fa mou

Chapter 39 Active Counterattack

Seeing that the promise left in dismay, the smile on Ling Xianger's face couldn't help but become brighter. The dim light and the hazy feeling can't help making Ling Xianger more beautiful. Unfortunately, no one saw her at this time and saw her like a fairy in the world.

I don't know why, Ling Xianger felt relaxed and no longer worried about Wang Yulang's affairs. This may be because of the promise, because his words can reassure her. No matter how smart and powerful men and women are, they will always feel tired. If there is someone to help you solve your problems at this time, if this person is of the same sex, then you will become good brothers and sisters. But this person is of the opposite sex, and that feeling may be clearer only by the person concerned. It seems hazy, sweet, trustworthy and expectant.

Although there is nothing to worry about tonight, Ling Xianger is destined to be another dreamy night tonight.

Ling Xianger can sleep peacefully, but the promised task has not been completed. Now is the time for him to fight back. Of course, he will not assassinate, because he promised Ling Xianger. Those who don't promise easily will definitely fulfill it once they make a promise.

The promise relied on the last time he saw Wang Yulang and Wang Zhou's new aunt have an affair. This kind of thing happened to a man, which is intolerable, at least Jin Anguo is like this.

Last time I visited the guard house at night, I promised not to see the guard Wang Zhou. I don't know what kind of person he is. Therefore, he wants to make this matter bigger and let the whole town know.

Because Anping County belongs to the border, even if it is a town-scale place like Pinghe Town, the whole town is surrounded by walls, and the walls are not low. However, because Jin'an has lived a peaceful life for too long, the soldiers patrolling the town wall are relatively slack and generally complete the task just to complete the task, which provides a lot of convenience for the promised plan.

At this time, the promise is the killer's dress, but tonight is not to kill people, but to dance and play with ink. He carried a large wine jar behind his back and held a brush in his hand. This kind of promise is a little strange. At first glance, it is like a gentleman on the beam, running towards the goal. But when you look closely, you look like a rich drinker, and a little like a literati who recites poems.

But no matter what, those who can see him know that he must be a master. Because his speed is really not slow, the light master of the distant darts can only eat his dust. It's night, so he is just a shadow.

He promised to come to his first destination soon, which is the northern wall closest to the guest building. It's late at night now. Most of the soldiers patrolling the city have fallen asleep, and those who haven't slept are also 'seeking God to worship Buddha'.

Those who promised to grab under the corner of the city did not know that there was a rise in the corner of the city. Promise looked around and climbed up the wall like a gecko. The gap between the big bluestone used to build the wall is not big, and the distance between the bluestones is also very wide. It can be imagined that it takes a good way to climb up.

promised to climb two-thirds of the city wall and stopped. He took a deep breath and took the brush biting in his mouth and the wine jar on his back. His movements were like clouds and flowing water. As soon as the wine jar was opened, the brush immediately clicked inside and brought out a string of black. It turned out that there was thick ink in the wine jar.

Just as the promise fell down, the brush stained with thick ink in his hand also began to write. He writes quickly, but he falls very slowly, as if everything is not in accordance with the rules.

He promised to stop when he fell one-third of the distance of the city wall, and then he grabbed the crack of the wall and climbed up again. After several times, the promise came down from the wall, and he looked at the handwriting he left on the wall with satisfaction. Although he can't see it clearly, he knows what he wrote.

Promised to take a long breath, and it was really a little tired after writing these words. However, the promise soon disappeared into the night of the northern wall, because he still had three walls to deal with. This is indeed a test of skills, whether it is martial arts or writing.

The next morning, Promise still got up early. Even though he slept very late last night, he slept soundly. This is like an insomniac and a healthy person. Even if an insomniac sleeps for a long time, they still feel tired and lack sleep.

The guest building is a place that can make promises feel very secure, so he sleeps sweetly, just a few hours is enough.

The promise is in a good mood today, which can be seen by ordinary people. That's because he always smiles, which is a smile from the bottom of his heart, which makes people feel very approachable. Promise that even if you haven't gone out yet, you will know that there will be a lot of trouble outside.

"Why are you laughing so ugly early in the morning?" Ling Xianger, who lives in a big yard with Promise, also got up. Ling Xianger slept well last night because she had a good dream. Seeing the person who appeared in the dream last night so early in the morning, and the smiling look, Ling Xianger couldn't help but hit the promise a little.

"Nothing, maybe it's because our business will be good today, and Wang Yulang won't bother us again in a short time." The promise did not care about Ling Xianger's blow, and still smiled brightly.

"Cut, we will return to the guest building and tell you that I am the boss. Besides, you haven't done anything. How do you know that people like Wang Yulang won't come to disturb our business in the short term? Ling Xianger didn't let her promise to talk about us, but she said it herself.

"Who said I didn't do anything?" Promise said proudly.

"What did you do? You went last night. Didn't you really go to beat people? I heard that Wang Yulang often went to the brothel at night and said, did you also go to the brothel?" Ling Xianger didn't care about Wang Yulang's affairs, but whether the promise went to the brothel or not.

"I mean, I came up with a good idea when I went to bed last night. I was sleeping last night."

"Really?" Ling Xianger is a little skeptical.

The promise didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Then you don't go to work. Be careful that I will deduct your wages." After Ling Xianger knew that the promise did not go to the brothel, she immediately became an evil businessman.

"I'm a cook, and I don't have to work now. How can I be your father's disciples? Can you give me some more money?" Promise said pitifully.

"Processing money, it depends on your performance this time." After Ling Xianger finished speaking, she left before she could speak.

The atmosphere in the yard was very warm, but it began to make noise outside. To be precise, rumors began to fly all over the sky.