fa mou

Chapter 170 is leaving

Not to mention what the old man talked about, nor how to deal with the captured Atan warriors, and how to deal with the Atan in the future. Because these are no longer important, the promise has been rewarded, and the next step is to do your own thing, and it's time to leave.

Promised to take Ling Xianger back to the valley. At this time, the valley was a mess. Don't mention that this is not a wolf after the war, but those Ba people who were used as 'bait'. After getting drunk, they lay down on the ground. Not only people, but also those bottles and glasses are scattered everywhere. From the animal bones on the bonfire that is still burning, we can see how fierce their 'war situation' was just now.

It's just that these Ba people are too drunk. Last night's group of people simply drank all night, and then they were intoxicated. Undoubtedly, these Ba people tonight are not warriors, at least not good hands. For ordinary people, the relative amount of alcohol must be much worse than that of warriors. So, they were all drunk and fell asleep. It's good to sleep. They don't know that they are treated as 'bait', and they don't know that they have been locked away.

Sometimes, ignorance, ignorance and unknown can be called blessings. Because of this, there is nothing to worry about, which is why children are so naive and lively. Of course, the world needs responsibility. If you have grown up, you have to take responsibility. Just like a promise, what you say must be done. This is the real promise, otherwise it's just an empty talk.

Promise also saw Ling Xianger standing beside the group of drunken people, as if she was thinking about something, and Promise seemed to vaguely guess something. Promise knows that Ling Xianger has recovered a lot of memories, which may be a little sentimental after recovering her before.

Promise went up, slowly put his hand on Ling Xianger's shoulder, gently hugged her, which looked a little bleak, and then asked softly in her ear, "What are you thinking?"

Ling Xianger gently leaned against the promised chest and whispered, "Brother Xu, how good it would be if we were carefree every day like these ordinary people."

Hearing Ling Xianger's sigh, the promise sighed slightly and said helplessly, "Why don't I want to do this? When I was a killer before, I was used to seeing other people's life and death. It doesn't matter. Since I met you, I have also begun to yearn for such a life."

"Life is not what we can choose. At least now we can't choose. We are just a pawn in this world. Our current situation can only be at the mercy of others. If others don't want us to live well, we have no choice, just like the Ba people. Even if they love peace, but However, the Atan people came to harass them. This is the helplessness of the promise.

"If we don't want to be manipulated and want to live our own lives, we must be powerful and have the power to speak." This is the opinion of promise.

"But now the most important thing is to save your father first. Although Boss Ling said that they would not hurt him, I'm afraid that the prime minister will be impatient after a long time. The prime minister should be a cruel person. If it is useless chess pieces, I'm afraid he won't give it to him. Others, but destroy him. This is a promise of worry.

"Ah, if that's the case, aren't we going to Kyoto quickly?" Speaking of Boss Ling, Ling Xianger put aside the so-called sentimentality and began to worry about her father.

"What I just said is just the worst opinion, but anyway, the faster we get to Kyoto, the better, and the safer Boss Ling will be." Promise to comfort Ling Xianger. However, this is not a comfort, just explain the matter to her and make her feel at ease.

Sure enough, Ling Xianger's heart was also slightly relieved. Now that her heart has been relieved, Ling Xianger has returned to her original nature. She grabbed the word promise and looked at the promise very clearly and said, "Brother Xu, what did you call my father just now? Say it again?"

Seeing Ling Xianger's innocent eyes, her soft temperament, hearing the gentle voice, and smelling the fresh breath, how can she think of a promise? Is this a trap?

So, the promise answered bluntly, "Well... I just called Boss Ling. What's the problem?"

"Then what did you call me?" Ling Xianger continued to 'stumbling' to promise.

"I call you Xianger. What's the problem?" The promise was confused by Ling Xianger.

As soon as the promise fell, I felt a pain in my waist. Yes, this pain is Ling Xianger's masterpiece, which she pinched. It hasn't been used up yet, and it will turn 180 degrees. Of course, she can't calm down after turning around, and she has to continue to question.

Ling Xianger began to question the promise, and she said angrily, "A promise, aren't you going to abandon me in the end? You don't want me, or what you get, no, the woman you get is worthless and not worth nostalgia?"

In the face of Ling Xianger's machine gun-like inquiry, the promise was simply blindfolded. Where is this? The promise is unknown, so you have to ask clearly, don't you?

"Xiang'er, how could I leave you? Didn't I say I wanted to go to Kyoto with you?" Promise said at a loss. In front of Ling Xianger, when they were alone, they always promised that there was nothing they could do with her.

"Then why did you ask my father to be Boss Ling?" Ling Xianger is called by the taste of food. Of course, only when the two of them are alone will Ling Xianger be so coquettish with her promise.

"Then what should I call it?" His waist is still tortured. Why don't he ask the promise to give in?

"You got my body. Will you not marry me in the future? Since you want to marry me, will you change my father?" Ling Xianger is really preparing for a rainy day, and she can even think of such a 'long-term' thing.

"Should I ask your father to do it..." As soon as the promise said this, Ling Xianger stared at him again, and the meat in her waist was increased by 60 degrees.

Xu promised to immediately realize his mistake, and he immediately changed his words and said, "Then I should call our father, the former boss Ling, father, right?"

As soon as he finished saying this sentence, he felt that his waist suddenly loosened, and even 'horse ~ kill ~ chicken' was not so 'cool'. After hearing the promise, Ling Xianger was obviously very happy, and even patted the promise on the shoulder and said, "Good boy, good boy, my father, oh, no, it should be our father. If he sees you, he will be very happy. All right, I'll pack my clothes first and be ready to leave at any time.

Preparing clothes is just an excuse. How can this northern barbarian clothes be worn to Jin'an? If they are not surrounded by those people, they will also be captured by officers and soldiers. The promise also knows that Ling Xianger is embarrassed. Although she has a chivalrous demeanor, it is not easy to decide on marriage events.

I don't know why, when the promise was forced to ask by Ling Xianger, it was a little sweet in my heart and felt very warm. This is not a habit of promising and being abused, but the father, which is a feeling of having a loved one. What a good feeling for the promise of loneliness in the past and now yearning for family, love and friendship.

Xu promised to look at Ling Xianger's back and couldn't help smiling. He also needed to pack his clothes. Of course, the reason for promising to pack his clothes is just an excuse in his heart. He wants to be with Ling Xianger for a while.

It's not a promise that there is no chance to be alone with Ling Xianger, but that there may be no chance to get along in this valley in the future. I don't know how dangerous the future will be, and I don't know when I will have the opportunity to come back. This is the place where they have lived for nearly two years. Why don't they miss it?

Not to mention two years, I promise that even if I have lived in the guest building for two months, I still feel extremely nostalgic.