what extent. He thought that if he wanted to take action, he would knock him down and make him no longer have the courage to compete with him.

He gritted his teeth, changed his voice with soul power, raised his hand and shouted, "8,000 pieces of the best soul stone."

The whole audience immediately had a burst of **, and someone said, "Who is this? The money is so rich! I can't believe I paid so much for such a thing."

The fat man was stunned, looked at Chang Feihu, was silent for a moment, and then said, "8500 yuan."

The seller was really happy when he heard it. He didn't have any hope to sell it. Now someone can bid 8,000 yuan for the best soul stone, as if a big cake suddenly fell for him from the sky and almost knocked him unconscious.

I was already a little confused about what to do with the money. The best soul stone floated around in front of him. From the mask, his mouth was wide open and his saliva flowed.

Some people off the stage said: Now let him pick it up cheaply, and he can actually pay such a high price. Chang Feihu glanced at the fat man, and the price of 10,000 best soul stones shouted out of his mouth.

The fat man looked at it for a long time and finally said, "10,000 soul stones are too expensive. With so many soul stones, I can build a house with the best soul stones. I don't want them."

Chang Feihu put 10,000 of the best soul stones into a storage charm, walked over, and went to the stage and said, "I have paid the money, but I want to see if this charm is really as you said."

The thin professional lifted the bar up with one hand and closed his mouth and said, "Ha ha, ha, of course, please look, please."

Chang Feihu really wants to see what his dignity is like. Unfortunately, he really can't see it, but he can imagine what kind of scenery that person will look like.

The charm is placed on the table. It is a round white jade charm. On one side, you can see a two-story building in a small courtyard, and on the other side is some landscape patterns composed of runes.

Chang Feihu put the jade charm on his forehead and looked carefully.

Immediately after the soul power popped up, a courtyard surrounded by bamboo trees appeared in front of his soul. The appearance of the two-story small building was completely Paulownia, full of antique charm, and the methods and tricks used were ready to come out in his mind.

Such a charm was exactly what he wanted. He nodded secretly, waved it casually, and gently patted his palm on his forehead. The jade charm fell into the top of his head and stored it in the soul. He turned over a bag of the best soul stone and put it on the table and said, "10,000 soul stones, check it." The thin professional said happily, "Enough, enough, hehe."

Chang Feihu turned back to his seat, nodded to Lei Ming and Nanli, and listened to the new professional introduce his belongings.

The professional who came to power picked up two runes and said: There are two Yuzhen charms here, and there are no restrictions on their use. They only attack strength, which can only fight against the priest-level professionals. It is confrontation, not attack.

"One is a thorny vine charm. This charm cannot attack air targets, but it has a fight with the junior saint on the ground. There is also an earth and stone puppet charm. This charm can release a puppet composed of earth and stone. The puppet's blow power can also fight against the junior saint, but it is difficult for his attack shorthand. It's comparable to the junior saint. It's good to use these two to guard a cave or something. If you are interested, you can buy it and give it to the younger generation.

The reserve price is 2,000 of the best soul stones. He just finished speaking, followed by a burst of laughter. A closer professional said, "A gift is a good gift, but you can't afford such a gift."

Everyone laughed for a while, but the owner of the rune said carelessly, "Does anyone want it?" He even forgot to say the price increase.

Someone reminded below: "What is your price increase standard?"

The charm seller laughed and said, "Casdom, casual! Two thousand soul stones and two charms are not expensive. Besides, which of you has ever seen such a charm? Who can refine such a rune in the mainland of Wil? Although it is useless for us high-level professionals, it is in the hands of low-level professionals.

Someone else said, "No thorns or puppet can attack objects in the air, especially puppets. Although they can fight against junior saints in attack power, is it a decoration in terms of attack speed? I don't think it will play a role even in front of low-level professionals.

The person who sold the charm was a little discouraged and said, "What you sell is a strange thing. Do you really don't want it?"

Lei Ming and Nan Li signaled to buy it. Although this kind of charm has average attack power and can't attack the sky. The shortcomings are obvious, but it has the ability to fight against the saint, which is enough. They need such a charm.

Chang Feihu stood up and said, "Although your charm is very strange, you can't attack objects in the air, which is the biggest drawback. In this way, it is indeed a little expensive. Can you reduce it? I want less."

The man said for no reason, "Okay, I'll be a little less. How about 1,500 pieces of the best soul stone?"

"Okay, it's really a pleasant person. That's the price. Deal." Chang Feihu walked up and put down a storage rune bag containing 1,500 soul stones and said.

Picked up two runes and looked at them and collected them. The man also simply did not check the number of soul stones and sat down.