
Chapter 220 Make Money to Soft Legs

Chapter 220 Make Money to Make Your Legs Soft

Chang Feihu did not go back immediately, turned around and smiled, but took out a blank jade charm and put it on his forehead, instilled some information, and said to the people around him, "This is a very ordinary rune card. Ordinary can no longer be ordinary. The rune itself has no value, but I just recorded one here. Method! So since then, this symbol has been reborn.

He put the symbol on the table, looked at the person below, and said, "What is recorded here?" Everyone will be surprised to say it. What is recorded here is...!"

He bought a joke and smiled, hehe, "What is recorded in it is a method, which can be used to brew a lot of the purest "Guyue alcohol" in two months

Boom, the buzzing discussion resounded through the auction venue, causing a great sensation. The whole audience was in an uproar. There was everything below. Of course, the most was amazing.

During this period, Gu Yue alcohol was making a lot of noise in the continent of Will. Countless sects and families, professionals crawled out of various levels to inquire around and wanted to secretly find out the people who sold Gu Yue alcohol.

These people's intentions and ideas are almost the same, because the reason is that ancient alcohol has been deeply loved by professionals. However, although Chang Feihu has taken a lot, it seems that there are too few to be divided into all corners of the continent, and the sky-high price has made many people away. In the face of this The delicious ancient and mellow can only wander in front of the sky-high soul stone, and can't cross the thunder pool for half a step.

They are single-minded to dig out this person who makes them feel itchy. If they master this person, they can believe that the benefits they get will be immeasurable, but they can't find the people who rack their brains and can't find a way to make Guyue alcohol. They are distressed and puzzled. This person is actually bright. When it appeared here, it was actually a blatant auction method.

Is't it easy to break iron shoes without any place to find? As long as you catch this person, you are not afraid that he will not say the method of making Guyue alcohol. At that time, their clan can lead the heroes and walk alone in the world. Driven by such interests, many professionals are eager to stand up and want to rush over to take down Chang Feihu.

At the next moment, they sat down dejected again, because there are really too many forces with such ideas here. They are all on guard against each other and eager for quick profit. They will give others such an opportunity. These people stand against each other and send out hostile eyes, but no one has such a Courage to do it first.

Besides, where is this? The suzerain of Yunxiao Sect is there. How can he sit back and agree with their reckless behavior? Seeing that many professionals of Yunxiao Sect quickly surrounded the central area, they had to return to the chair under such pressure.

By the saying, Yunxiaozong held such an auction, nominally, but in fact, it is also attracting people to sell Guyue alcohol, which is their real purpose.

According to reason, they should be controlled by Chang Feihu, but when they look at the atmosphere at the scene, they know that the good calculations in their hearts have failed.

Now, the strength of various sects is staggered at the auction, but they are still at a balance point. Once someone dares to commit great things in the world and rushes to break this balance, it must be not allowed by other sects, then a melee will be staged. Even if they have the right time and place to get rid of the fire, they are afraid of offending the professionals of the whole continent, they will be isolated and hostile from now on.

Such consequences, not to mention a certain professional, even two sects, can't bear it. The suzerain of Yunxiao Sect saw that the fish had swallowed the bait and the big fish had been hooked, but he did not dare to close the rod. Seeing that the fat meat in his mouth could not be eaten, he stared anxiously and angrily. Simply bid according to the rules of the auction, which is their last resort. The venue finally calmed down.

Chang Feihu was not in a hurry to speak, but waited patiently. The way he wanted to sell fruit wine to make was a matter that had discussed with Nanli Leiming for a long time, not a sudden decision. He wanted to stay in this Will continent for a long time and would one day return to their continent of Shanfumen. .

The method of making wine is basically worthless, even if it can be sold! Those big charms made of ordinary metal and animal bones are still useless. It's better to buy a sky-high soul stone here.

The soul stone is still a strange thing when it is taken to their continent. The time is not long, and the surrounding area is that a needle can be clearly heard, and the whole audience is silently waiting for the following of the flying tiger.

When Chang Feihu saw that everyone calmed down, he continued to say, "The reserve price of the ancient Yue alcohol production method is..."

He lengthened his voice and said, "300 million pieces of the best soul stone, a price increase auction should not be less than 10 million of the best soul stones, and now the auction begins.

There was another noisy sound around. It hadn't calmed down after a quarter of an hour, and no one offered. Chang Feihu leisurely walked back and forth on the table, opened a jar of fruit wine and tasted it leisurely alone. From time to time, he said, "Well, it's good, it tastes great."

