fa mou

Chapter 40 Words on the Wall

Gors begin with people's mouths, and gossip lies in people's minds.

The news that Wang Yulang had an affair with Wang Zhou's new aunt began with a soldier who got up early to pee. Originally, I wanted to get up early and see the soldiers who solved the problem at the corner of the city. When he slowly solved it, he raised his head and exhaled comfortably, and saw the handwriting on the wall.

Although Jin'an's national literary style is popular, it is impossible for an ordinary soldier to know how many words. But people in this era have better eyesight. Except for getting old and old, they generally don't have any myopia.

Although he didn't know much about the word

, he still knew a lot about the eye-catching title, so he read: "Wang Yulang... and the new house... have a lot..." In fact, the word wife, and this soldier still seems to be that kind of sloppy. Otherwise, when he sees Wang Yulang's words, what should he think of? Moreover, that word is written in the middle of the city wall, and ordinary people can't find such a ladder to write. Therefore, Jin'an has been at peace for too long, or it will begin to rot from within.

If you don't understand, find a leader. Therefore, the soldier quickly found their captain, because he heard that the captain had studied private school and was a talented man in their team.

"Captain, it's amazing. I found a fairy trail on the wall. Hurry up and look at it with me. I don't know much about the words on it." The soldier ran into his captain's barracks and shouted. It is said that he is a second man, but for a person like him, it may be a fairy miracle that he can write on the wall.

This talented captain knows more about this soldier, but he doesn't want to sleep anymore after being pestered like him. Therefore, the talented captain slowly got up and dressed slowly. It took a long time to walk out of the barracks with the soldier.

In addition to the soldiers, ordinary peasants or peddlers and merchants get up early. By the time the captain reached the edge of the wall, many people had gathered at the gate. There are vegetable dealers who go out to buy goods, farmers who go out to work, and businessmen who go out to work.

The soldier knows few words, but there are many people who can read. And they have read the words on the wall and are talking about it.

The promised literary talent is still good. With more than 100 words, it makes it clear that Wang Yulang and Wang Zhou's new aunt have an affair. The time, place, people, what to do, and even the nickname of the other party have been written out. As far as the essay on the wall is concerned, it is a waste to promise not to study.

The captain was still a clever man. After reading the words on the wall, he was immediately scared to death.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The talented captain roared at the two-year-old man. In fact, you can't blame the soldiers. It was the captain who was wasting time, but the higher official crushed people to death, so the soldier didn't dare to say anything.

"If you don't go to the guard's office to report to the governor quickly, just say something big and ask the lord to come to the south gate to deal with it quickly." The talented captain feels that things are not good, which can't be solved by him, so it is reasonable to report it quickly now.

Just as the talented captain issued the order, the captains of the four gates in the peaceful town also hurriedly sent people to report to the garrison, just like the northern barbarians coming to attack.

However, after all, it was the second-hearted soldier who arrived at the garrison first. As soon as he said that there was an emergency military situation to report to the lord, the gatekeepers did not dare to stop him and took him straight to the backyard where the lord lived.

At this time, the governor was sleeping in the new aunt's room. He felt that the new aunt was simply a fox spirit and asked him to spend the night with her for several nights after he came back.

There was an emergency military situation at the south gate, and it was soon reported through the new aunt's general room maid.

Wang Zhou, who had been sleeping comfortably, was scared and got up as soon as he heard that there was an emergency military situation at the south gate. For the guard of one side, those who are close to the imperial capital are afraid that the emperor will go on patrol and accidentally lose their heads. And those who are close to the border are afraid of the enemy's attack, so that they don't need the emperor to plead guilty, and the whole army will be directly destroyed.

So Wang Zhou was not interested in the charming jade body exposed to the aunt's air, and the seductive place for the time being. He hurriedly put on his clothes and rushed outside.

Just as Wang Zhou came to the door and stepped on the war horse to prepare for the south gate, the other three gates also came to report one after another, saying that there was also an emergency military situation. Wang Zhou, who was still a little human on his face, immediately became bloodless.

However, Wang Zhou is not a dry-eating guard. He still has a certain ability. He immediately sent a few confidants to rush to the other three gates and rushed to the south gate by himself.

When Wang Zhou rushed to the south gate, there were already many people gathered on the edge of the wall to watch, and some people kept going in and out.

"Where is the military situation? Why do you open the gate when there is an emergency military situation? You are tired of living. Where is the captain guarding the gate?" Wang Zhou roared a little crazily. No matter which guard meets the military situation, isn't it boring for the captain of the gatekeeper to open the gate? Don't think that everyone is Zhuge Liang. Don't try to sing empty city tricks if you don't have much ability.

The talented captain came forward quickly. Before he could report, he was kicked to the ground by Wang Zhou, and then roared, "You have a brain problem. Have you been kicked by a donkey? How dare you open the gate now?"

"Isn't it time to open the gate?" The talented captain who was beaten didn't dare to say anything. Again, who makes an official bigger than you?

"Didn't you say there was an emergency military situation? Where is this military situation?" Wang Zhou was also carried away by fear just now. When he saw the people who went in and out safely, he knew that there was no military intelligence at all and no enemy to attack at all.

"Your Excellency, the emergency I'm talking about is the words on the wall." Captain Caizi explained quickly.

At this time, Wang Zhou paid attention to the wall. Wang Zhou is not very old, or he can sing at night, so there is nothing wrong with his eyesight.

So, the words on the wall were clearly seen by Wang Zhou. Wang Zhou, who had just slowed down, has now become green again. Just now it was because of fear and nervousness, but now it is shame and anger.

If a careful person can see that Wang Zhou's eyes are turning red, that is anger, and he can also see his hands trembling, which is also anger. His eyes stared at the words on the wall, and the hundreds of words seemed to be unfinished.

Suddenly, Wang Zhou roared and pulled out a bright knife from the hands of his own soldiers, and his backhand was a knife. Only a click was heard, and a man's head rose to the sky with the gushing blood.

"If you lie about the military situation, you should be punished." Wang Zhou held a bloody knife, and eight words squeezed out of his clenched teeth one by one.

Inexplicably, the talented captain was killed by Wang Zhou. It seems that Wang Zhou is also a cruel man.