fa mou

Chapter 168 Fight to the Death, the Promised Plan

The promise has always had confidence in himself. If even he feels that he has no confidence, it means that his opponent is so strong that he can't resist desperately. So far, Promise has only met such a person, that person is Leng Hui. At that time, as soon as Leng Hui took action, he already knew that he was invincible. Now, the promise is not the promise made two years ago, and he is now full of confidence in himself. Tanshan, this person is just a stepping stone for him. After this time, Promise and Ling Xianger will go to Kyoto, promising that they even hope to meet the man in gray again.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking the soft sword in his hand. This thin soft sword was immediately shaken straight and hard by the promise. This sword also began to be filled with murderous atmosphere. No, it should be said that it was murderous, because Tanshan had already felt it.

Tanshan's pupils couldn't help shrinking. He knew that the promise would come true, which was also what he hoped. Promises can be described as 'cold', killers are generally 'cold', while Tanshan can be described as 'crazy', because most of the barbarians are very crazy, and Tanshan is a typical example. This 'cold' and 'crazy' is about to be touched. Even the warriors of all races around the hut and looking at the two, they felt a burst of murder. Some people even feel difficult to breathe. Who made them stand so close to the hut? It's no wonder that it's not difficult to breathe.

'Crazy' people often can't help but be called 'Crazy', so Tanshan attacked first. Tanshan is suffocated, whether it is the mood to really compare with the promise or the smell.

I saw Tanshan roaring, strengthening himself, and then splitting down against the promise with a knife. There are many advantages of cutting diagonally. It is not as deft as straight clashing, and it is not as forward as horizontal clashing. Although Tanshan held a knife, he also well shud this word 'smart'.

Tanshan's knife contains many changes. No matter how he promises to resist, he can quickly change his moves and attack again. Of course, this is also under the premise of promise of resistance.

promised to take a step back in a hurry, and the knife split in front of him. The strength of the knife almost scratched his clothes.

Tanshan saw that Xu Nuo had dodged a knife. His knife had just been split, and then he immediately reversed the edge of the knife, took a step forward, and cut it diagonally again.

There is no doubt that the promise once retreated and dodged, and then Tanshan split again, promised to hide again, Tanshan split again, promised... Suddenly found that the two people in the duel seemed to be very boring.

Although other warriors have such a little feeling, Ling Xianger was very worried. She asked the old man, "Master, why doesn't Brother Xu return his hand? If it goes on like this, won't his momentum become weaker and weaker, and it will be dangerous in the end."

In fact, Ling Xianger is concerned about it. If she thinks about it carefully, with her understanding of the promise, she can definitely guess the meaning of the promise. It's Ling Xianger who can't guess, so the old man has a chance to perform. Don't ask when the old man will stand with Ling Xianger. There is a place for Ling Xianger or a place with beautiful women. It's strange that the old man doesn't come over.

"Ha ha, Xiang'er apprentice, don't worry. This is the stinky boy testing Tanshan. Look at his routine. He has never fought a uncertain battle." The old man slowed down and then continued, "Moreover, when he practices with you, you are always attacking. He is defending, but he doesn't see that the stinky boy can lose so fast. You don't think your offensive strength will be worse than that Tanshan.

Yes, in terms of attack alone, Ling Xianger's attack is undoubtedly the most fierce. However, she is only aggressive, which is a desperate practice. Only the old man can teach such a strange apprentice.

Sure enough, as the old man said, when he promised to retreat to the edge of the roof, he took a deep breath (don't ask why, I just suffothed for so long, and it wouldn't be too smelly on the edge, so I took a breath). In the face of Tanshan's knife again, he promised not to hide again this time.

Promise's wrist shook, and the soft sword obediently knocked on the middle part of the knife and immediately bounced Tanshan's knife away. The knife had bounced away, and the empty door in front of Tanshan's chest suddenly appeared, promising to take a quick step and stand up and stab.

The sword promised should be fast and accurate. If he doesn't take action, it will be amazing. The promised sword was sharp, and Tanshan was not a straw bag. He hurriedly retreated and avoided the promised sword.

However, even Tanshan can learn to change his moves, not to mention the promise of a biased sword. Xu promised to see Tanshan's way of hiding, and took Tanshan's throat with a sword.

Tanshan was originally bowing. In the face of the promised move, although he dodged, he was still scratched in the face by the promised sword. Suddenly, the blood on Tanshan's face flowed out. However, a little blood is nothing to Tanshan. He came with the mentality that you came with a sword and I cut a knife.

Sure enough, as soon as the promised sword was picked up, Tanshan's knife cut across the promise's waist. The knife was fast and fierce, as if it was necessary to cut the promise in half. However, because the roof is too ugly, Tanshan hasn't taken a breath normally for a long time, and this knife is already a little false.

But the promise is different. He took a breath halfway. He easily dodged the knife of Tanshan, and then took Tanshan's throat with another sword from top to bottom. I have to say that every move promised has the feeling of being a killer before, and the move is straight to the point.

Tanshan saw that the promised sword was about to reach his throat and hurriedly jumped back to avoid the promised sword. The reason why Tanshan chose to jump back instead of blocking it was because he wanted to slow down the promised offensive.

Sure enough, he promised to be in the air, and there is nothing he can do about the sudden retreat of Tanshan. Even if it can't attack continuously, it can't stop the momentum of the promise. I saw that Promise turned abruptly in the air. Originally, it was head down, but now it landed steadily. Before Xu promised to stand firmly, he rowed on the ground with his feet, and his body suddenly floated towards Tanshan Mountain. Of course, with the past, no, to be precise, there should be a promised sword. Before the body arrived, the sword had arrived first.

Tanshan didn't expect that the promise could change so quickly, but he had had a little time to ease before, so he easily blocked the sword in front of his left chest. But don't forget that the promised sword is a soft sword, and this soft sword also has a soft sword. Obviously, Tanshan doesn't know much about soft swords. This is the first time he has competed with soft swords.

Tanshan blocked the tip of the sword, and the promised soft sword suddenly bent. Promise took the opportunity to send forward, and the tip of the sword blocked by Tanshan immediately bounced towards him, even with the sound of the sword. Tanshan didn't expect this change of promise. Although he tried to retreat, a deep cut on his chest was also drawn. This wound almost ran across his whole chest, which was the beauty of the soft sword.

Although the roof is wide, Tanshan has retreated all the way to the edge of the roof. At this time, Tanshan was hit by a sword by promise, and even if he was as strong as him, he took a cold breath. Yes, it's a cold breath, not the previous smell.

Tanshan didn't know how long he had been holding it, and suddenly breathed a relatively fresh air, which suddenly made him much more comfortable. Tanshan has been holding it for so long that he couldn't help taking another breath. This breath cheered him up a lot, and even the wound didn't hurt much. He is even confident that he can take down his promise in one fell swoop.

However, Tanshan's idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Between the master's moves, there is no time for you to take more breath. The time to take a breath is one move, or many moves, but it is enough to promise that only one move is needed.

Tanshan, who was still enjoying the fresh air, suddenly heard a shout and a big shout: "I promise, show mercy!"