fang shi tian shu

Chapter 178 Piercing?

A few dark shadows shot quickly, and Qi Le couldn't help thinking about it. In an emergency, the magic changed. The huge bat that had been taking shape on Qi Lekai's body suddenly dissipated, and Qi Lekai's body was rolled up with a huge whirlpool of vitality!

If you look carefully, the huge whirlpool around Qi Le is actually composed of countless extremely small bats transformed by vitality!

The bats are dancing wildly!

This is one of Qi Lekai's most effective interference techniques. To ventilize the vitality into small bats is to completely manipulate these vitality under their own hands. Such a magnificent amount of vitality is so powerful to interfere with the enemy.

However, what Qi Lekai is facing is not the usual enemy! In flash, Qi Lekai remembered the vines on Sun's hand before! The kind of vine that twists crazily when it touches the vitality!

Now that it's too late, Qi Lekai can only try his best to urge the bats around him!

These small bats are not just vitality. Every bat that is not the size of a fingertip has enough impact to match the projectile shot by the standard slingshots equipped by a few sergeants! Such a force, coupled with a dense number, is difficult to do!

Those black shadows got into the bat group, and the speed of flight suddenly accelerated! However, under the impact of countless bats, these shadows also lost their targets at the same time, strangely changing and accelerating!

Sooner or later, a few shadows flew around almost at the same time as Qi Lekai changed his spell, as if they had exploded.

The shadow suddenly stagnated in a very small circle, and then shot directly into Qi Lekai's abdomen like a corrective posture! Qi Lekai only felt that his head was suddenly empty, and his consciousness was completely lost at this moment, followed by the instant dissipation of the spell he had been inspiring!

I only heard a scream from Qi Lekai, and the whole person fell directly from the air!

After a dark shadow was hit by countless small bats, it flew down and rushed directly to the head of a guard battalion soldier! The urgent situation is that even the soldier who has practiced strong gymnastics can't avoid it. He can only turn his body, avoid his head, and send his right shoulder to this shadow flight route.

Only a huge muffled sound was heard, and the shadow plunged into the soldier's shoulder! However, the dark shadow only penetrated two or three centimeters deep and touched the soldier's bones and could no longer move.

At the same time, Qi Lekai's body also fell to the ground heavily, and then heard screams.

Sun Yi didn't seem to hear the screams on his side and ordered sharply: "Zhengnan! Throw it!"

The soldiers who had been adjusted to a state of war since they found the abnormality moved when they heard the order. The small bags around the waist of these soldiers are full of iron and stone projectiles, and there are even a few precious explosive bombs! With an order, all the guards battalion soldiers tried their best to the grass.

And Sun Yi picked up the strong crossbow he had been carrying behind his back and shot at the open ground in front of him. Although this strong crossbow is not a famous iron rope crossbow, it is also a very hard crossbow machine. Ordinary soldiers are loaded in advance and used at critical moments. However, Sun Yi shot a strong crossbow that could only fill one arrow five times this time! In the meantime, the other soldiers only threw two or three bullets!

Only at this moment, dense projectiles flew into the grass ahead like hail. However, once these projectile arrows shot into the grass, they were silent, and only the screams of Qi Lekai kept echoing in the whole space.

didn't hit a hit.

At this time, the shot soldier came to Sun Yi with a shuttle-shaped object in his hand and said, "General, this is it."

Sun must take a look. It's really the kind of small vine he just saw! The hidden weapon is extremely sharp in front and back, and the vines that make up it are still twisting and moving. What shocked Sun more was that this thing was clearly composed of plants and vines, but it seemed to have its own life, constantly struggling and twisting in the hands of this soldier, as if to escape!

Sun glanced at the man's right shoulder, and the soldier shook his head and said, "The skin is injured. Just wrap it up."

motioned him to tie up this vine and take good care of it, and Sun Yi looked at Qi Lekai, who was still lying on the ground struggling.

Qi Lekai's lower abdomen opened a hole the size of a tea bowl! And on the left spine of his back, a two-finger wide blood hole also appeared! This blow actually completely penetrated Qi Le!

And where has Qi Lekai ever suffered such an injury! When he lowered his head, he even felt that he could already see his intestines! So the screams were even worse!

The battle circle contracted, and the two soldiers withdrew to help Qi Le open the bandage. After the dressing was completed, Qi Lekai seemed to have lost all his strength. His loud scream turned into a deep moan, and his face became paler and paler.

Sun Yi saw this and asked, "Mr. Qi, does that thing really completely restrain your spell?"

"Retraint? Can I be penetrated if I don't restrain myself? I can still be penetrated!"

"That is to say, once that thing is attacked, not only can you attack, but you can't do anything, otherwise it will be more dangerous to you?"

Qi Lekai suddenly went crazy and shouted, "What is more dangerous? What is more dangerous! Following you is the most dangerous thing! If you don't have to come and have a look, can we have met this kind of thing? It's all your command!"

Listening to Qi Le's loud shouting, Sun Yi's heart sank. Although his voice was raised again, there was no confidence in it. This lack of confidence alone exposing Qi Lekai's weakness.

"If that thing attacks again, will you become the primary target of the attack?"

Sun Yi said to himself, and the remaining six practitioners were no more ugly than Qi Lekai's face. They subconsciously moved their steps and leaned against the soldiers of the guard battalion beside them.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Yi said, "Mr. Qi is seriously injured and needs urgent treatment. Now all the people return the same way, send Mr. Qi to a safe place, and another group of people continue to explore.

A group of people to explore? Several practitioners heard the words, and the user regained some blood color on their pale faces.

And Qi Lekai heard the words "serious injury" and became hysterical again. However, no one cares what he said. Those sharp scolding, in addition to highlighting his weakness, can more or less strengthen the courage for this practitioner.

After dressing, the whole team left immediately and returned.

When the six practitioners marched, they closely followed the soldiers beside them.

(Dry! Today, I was in a good state, but I finally found a little ordinary feeling. Three thousand words had already been written, and it was going to explode, but when I uploaded it, my hand was deleted by mistake! Want to kill! Why didn't I feel the first time when I wrote something later? Want to kill! This is the situation. The details of the plot are the same, but the mood is not right, and the things written feel too bad. Shit! I have to move during the day, so this week should be this kind of weak 2K. Day!)