fang shi tian shu

Chapter 87 The context and the much-anticipated gentleman

"Big bad guy, you must be calculating others!" Yun Duoduo stuck out his tongue and ran away.

Do I plan for others? Scratching his hair, Wang San sighed with a smile and walked into Li Su's room.

When he came out again, Wang San's straight waist was obviously loose, and there was a heavy burden on his shoulders.

At this time, it was breakfast, and Li Su solemnly reported the matter to his wife and Yang Hairuo. Hearing this, the mother and daughter also had no special expressions, just nodded and thought about it. Madam asked, "Taiyi, what's your opinion?"

Listening to his mother call Li Su's name, Yang Hairuo was inexplicably unhappy, but it was not noticed.

Li Su said, "The three adults gave orders. Naturally, we can't get rid of the blame. We have to try our best to complete it."

Madam said, "Is there any way?"

Li Su said, "There is nothing we can do. We can only rely on the reputation of the general to find some practitioners to help. In addition, the people in our army are more ** about their breath, and I will also take people to various families to distinguish them carefully.

Madam nodded and said, "Oi, just do as you say. You can act cheaply about this, and you can report it later.

"Yes." After that, Li Su bowed back and retreated until she left the main hall.

As soon as Li Sugang left the main hall, Yang Hairuo shook his wife's arm and said reluctantly, "Mom! Why are you so kind to Li Su? There must be something wrong with him when he comes to our house!"

Madam smiled and pushed away her left arm, which could not be shaken by Yang Hairuo, and said, "Okay, my mother has let you, this girl, fall off. Why do you still don't like Taiyi's child so much?

Yang Hairuo frowned and said, "Mom, this is what you told me. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. According to his father and himself, he was so powerful and famous in the army before, why did he have to come to our house as a housekeeper? This is not normal. There must be something else!"

Madam nodded Yang Hairuo's head annoidly and said, "Since you know that it's your father's chess piece arranged to accompany you, why don't you like it?"

This is not a matter of joy and dislike, this is a matter of disgust and insatiable.

Every time he saw his father's secret letter in the army, he had to handle it and sent it to himself. When he saw Li Su's face, he never smiled and flattered, and saw the housekeeper's letter materials that he never stopped. Seeing that Li Su was repeatedly teased by others that he came to be a housekeeper for himself, he did not say anything. When he saw Li Su's Bishi The woman's more beautiful face, Yang Hairuo's boredom can't stop at all.

This kind of thought naturally never has anything to do with outsiders, but the clue is clearly seen by his wife. The lady said, "Xiaohai, don't be suspicious. There must be something wrong with his origin, but you don't believe your father? How can it be bad for us to arrange for your father to come back?

Yang Hairuo said, "But he must have a problem!" I don't believe that any young general who has done well in the army is willing to come back to do these chores, even if he is sent by his father. In this situation, it can only be said that he is not the material of a general, but a natural conspirators, sent back to let him calculate. I don't like this kind of person."

Madam nodded. My daughter can really draw inferences from it. She has taught her so many ways to observe and distinguish things. Over the years, she has had such a sense of thinking. However, his wife still advised, "Xiaohai, you should know that there are many kinds of people in the world. Whether born or learned, when you see a person's nature, you should know that that person cannot be changed. Since he can't be changed, our purpose is to make good use of this person and use his strengths for me. Taiyi's child is indeed very scheming, but if he is not deep, can your father arrange him back from the army? Didn't you see that when did we worry about things at home after Taiyi came back for so long?

Yang Hairuo naturally knew this truth in his heart, but the emotion in his heart lingered. He simply said coquettishly, "If you don't care, just let him do it. It has nothing to do with me. Sit at home and wait for the result and see what he will do!"

Madam pulled the daughter who acted coquettishly every time she saw her, and asked with a smile, "Of course he will do it, but Xiaohai has no idea?"

Yang Hairuo pondered slightly and said, "This matter is obviously coming up to our house. No matter how clumsy the means are and how obvious the intention is, it will make my family's reputation unpretentious. It's just that it's not clear who did it.

I don't know how many times such a dialogue has appeared between mother and daughter. The wife has been training her daughter's thinking habits in this way for more than ten years, and that is why Yang Hai is now a talented woman with both literature and martial arts. Today, the lady still asked in depth as usual, "Why is the separation unclear?"

