fa mou

Chapter 149 At the beginning of the scene, the competition of the brave

There are few things that can make the old man unhappy, but today's promise makes the old man very unhappy, and when the old man is unhappy, the promise is still sighing, which makes the old man even more unhappy. The only solution to the unpleasant is to keep your unhappy people away from you, so the old man opened his mouth.

"I promise, it's time for your game. Don't sigh there. The real hard hand is coming. Don't drop the chain halfway later." The old man waved to the promise. The apparent meaning was obvious, and the internal meaning was very obscure, but it meant that you should leave quickly.

He didn't pay attention to the old man's promise at all. He turned around and said to Ling Xianger, "Xiang'er, take a good look. There may be a lot of things you can learn. If you learn it well, your weaknesses may slowly decrease. Also, don't forget our agreement. I will definitely win the game.

Originally, Ling Xianger wanted to cheer up the promise, but she didn't expect that the promise would warn her in turn, and also mentioned the agreement.

Ling Xianger looked at him for a while, and then said seriously, "I promise, if you win, I will surprise you." Ling Xianger's eyes at this time did not seem to be as simple as before, but the emotion for the promise was getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, nothing is more inspiring than Ling Xianger's promise. She smiled and then jumped, beautifully and gracefully, and gently fell on the martial arts stage. Now that we have reached the finals, there is no need to hide the promise. Now is the first step to show strength.

The promise showed a little, which immediately aroused the exclamation of the Ba people. You should know that this martial arts platform is very big, and there are not many people who can do it with such a light jump like Promise. Those people who used to be very uncomfortable with promises now find that they have been cheated by promises, so they slowly cheered and cheered for promises.

Not many people can do the promised action, but it also shows that several people can do it. Tanshan is one of the examples. Since the promises have revealed their martial arts in a high-profile way, Tanshan naturally can't fall behind. This is not him or their style.

I saw that Tanshan also jumped high and quickly, and then fell into the middle of the field with a 'pop' sound. Compared with the promised elegance, Tanshan is obviously a fast and powerful master, which can be seen at a glance.

Bo both stood on both sides and did not say anything tacitly. In fact, between the master's moves, there is no need to talk, and one look of the two people is clear. In fact, there is another reason, that is, most masters rarely talk because they are addicted to martial arts, don't deal with people enough, are a little withdrawn, and are not deeply involved in the world. At this time, you can only communicate through your heart, and the way to communicate your heart is to look into each other's eyes. It is also because of this that many masters, if they are of the same sex, often have some sparks between men and women.

At the time of gossip, the atmosphere on the field has been completely different. The momentum of Promise and Tanshan has been raised, and they all want to overwhelm each other in momentum. If there are invisible waves on the stage at this time, it is not too much.

Promised to fight against Tanshan, which made the referee on one side suffer. At this time, he was like being between two fierce beasts. There was a tiger in the front and a jackal in the back, and the referee suddenly sweated coldly.

This time, the referee did not announce the start of the game first, but ran off the stage in dismay and secretly wiped a cold sweat before announcing, "Now, the game begins." The referee's approach is very wise.

The duel between masters often requires a breakthrough. Otherwise, the two will stand like this, no one will reveal any flaws, and no one will take action first. It is not a problem to stand face to face for three days and nights. In the end, it was not a martial arts competition, but more hungry than anyone else. However, even if one person starves to death, the other is too hungry to be motivated, so both of them may die in the end.

That's why there are often pairs of bones on the top of Mount Hua, the peak of Tiandu and the top of Wushan. This skeleton, if not a martyr couple who yearns for romance and freedom, is a pair of masters who died. Therefore, this is how the masters fall, because they are too tolerant.

The referee's voice was like breaking the breakthrough point of two people quietly fighting against, so both of them took action in a timely manner. The two people stand face to face, very close, and they can hit each other as long as they take a step. Therefore, they all adopted the fastest attack method, which is to use fists.

For two people who are all on alert, no matter how fast their fists are, their reaction is not slow. With a 'pop', both of them caught each other's punch at the same time. After a punch, both of them took a step back and kicked each other. If the audience didn't know that they were in the martial arts, they would have thought they were brothers in contact.

Their movements were almost the same, and they were rebounded by each other's foot force, and the two slid to both sides and separated. However, it can be seen that in terms of strength, the promise is slightly inferior. It is not a wise choice to compare strength with orangutans and speed with cheetahs. At this time, the promise is like a cheetah, and Tanshan is like an orangutan. The two have each other's length.

"It seems that this is a hard battle." How can there be less old men at this time, so I heard his comments.

"But it seems that Brother Xu is at a loss." Ling Xianger said with concern. After listening to the promise, she has been carefully observing the competition between the two, so she can see that the promise has suffered a little secret loss.

"Ha ha, in those years, I didn't compare with Tanshan, and I didn't have as much strength as his, but I didn't win in the end." The old man looked back at the past and then continued, "The promise is just an arrogant practice. He just wants to try Tanshan's strength, but with ghosts, he can't look at his own shortcomings and attack each other's strengths. If there is a good show, I don't know what the stinky boy will have.

Sure enough, as the old man said, after trying Tanshan's strength, he curled the corners of his mouth slightly, then hummed silently and rushed to Tanshan. It seems that Promise has now decided to take advantage of his speed advantage and do it with all his strength.

Tanshan also understood his meaning from the promised eyes. He also shouted immediately, and suddenly his muscles tightened up, like pieces of black iron.

When the two figures came into contact, there was a 'crackling' sound, which continued one after another, like the dull sound of firecrackers. Yes, many people can only see people and hear sounds, and can't see their movements clearly. Even the masters present rarely can see the movements of the two of them. Therefore, for a moment, there was no sound around except for the sound on the stage. They are afraid of missing any action, even if they can't see it clearly, so they are not in the mood to speak.

Although the figure can't be seen clearly, the two of them can see the destruction of the martial arts platform very clearly.' With a click, Tanshan split down, and the blue stone under his feet suddenly cracked, and small stones splashed. Hearing another 'whis', he promised to sweep his leg, which immediately caused a dust array and rushed to Tanshan. If Tanshan's feet are used to split wood, the promised feet are used to sweep the floor, or it is a good choice, the unscrupulous old man thinks so.

Promise to walk around Tanshan and constantly attack Tanshan with fists and feet. Tanshan opened up and closed, but only defended the key points, not promised to fight back. Promised to give him three punches and two feet in the not critical part of Tanshan. Although there was no fatal injury, the big Tanshan was also very painful. Tanshan changed one or two moves from time to time. Although there were few attacks, the victory was high efficiency and strength. Even if the promise took off some strength, it also made the promise stagger.

In this way, both of them use fists and feet, so I can only give you a punch and you give me a kick. This is a martial arts competition, and it is also more durable than anyone else. The promise is not strong enough, but he fights a lot; although Tanshan attacks less, he is strong enough.

Therefore, before it was time for a cup of tea, the non-sophistic parts of the two people were bruised. Even if it is not the key part, it is also the body, and it is also fleshy and painful. However, it depends on who can bear the end.