fa mou

Chapter 115 Meet the patriarch

A martial artist, especially a warrior with high martial arts skills, first pays attention to momentum. Ling Xianger also has a little demeanor as the momentum grows.

"Brother Xu, are you ready?" Ling Xianger looked at the promise and then asked.

Promised to be happy to hear Ling Xianger's words. This girl has only learned a few routine martial arts and began to have the 'elate' of a master.

"Okay, come in." It's not easy to refute Ling Xianger's promise face to face. It's just thinking about it.

Ling Xianger listened, then shouted delicately, and took the promised chest as soon as the fairy gave way. Not to mention that Ling Xianger's 'sword' is still a little stabbed. However, the accident happened, and the accident was completely blamed on the old man. Because what caused this accident was the round stones on the ground, which were undoubtedly thrown by the old man when he promised to compare with Buck.

She slipped under her feet and then fell straight to the ground like a 'dog gnawing mud'. However, the promise has been focused on Ling Xianger. When he saw that she was about to slip, he quickly dodged and rushed over. The speed was a little unbelievable.

There is no doubt that Ling Xianger promised to catch her before she fell to the ground. This is just a small accident, but there is a bigger accident. Promise held Ling Xianger's waist with one hand and her chest with the other. How did he know that the woman's chest could not be supported by the way, and the situation was urgent at that time, so he could not take care of so much.

The promise held Ling Xianger's waist with one hand, and the wicker-like waist made him a little forgetful. Promise also has a hand holding Ling Xianger's chest, the soft touch, the fullness and fullness... The promise is not to forget to return at this time, but to subconsciously grab it twice, which is completely instinctive (it's another dog-blooded lens, I don't know if readers like it or not).

Silence, and all three people present calmed down, and they didn't expect such a scene to happen. The old man felt envious, and he promised that he had no choice but to feel some excitement. Which man can not be excited at this time? And Ling Xianger's feeling...

Hearing the high decibel scream of 'ah', Ling Xianger suddenly rushed up, and the speed surprised the promise a little. Of course, the promise was scared by Ling Xianger's cry to surprise her speed.

Ling Xianger's face was red at this time, her eyes were shining with water, raised the branch, and then shouted, "Mesh, you are a hooligan, I will kill you." After saying that, Ling Xianger took the branch and split it.

"Misunderstandings, these are all misunderstandings, Xianger, listen to me to explain." Xu Yi gently dodged a branch of Ling Xianger and said quickly.

Before Ling Xianger could speak, the old man next to him plugged in again. He said, "Young man, if you do something, you must dare to admit it. Don't have so many excuses. Even my old man looks down on you. If I do such a thing, I dare to admit it."

Hearing the old man's words, Ling Xianger was even more embarrassed. She raised the branch and rushed to Promise again. The angry Ling Xianger was a little scary. Even a branch was danced by her. Straight stabbing, sweeping, and slashing. For a while, Ling Xianger used the routines she had just learned to the fullest.

However, this does not surprise the promise. Xu promised that Ling'er's internal strength seemed to be a little surging. Even the branches, she danced with some swords. The most important thing is that he promised to smell the fragrance of Ling Xianger again, which made his previous inference more affirmed. That is, when Ling Xianger is excited or uses internal force, she will emit fragrance.

The promise did not explain at this time. He just avoided Ling Xianger's attack. Of course, with Ling Xianger's current ability, you can't make a promise. Ling Xianger still has a long way to go to compare with the promise. There is another reason why the promise does not explain, that is, to take advantage of this time to see if she can help her recover some memories, even if it helps.

However, the promised abacus did not succeed because Ling Xianger hit hard and was completely angry, so she was soon tired. After Ling Xianger split it again and was promised to dodge easily, she could only stand there and gasp for breath.

When he promised to see Ling Xianger so tired, he couldn't help but come up and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Ling Xianger did not answer him, but looked at the promise, then 'hummed' and walked aside and ignored him. Despite this, the promise saw from Ling Xianger's eyes that she didn't really blame the promise, but was just a little embarrassed to face him. Not to mention ancient times, even today, a woman will be embarrassed after being touched by a man (except for some special occupations and special people).

Xu Yue and Ling Xianger were embarrassed to talk, but the old man next to them was happy. He saw the 'competiton' between Ling Xianger and the promise, and Ling Xianger still fought well. How could this not make him happy?

"Hey, promise, do you know how powerful my female apprentice is? She is really a genius." As soon as the old man has a chance to brag, he will never let it go.

"She is really good. I hope you can teach her well. Maybe she can really become my opponent during the martial arts festival." Promise that in order to restore Ling Xianger's memory, he can only speak according to the old man's meaning.

"Master, what's the martial arts festival? Is it fun?" At this time, Ling Xianger came up and asked. Now, as soon as she mentions the word 'Wu', it can make her interested.

The old man could only introduce the Fighting Martial Arts Festival again. After listening to it, Ling Xianger's eyes suddenly lighted, and then asked excitedly, "Master, can I really participate in that grand event in two years?"

"Of course. You are my disciple. None of my apprentices is bad." After the old man finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and promised. That means obviously, and I just want to make a promise again. But the promise has made up his mind. He wants to steal the teacher, not worship the teacher.

"How can I participate? Is there any condition? Brother Xu and I are not from you. Can we participate?" Ling Xianger asked the old man.

"Of course. As long as you say that you are my disciples and change into the clothes of our tribe, you can participate. I used to participate in the same way." The old man replied.

"Have you participated before?" Promise to go up and down and look at the old man carefully.

"Nonsense, don't doubt this. I have been awarded the title of 'Brave' many times." With that, the old man masturbed the bird's hair on his head proudly.

"You don't know martial arts, how can you participate?" Promise asked the key to the problem.

"Well, well, the past is unbearable to look back." The old man was a little embarrassed this time. He continued, "Don't mention the past. Let's talk to the patriarch later and report all your names, and then you can attend. At this time, Buck should also come back."

The old man was right. They didn't wait long to see a figure appear at the mouth of the valley, and then quickly ran to several people.

"Master, I have completed your task." Buck gasped and was soaked all over at this time.

"Well, today's time is okay, but it can be faster." The old man finally has a little style of being a teacher.

"Old man, what task did you give Buck?" Promise asked strangely. He knows how Buck's physical strength is, and the task will not be easy to make Buck so tired.

"Nothing special, just let him run around the valley a few times, then swim up the river and then run back." The old man said lightly.

Although the old man's tone was plain, he promised that Buck either just ran a few laps and swam along the river, or the river was very fast. Xu Yue began to admire the old man a little. He knew that Buck's innate qualifications were not good, but it was better than good physical strength. Therefore, this old man let Buck train to the limit of his physical fitness every time, which can improve him.

"Okay, stop talking. Let's meet the patriarch." With that, the old man led the way in front of him.