fang shi tian shu

Chapter 179 Lost

Their bodies were crippen and their necks tightened and lowered, hiding their whole body behind the soldiers next to them.

However, although hiding, the eyes of these practitioners are full of resentment.

These people only jumped into noble people in the world in response to the changes in the world, and there is not much experience among them. Such a frivolous and noble person often reveals a sense of superiority in his bones. The reason is that villains get the ambition and laugh at others and still need to work hard.

But now, they are suddenly placed in this place of life and death, but they are exposed to the weaknesses they have not experienced. The superior shell is burst in front of reality. The more superior they are, the more embarrassed they are at this time.

However, they will not give up their superiority. Out of that cheap self-esteem, the increasingly fierce inferiority that is in trouble makes these practitioners extremely resentful. The surprising resentment makes them unable to find the source of resentment, so they can only resent the soldiers around them!

Qi Lekai stopped cursing at this time, and the wound on his stomach drained all his strength. His face became paler and his voice became weaker, but the loud curse turned into a low curse, and the people around him could still hear it.

"If you rough-skinned guys hadn't brought us here, how could I have been hurt..."

Hearing this sentence, the six practitioners raised their heads and looked at each other. From the eyes of others, I clearly saw a trace of cruelty!

Yes! They knew that the enemy's monsters were unfavorable to practitioners, but they still brought themselves to this dangerous situation. They did it on purpose! It's just to see the jokes of these people! Anyway, their skin is rough and thick, and they can't be broken. They would rather see their own embarrassment! How vicious the heart is!

It's just a look exchange of the thoughts of these practitioners, and the breath on their bodies suddenly changed.

How keenly Sun's breath is! He clearly felt a sense of anger behind him. This kind of anger can only break out in people who have not really seen the bloody danger. It is the kind of madness generated by people who have not experienced real suffering. However, there is no time to take care of these at this time, because after turning a corner, there is no way ahead!

The original path was suddenly interrupted, and the front was a weed that was no less than that on both sides!

Sun's face was even more gloomy and said, "Okay, it's obvious that he is going to play with me. Eagle, have we done anything wrong?

The scout called Little Eagle walked to Sun Yi and said, "Report to the general, there is no fork in this road at all. We are taking the one we came. And look!" With that, the little eagle pointed to a road on the edge of the barren grass in front of him: "I have been sprinkling some ashes of the straw cloth along the way. That piece of ashes is obviously what I just left. This road is good."

Sun nod his head and said, "Open the way and go back through the grass."

This temporary arrangement is just a blindfold. Whether the other party puts turf here or the ground on both sides is pushed over, they will eventually have to do something to the ground. As long as it is manually manipulated, the danger of grass will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the tactical significance of this grass is to deliberately let them set aside people to cut the grass, slow down their march, and attack at any time.

Six soldiers in front formed a triangular battle array and were on guard to cut forward at the same time. However, as soon as the first knife was cut out, an explosion was heard!

"Breaking grass!"

Blasting grass is one of the most dangerous plants in the wilderness. This grass can grow to more than one meter long, the straw is slender, and there will be circular expansions at intervals. Once a creature comes into contact with explosive grass, the swelling on it will explode! The hard shell on the expansion can easily hit the human body like a projectile, and what's more terrible is the poison splashed from the explosion! As long as the wound is stained with this venom, it will die in half a day!

However, this kind of explosive grass grows in the dark water and will not grow on the mountain at all! Moreover, if it hurts its unusually developed root system even more than five meters deep, the whole grass will explode completely! That is to say, this kind of blasting grass cannot be transplanted artificially at all!

Then why does this explosive grass grow here!

Sun Yi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart and hurriedly ordered several soldiers to deal with the venom on their bodies, and the others came forward to open their way.

There are countless extremely dangerous plants along the way, and they should not grow here. If ordinary people had died long ago, fortunately, these soldiers were all from the guard battalion. In one round, only two people were slightly injured.

However, they have driven 50 or 60 meters and still can't find the exit!

Sun Yi called Xiaoying to ask, and Xiaoying said, "General, you see, this ground is all the gravel road they paved. It can't be wrong. We are just moving along the trail of this road."

"They won't change the direction of the road?"

"No, I have always found the marks left before. Moreover, the stones of this road will not be shallower than half a meter. If you want to temporarily change the direction of the road, you will be beyond the reach of manpower.

But at this time, the soldier in front shouted, "The road ahead is broken!"

The two of them were heartbrosed when they heard the words and went forward to watch. Sure enough, the gravel road that the little eagle had been looking for suddenly broke!

The reference can no longer be found!

Sun Yi asked, "Didn't you say it can't be changed?"

Xiaoying couldn't figure it out at all and said, "But general, the sound of walking along the road means that the stones on this road are at least half a meter deep, and I will never fill in the wrong way!" Did they replace the upper layer of stones with soil?

Hearing this, Sun Yi took a deep breath and said, "Even if they replaced the stones with soil, in such a short time, they covered up all the traces so that we could not find them, and then made such a huge layout, what would you judge from these conditions?"

Little Eagle thought for a moment, and his face suddenly turned bad: "Are they deliberately playing us?"

Sun Yiyi: "If they can make such a arrangement, at least their combat effectiveness will not be bad. It should be that they don't want us to return and want us to go into the trap in front of us to reduce the war loss ratio.

"Then shall we continue to climb the mountain? Why don't you just break through the wilderness and walk back?"

"You all know how dangerous this wilderness is. Naturally, you can't break through. Expand the search scope and find the way to come. Be sure to find the previous path!"

However, the idea is beautiful and the reality is cruel. Almost everyone in the guard camp had minor injuries and opened a large open space of nearly 100 square meters. During this time, they even dug three feet of the ground, but they did not find any trace of their way!

(I moved home and came back~)