After about half a quarter of an hour, the venue calmed down again. At this time, a professional similar to Lu Xiping came up. What did Chang Feihu think? Why did he look like Lu Xiping?

The man came up and stretched out his hand to grab the jade charm and said, "I'll see if it's really a way to make Gu Yue alcohol."

Chang Feihu has been on guard for a long time! Under the trembling of the sleeve of the robe, a lavender light wheel immediately covered the jade card, and the man's hand was immediately bounced away, and there was a boo and an uproar under the stage.

Some people pointed out that to issue such a powerful shield, the professional's ability is at least the cultivation of the monk of the advanced charm, which is close to the cultivation of the existence of the mage.

Many people were afraid for a while, and their back spine was cold, and they were afraid for a while. They thought that if they had just gone up to fight without knowing the depth, at this time, the bodies under the stage must be exhausted, and it was useless to deal with such a cultivated professional.

In fact, the shield issued by Changfeihu is the powerful energy stimulated by the rune he refined in advance. This shield is hidden in his robe sleeve. It is a small protection array inlaid with the concentrated essence of hundreds of the best soul stones, and mixed with the soul power of Changfeihu while stimulating and opening, so It seems that he sent it out with his personal ability.

In addition, it is very close to his hand, which is very similar to a shield composed of virtual charms, but it can only resist one touch of a high-level professional. If he does it again, he will definitely be powerless.

The man's hand was bounced back by the shield and did not dare to reach out again, but he said angrily, "Are you going to violate the rules of the auction? Why don't you check it?"

Chang Feihu smiled carelessly and said in a tone that he was neither humble nor arrogant, "I think you may have misunderstood. This jade charm is just a rune book, not a functional charm. With your cultivation, such a low-level jade card will immediately know the content as long as you touch it gently. You know what else do I sell? Ah? It's not that you are not allowed to see it, but that you can't see it.

"I think you should understand, so this symbol should not be within the rules. Of course, if you buy the method recorded in this symbol, you can use the small method recorded in the book to verify whether the method of making ancient Yue alcohol is correct. If you are interested in bidding, please go back and sit down and participate according to the normal rules. Auction, otherwise...! Don't blame me for being ruthless!" Chang Feihu's words suddenly changed and threatened with an extremely unfriendly tone.

The man was indeed scared and didn't say anything about turning back and sitting down. After about a quarter of an hour, there was still no one bidding for the auction. Chang Feihu picked up the jade card on the table and said, "Since no one is willing to buy this method of brewing ancient and more alcohol, it's really a pity. What a good ancient and more alcohol, so give up. ."

After saying that, he used his five fingers and spit out his soul power to turn the jade card into dust and was about to go down. Who knew that at this time, seven or eight professionals stood up at the same time, and one of them said first: Please calm down. We are discussing the price of the bidding.

"Oh, in this case, I might as well sit here for a while." He said in the tone of a high-level professional, came back to the middle of the table, sat on the table, and then said, "Okay, then discuss it slowly. I'm not in a hurry. He actually took out another jar of fruit wine in public and drank it and waited leisurely.

Nanli and Lei Ming's admiration for Chang Feihu is like a torrential river. An intermediate priest actually plays hundreds of thousands of high-level professionals in the palm of his hand, is as stable as a rock, and can also drink cider freely in front of them. This courage and courage is not available to ordinary people.

When Chang Feihu finished drinking a jar of fruit wine, no one offered it. Chang Feihu said impatiently, "You are also a little too troublesome. Half an hour has passed. Before the discussion is over, I won't sell it if I don't pay the price!"

As soon as this sentence really works, someone immediately said, "We will buy this ancient and more alcohol brewing formula for 400 million best soul stones."

This word is like a stone stirring up thousands of waves, stirring up ripples in the auction venue. Everyone's hearts have been stirring for a long time, but the venue is surprisingly quiet and quiet. Everyone's eyes are all turned to the speaker, and at the same time, they prick their ears to listen and look forward to whether the unprecedented sky-high price will be returned. It can take it to the next level.

They believed that this auction would become an ancient and modern story in the continent and a legendary story that future generations would like to talk about. The words beyond everyone's imagination did not make them wait long, and soon another sky-high price burst out of the mouth of a professional.

The man stood up and looked around and said, "Our sect is determined to obtain the brewing method of this ancient and Vietnamese alcohol. Please make concessions one or two. We will bid 600 million of the best soul stones."