Yang Hairuo said, "Now my father is too powerful, and it is too easy to attract hatred. If our military power is reduced, both the Prime Minister and Yuan Tianjiao's right to speak in the court can be magnified. This is a big deal. Since all officials have strange things, it can only explain two things. The first is that the people who use the demon law are indeed powerful enough to affect enough officials. The second is that there are many instigators. I don't believe that all the houses that claim to have strange things at home have indeed experienced. At present, all the officials have the same caliber, and Yuan Tianjiao does not push this kind of thing on us. At least it shows that the Prime Minister's faction and Yuan Tianjiao have at least reached some tacit understanding, and the two sides work together to force their father to make some concessions.

Madam nodded and said, "Is there anything else?"

Yang Hairuo thought about it and said, "I think it makes sense that Yuan Tianjiao said that these things were done by that fairy sect. After all, we are all imperial officials. If we really do such a thing, in case of exposure, the emperor will not be soft. What's more, this kind of thing suddenly happened in the empire, and there is no other reason for the south, the north, the west, and the east of the East. In this way, it is inevitable that his fairy gate is rampant around and creates chaos in the imperial capital. However, those people of the Fairy Gate probably did not expect that a calculation originally to disturb our empire was turned into such a farce by the Prime Minister and Yuan Tianjiao because of the snobbish guidance.

Madam smiled and said, "Okay, what should we do?"

Yang Hairuo said, "As long as we are also guided by the situation, we will solve each other according to what they say. If there is really something to solve it, we will solve it. If there is nothing to do and fish in troubled waters, we will say that it has been solved. Does he really dare to mess around? We just need to adapt to changes, and even take the opportunity to find the source of chaos in various officials to suppress the remaining two strengths. Why not?

Madam nodded and said, "Well, I think well, and the context is probably clear. It's just that you still need to understand that this empire is still a holy empire after all.

Madam is meaningful, but Yang Hairuo is like being struck by thunder!

"How can it be, Holy..."

Madam said helplessly, "How can a minister disobey the meaning of the emperor? Your father threw away the tiger's teeth, and the emperor did not cure our sins. This is already a grace.

Yang Hai is sad. The lady didn't make more demands and said slowly, "Today, the new teacher is coming. Let's see if you can calm his anger and ask him to help us solve that mess."

If Wang San hears this dialogue, he must be relieved why he has been inexplicably thinking that Yang Hairuo is stupid. This analysis, when it comes to Wang San, there will only be one evaluation: dirty heart and rotten lungs! Although what they have analyzed should indeed be quite different from the facts.

But Wang San can't hear it. Just before and after breakfast, Wang San was politely invited into his room by Li Su for the third time, and then swam out of the mountain again.

"No, Brother Li, I have agreed. Why do you still persuade me? I won't slate my promise!" Wang San said with a sad face.

Li Su said, "Sir, this is not a small matter. The scale of the strange thing is so large, whether it is intentional or unintentional, but I really don't know how many hands there are behind the scenes. What's your opinion, little Mr.?

Wang San was helpless: "Why don't you see anything? Why don't we just go out and clean up the people who do it in two days?"

Li Su understands that it will naturally take a few days to do it. If they move too fast to solve problems too quickly, it is doubtful. Why is it so easy for you to solve things that can't be solved by Yuantian Religion? Conspiracy is always in short supply. However, Li Su was still unsure and said, "Mr., we can't rely on anyone else this time. Naturally, the Prime Minister's Mansion and Yuan Tianjiao will not help, and it is even more impossible for the idle practitioners to be pulled. Can you and me solve so many problems?"

Wang San shook his head: "That's not necessarily. If Yuan Tianjiao doesn't want to help, he won't help? Isn't it good to find a trick so that they have to get involved?"

Li Su's eyes lit up when he heard the words. For a moment, there was a charming smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "I understand~ Let's do it!"

Wang's three embarrassment! You understand, I don't understand! I'm not a roundworm in your stomach. You don't say anything but want me to cooperate with you seamlessly? He patted his forehead in despair and said, "What do you know? Don't play riddles with me. If you have something to say..."

"Wait for the gentleman who teaches practice today to come..."

And the two broken young masters of the Yuanshan General's mansion, Yang Pojun and Yang Poxie, who are famous in the whole dynasty, are also waiting for his visit. Although the two young masters are endlessly stubborn and ignorant of the world, they can't stand the Yuanshan General's Mansion, which is really well-informed! As soon as they had breakfast, they heard that Mr. Duan Liang, who came to teach well yesterday, was actually dead! What's more frightening is that Mr. Duan Liang died of blood because he went to the general's mansion yesterday to make up lessons for the two young masters!

Where is this? We haven't seen him at all except in yesterday's class!

But how did you say this to the new gentleman?