fa mou

Chapter 148 Extremely boring game

A audience whispered, "Hey, what's wrong with these two people? Why haven't they stood for a long time?"

"How do I know, or the two of them are looking at each other? If I hadn't known that the two of them were masters before, maybe I would have thought they had mixed up." The B audience said uncertainly, but one thing is certain, that is, even the barbarians in the north have this kind of 'back door' and so on. I just don't know if I need to sacrifice the front door or other 'back door' to go through this back door? ( Ha ha, it's just a little adjustment. If you understand, you will understand. If you don't understand, you don't understand.)

"Tut, I think this must be a master at a certain level. Although they didn't do it, they did it in their mind. This is the master of the master." The audience said with a little emotion that the skin of the audience was whiter than others, but the circles of the eyes were much darker than those of the darkened people, that is, the legendary dark circles.

"Well, look at your dark circles, I think you are a 'hero' story, so that you can also think of it." The audience satirized the C audience, and then said, "I think these two people may be eye-catching. I heard that they are both disciples of the old brave, and they are both foreigners. Maybe they will fall in love for a long time."

When the audience said this, the audience suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, this statement makes sense. Look, there is a spark between them. Look at their hot eyes, their affectionate eyes, and the feeling of flowing water... I just found out that the two of them now It's such a good match. It seems that they really have the right eye.

"Master, what's going on?" At this time, even Buck was confused.

"Hum, young man, after all, you have little knowledge. What kind of comparison are they? Think about it yourself." The old man said mysteriously.

"But I just thought about it for a long time, and I can't think of a reason. Just tell me directly, master. If I don't understand, I won't be able to sleep tonight." Buck begged the old man pitifully.

"You can't sleep, and I can't sleep either, because I don't know what they are doing." The old man answered Buck bluntly and looked righteous.

"..." Buck couldn't help muttering in his heart. Master, even if you don't know, you don't have to pretend to be profound. I don't mean to laugh at you.

Most people will not understand what even the old man can't understand, so for a moment, there was a lot of discussion on the stage and pointed out to the two people standing on the stage. Even Tanshan, who had always been very calm, couldn't help standing up and frowned at the promise.

The audience is a little impatient to wait. There are all kinds of guesses, but they just don't move. Some spectators waited and suddenly found that they were hungry, so they took out a dough cake and ate it. After eating the dough cake, the two people standing quietly under the stage finally made some movements.

Ling Xianger's beautiful face turned a little blush, and her hand holding the belt also began to twist hard. And promised that he could faintly see the two hands on his back, and his fists were a little slowly clenched.

Finally, Ling Xianger, who had been raising her head slightly, slowly lowered her head and whispered, "I lost this game." After saying that, she rubbed her eyes with her hands.

Ling Xianger announced that she lost and lost inexplicably. What did they compare? Did they really have a duel in her mind? But it's not like that. It should also have aura, but how calm the two of them are, like a couple who look at each other silently.

Seeing that the referee was still in a daze, Ling Xianger repeated again, "Judge, I said I lost. Why don't you announce the result of the game?" This is not only the referee who is in a daze, but also many people under the stage are in a daze. What kind of martial arts competition is this? This is the most inexplicable competition they have ever seen. It can only be said to be a competition, not a martial arts competition.

The referee who came to his senses announced: "This is the promise of victory of the Ba people."

After the referee announced the result of the game, there was a piece of tranquility under the stage, and there was no usual noise and cheers. It's like letting a person who doesn't even know half a word go to see an exhibition of classical literature works, completely confused.

Since the game is over, the warriors of the game have to step down. Although there is no reporter TV station to interview the victory speech, the old man can't help it.

The old man hurried to Ling Xianger and asked, "Xiang'er, what on earth are you comparing? Why can't I understand? Why did you lose?" The old man's choice was wise, and he could guess that if he asked for a promise, he would not say it. But it's different to ask Ling Xianger. She will say it out.

However, everything has a probability. If the probability is not small, it will not happen, otherwise no one will win the prize. Sure enough, Ling Xianger hesitated for a while before saying, "Master, don't ask. Anyway, I have lost. Do you still want to mention my sadness?"

Ling Xianger's move was really a hundred attempts. After a little coquettishness, the old man stopped asking. So he turned to answer the promise with little hope and took a deep breath before asking, "A promise, what kind of ecstasy did you give Xianger to make her lose the game inexplicably? My apprentice, I still want her to win you."

"Winning is winning, and losing is losing. You don't need to say it's inexplicable if you can't see it." Promise not to forget the old man first.

However, for the sake of the truth, the old man put up with it and then simply admitted, "Okay, even if you win, tell me what the game is, so that I can understand the bet with you?"

"In fact, the game is very simple. I won't fight with Xiang'er, and she won't fight with me, hehe... Speaking of which, you should have guessed it, right?" Xu promised raised his eyebrows at the old man.

"Well..." The old man thought about their game process, and then said helplessly, "You won't be so bored. It's the game that whoever moves first and whoever moves first will lose?" Although the old man can guess ten*, he is still not sure, so he has a little doubtful tone.

"Cut, do you think I will do such a boring thing? If you think about it carefully, you will know it's not." Promise continued to despise the old man, and he seemed to enjoy it.

The old man thought about it again. Ling Xianger had moved her hand during the 'match' before, but she had not admitted defeat, which means that it was not a competition.

"Then say it directly, what are you compared with?" The old man is too lazy to guess. Anyway, it's the girl's mind, and you can't guess. As for the thought of the promise, he is an alternative person, so there is no need to guess.

"I can't see this. I also say what kind of martial arts master I am and the most powerful master. I think you are all bragging." Promise to continue the blow.

For the routine blow of the promise, the old man doesn't speak, and if he doesn't speak, he can only sing a monologue. In the end, he will still say it, so silence is golden!

"Did you see Xianger wipe her eyes when she admitted defeat?" Promised to ask.

"Ah..." The old man was really surprised. He seemed to have guessed.

"Yes, we are trying to see who blinks first, and whoever blinks first loses, hehe..." Promise said with a smile.

"..." The old man was completely speechless, and even Buck was speechless.

Who moves first in the game is boring. Isn't it boring for whoever blinks first in the game? Finally, the old man summarized and came to a conclusion. He said, "It seems that you are not bored, but extremely bored."

"Well, in the past, Xiang'er and I often had a fight on the roof, but I always lost to her, and now I finally won. I'm really glad." The promise sighed. In the past, under Ling Xianger's 'unequal treaty', he could only lose, but now he has finally won openly. A person who has lost for nearly two years is not easy to win. Everyone will sigh.


It's so boring. I have to run naked in such cold weather. The days without recommendations are like the days without a girlfriend. I'm used to it~~