fa mou

Chapter 169 Buck's goal

This shout made Tanshan shocked, and he also realized the mistake he had made. However, sometimes you make mistakes, and you don't have time to make up for your mistakes in the future. Especially between the master's moves, this is not the moment of your death or my death.

This reminder is that it is not others who promise to show mercy, let alone the Atan people, but Buck. Yes, only a few people in Buck know something about the promise, including his martial arts. Buck saw the promised sword, the special soft sword. When he stabbed it, the tip of the sword actually trembled. Buck knew that it was the result of the promise that most of the internal force had been used, and this sword would surely cause the mountain to die in an instant.

When Tanshan noticed the promised sword, the sword was close to his throat. What surprised him most was that he felt that no matter which side he hid, he could not escape the attack range of this sword. In the end, this sword will definitely penetrate his throat. Tanshan cried secretly in his heart, closed his eyes and was ready to die.

However, Buck shouted this sentence at the critical moment, just as the tip of the promised sword just trembled. Promise also heard Buck's shouting, and he didn't know why, but he knew there must be his reason. Thanks to Buck's timely shouting, there was room for the promise to stop.

When the promise heard Buck's words, he increased the internal force applied to the sword, and the sword trembled even more. When using a sword, it is not that the greater the internal force, the better. It is the real master to use it properly.

When he promised to increase his internal strength, the sword that could have penetrated Tanshan's throat and even smashed his throat was stabbed. The power of this sword is really not small. Even if the promise deliberately stabbed, the sword spirit still cut Tanshan's neck. The neck is a very fragile part of the human body. Such a powerful sword has only cut the neck. It seems that the promised use of the sword has reached another height.

Tanshan, who closed his eyes, felt a cold neck, and then felt pain. The cold sword was only on his neck, not his life. Tanshan opened his eyes incredulously, looked at the promise, and then said, "Why don't you take action? I won't be your prisoner."

The promise did not pay attention to Tanshan, and his fighting wits at this time were all gone. What he promised to care about was why Buck shouted that sentence. His eyes were looking at Buck.

Buck also knew why the promise looked at him, which needed an explanation from him. He looked at the promise seriously and said, "I want to defeat him in person."

When he heard Buck's words, he couldn't help frowning. He didn't understand the meaning of Buck's words. Because now Buck is no match for Tanshan at all. And Tanshan was surprised when he heard Buck's words.

Buck frowned when he saw the promise and understood what he meant. He didn't say it directly because he cared about his face. Buck said indifferently, "I can't beat him now, but I believe that I also have the confidence that I can definitely defeat him in the martial arts festival four years later. I just want you to leave me an opponent."

Buck said so because he knew that he would leave with Ling Xianger soon. At that time, if there is no opponent, it will be difficult for Buck to improve or stop. Now Buck needs a special breakthrough, which he thought of himself. And Buck's breakthrough is no longer something that others can teach, which needs to be experienced by himself.

Buck said so, and the promise also understood. However, if you really put Tanshan back like this, there will still be a great threat to Buck before Buck surpasses Tanshan. He promised that now is not the time to care about gentlemen and villains, and he never cares about these things.

While Tanshan looked at Buck and shook his mind, he promised to kick Tanshan's chest heavily. How could Tanshan think that the promise at this time would still take action? This kick was quite solid, kicking Tanshan down the roof and then fell heavily to the ground. Tanshan, who fell to the ground, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood one after another, and covered his chest in pain.

There is no doubt that Tanshan was promised to 'sneak attack', but he was seriously injured, and I don't know if his bones have been broken. Anyway, if Tanshan doesn't cultivate for a few months, it won't be completely better. Tanshan will have to recover to its best state in the past few months, which is also the best time for Buck to catch up, and his promise can only be done.

Buck also seemed to understand the meaning of the promise and nodded to him. Xu Yu also jumped off the roof, and he didn't want to breathe the stench on it. The promised victory gave great encouragement to the warriors of all ethnic groups and even cheered for him. However, a promised action puzzled everyone.

Because he promised that he could spare Tanshan, but he could not spare another person, which was a very dangerous task. If this person is allowed to stay among the Atans, it is tantamount to adding chips to the Atans. This is not a promise to worry about the sky and look down on the warriors of all races, but to do so to get out future troubles.

That's right. The person promised to deal with is Tler, who has just been distracted. After jumping off the roof, the target pointed straight to Tler. The combination of a fast sword, a clean and neat action, and an unparalleled figure is not what Tler can resist.

Even when the promise ran through Tlaire's throat, he was still in a dawe. However, the rapidly dissipated consciousness made him feel that all this was real. He also saw the promise not to kill Tanshan, which showed that he still had a chance to live. Because in his cognition, these Ba people are much more important to look at Tanshan than to him.

However, all this is Trier's wishful thinking, because he met a promise that it would not leave too much trouble for his friends. Everyone didn't understand why the promise was to kill Tlaire, except for the old man.

With the wisdom of the old man, he can compete with Tler, but after all, the old man is old. Therefore, now is the time to promise to explain. If you do anything, there must be a saying no.

"Everyone must think why I killed this guy." Promise pointed to the gradually cold body on the ground. His sword had been cleaned and he withdrew it from his belt.

Everyone did not answer, because the promise asked their hearts. Moreover, the promise is the brave, and the brave must have their own reasons. If they are ordinary people, the warriors of all races are not so talkative.

"Because this guy is the most vicious person I have ever seen." He promised to put a stinky label on Tler casually, and then continued to say, "If it hadn't been for the help of old warriors and warriors of all races tonight, we don't know how many people will die. This guy actually took people to kill some old and weak women and children when we went to the bonfire party. Such a person is also a scourge to stay in the world. It's better to get rid of him now.

The promise is reasonable, and there are many things that don't make sense. However, because the promise is the brave, the warriors, including ordinary people, have great respect for the brave. Therefore, the reasonable words made them empathize with them, and some unreasonable promises were also caused by Trier. Therefore, all the charges were added to Teller, which made him bear the bad name when he died.

The battle was over, the crowd soon dispersed, and the warriors of all races returned to their previous residences. And the warriors of the Ba people cleaned the battlefield, and those who were alive were held up. As for the cold ones, they could only be buried. He promised to return directly to the valley without discussing anything with the old man, the patriarch Ba'i and others. As for Ling Xianger, she naturally follows the promise all the time.

There is another reason why he promised not to participate in the discussion between them, that is, he thought it was time to leave. As for how the ethnic groups can deal with the Atan people, and how Buck can defeat Tanshan, it depends on their ability. Promise also has important things to do, that is, to go to Kyoto to rescue Boss Ling, whom he hasn't seen for almost two years.