fa mou

Chapter 114 Promised Abacus

Hearing the old man's words, he promised that there was no doubt that it was really a very special herb. Promise felt that his internal strength seemed to be more pure, his body's toughness was obviously enhanced, and his five senses were obviously much sharper. However, even if there are so many benefits, it takes a lot of effort and how much hard it takes to train an amazing master to come out in less than two years.

"Old man, you know, if you really train Xue'er as a master in such a short time, I don't object to this, but her memory has not recovered yet, and she is just a weak woman. Can she bear so much pain?" The most worrying thing about Promise now is whether Ling Xianger will suffer a lot. Although Ling Xianger can give him a lot of help after learning martial arts. However, he promised that she would always be the domineering Ling Xianger than let her suffer a little.

"Don't worry, I know that I won't embarrass her. When she was still in a coma, I took her pulse, but now she is simply different. Her internal strength seems to be increasing all the time. If this power is not used, it can only be wasted in vain." Of course, the old man will not let Ling Xianger suffer. You know, he is an old man who will "love" women, so he promised to analyze it.

The promise was a little unbelievable when he heard the old man's words, so he needed to verify it.

Ling Xianger, who was still walking leisurely, suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing around her, and then her hand was caught. Before Ling Xianger could react, she heard someone say, "Xiang'er, don't move. Let me show you."

With promise, he stopped Ling Xianger's pulse, then oozed a trace of internal force and walked along her meridians to Dantian. As soon as the promised internal force came to Ling Xianger's Dantian, he found that a very surging internal force had been swallowed away. Promise quickly cut off the connection with the internal force, otherwise, one of them would be injured if it was devoured by Ling Xianger's internal force.

After Ling Xianger was caught by the promise, she felt a cool breath and swam from her hand to her Dantian position. Then Ling Xianger felt that her body was hot, and the cool breath disappeared. But because of this, Ling Xianger's internal strength was surging, and her face inevitably blushed a little.

"Brother Xu, what are you doing? The master is next to you." Ling Xianger said shyly.

He promised that sweat. He just wanted to try Ling Xianger's internal strength. He didn't expect to be swallowed up by her internal strength, which also led to her misunderstanding. Looking at Ling Xianger's blushing cheeks, he was a little embarrassed to promise, but his eyes immediately changed from a little embarrassment to surprise.

The unbelievable promise quickly shrugged his nose again, took a deep breath, and then said excitedly, "Xiang'er, the fragrance on your body is back. It's so fragrant."

"If you say it again, I will ignore you." Ling Xianger became more embarrassed and couldn't help staring at the promise.

"Okay, I won't talk about it." Promise has not smelled the fragrance of Ling Xianger since she woke up. The fragrance seemed to have disappeared, just like her memory, which disappeared inexplicably. However, now that this fragrance is back, does that mean that Ling Xianger's memory has recovered?

Thinking of this, he promised to quickly ask Ling Xianger, "Xiang'er, do you remember who I am?"

"Brother Xu, why are you so strange today? Of course I know who you are. Didn't you introduce me?" Ling Xianger looked at the promise with a little puzzle, and at this time, her mentality also calmed down.

"Don't you remember what happened to us before? I mean, we knew each other before you woke up. The promise still holds a little hope.

Ling Xianger turned her eyes and thought about it. She didn't answer, just shook her head.

The promise couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He thought that Ling Xianger's memory would recover a little. However, what disappointed the promise even more came, because he suddenly couldn't smell the fragrance of Ling Xianger now.

"Xiang'er, why is the fragrance on your body gone?" The promise is really a little confused.

"I don't know. I just smelled the fragrance, but suddenly it's gone." Ling Xianger slowed down and then said in an angry tone, "Brother Xu, don't always smell me, okay? Now your behavior is a little like a master."

When I heard the promise, I couldn't help but sweat a little. It's really messy to care. With their current relationship with Ling Xianger, they have just met, even if there is an inexplicable feeling between Ling Xianger and him. But I'm always like this, so I can't help but be a little abrupt and frivolous. As Ling Xianger said, she became an obscene uncle like the old man.

But the promise is still rewarding. After a simple analysis, you will know that Ling Xianger will emit fragrance when she uses internal forces or is excited. And when she emits fragrance, or when she remembers the past. Although there is no basis for this inference, it is always an opportunity for her to recover her memory. Or, it is the right choice for her to practice martial arts.

Without waiting for the promise to think too much, the old man's voice came around him: "Bad boy, you still said that I was an old and unscrupulous person, but I didn't expect you to be a real fan. It seems that you know people and don't know your heart."

The old man broke the promise when he opened his mouth. The promise did not answer him, but just stood a step away from him, and then began to think about his own affairs again. The meaning of the promise is very obvious. I'm not in the same camp as you. Not to mention, the promised method is to be silent at this time and choked the old man once.

The old man knew that the treachery could not succeed again, so he could only change the topic. He said, "I promise, what do you think of my apprentice Xiang'er? Can he compare with you during the martial arts festival?"

The old man called the promised name for the first time, not the bastard. Therefore, Promise also answered him seriously this time: "As long as you try your best to teach her, I think there is still great hope."

"It's rare. I didn't expect you to realize that what you said before was wrong so soon." The old man was a little unbelievable. Why did the promise suddenly become so modest?

"You do have some skills, otherwise you can't teach disciples like Buck." The promise first affirmed the old man's ability.

"Listen to what you said, I'm really confident that I can teach Xiang'er as a disciple." The old man was a little flustered.

"This is the best, but in view of your previous style, I'm still a little worried, so when you call me Xiang'er, I'll watch by her side so that some people don't respect you." Promise said lightly.

"You stinky boy, don't you believe me so much? I'm a respectable old man. You can't be polite to me." The old man had the feeling of suddenly falling from the sky into a deep valley.

"That depends on your future actions to prove it." Promise did not look at the old man who was about to lose his temper, but continued to think about him. In fact, Xu promised that he also knew the old man's ability. The reason why he said this was to see what was extraordinary about the old man. If the old man is really powerful, then he can also steal a famous teacher.

"Okay, then you can compare first. Xiang'er attack, stinky boy, you can just defend, and let you see what genius is." The old man is going to promise a horse and then give each of them a branch.

Of course, there is no problem with the promise, but Ling Xianger has advantages and it is difficult. She said timidly, "Master, is it really a medicine test? But I don't know martial arts."

"Don't be afraid, just use the routine I just taught you to attack him." The old man cheered up Ling Xianger.

Ling Xianger had no choice but to stand with a branch and take a deep breath. Or Ling Xianger didn't feel it, but the promise and the old man felt it. With Ling Xianger's breathing, her momentum seems to have changed a little. Although it is rare, it has indeed changed. This is just a rookie who took a meal and learned a few routines to have a momentum. This must be said to be a genius.